The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1526: With all due respect, you are not qualified

Chapter 1526 You Are Not Eligible

Fan Youmei was very moved. Fang Chuan directly killed the Ma family for her, and went against the Ma family.

However, she was also a little worried. Especially, she knew that the Ma family had a famous background!

The expressions of the four Liang Wenbo were not good, they did not expect that Fang Chuan would directly challenge the Ma family like this.

So many people don't say that there must be many secret methods in the Ma family that they have not used.

Once there is a real fight, the outcome is really difficult to tell.

Fang Chuan smiled and looked at Ma Yousan: "Since you choose this way, then I'm not welcome."


As soon as his voice fell, the whole person was like a flash of lightning. In the blink of an eye, he rushed to Ma Yousan and stretched out his hand. He grabbed Yosan Ma by the collar with one hand, and then lifted it gently. Ma Yousan's whole body shook suddenly, as helpless as in a storm!


"Stop it!"


All the people in the Ma family were very angry, and they planned to fight Fang Chuan desperately. However, Fang Chuan caught Ma Yousan with his hands. They immediately cast a rat avoidance!

Ma Yousan roared: "Mr. Qinglian, are you still coming out?"


At this moment, a terrible breath passed from the other direction of the house. This is a breath that surpasses all ordinary people!

It seems that the life level of the coming person has surpassed that of human beings!

For Taoist people, this is already a land immortal. Although he can't fly, his combat power is extremely powerful.

With a scream, a dazzling sword light burst out from a small door that was blasted open vigorously. Suddenly, the sword energy filled the whole room!

At that moment, it seemed that everything in this world had disappeared. Only this dazzling and splendid sword light is left!

This is already a super strong ancient martial arts swordsmanship, and every sword contains super strong sword energy. What kind of person is a person who can cultivate sword energy?

In an instant, there are very few people who can release so much sword energy.

This scene can only be seen on TV! All the characters, under this kind of sword aura, seem to become fans!

"Little friend, you are too arrogant. The Ma family has given you face, but you are aggressive. Don't you know that there is a sky outside the sky, and there are people outside the world?"

Every time this person said a word, the sword spirit in the room would become more vigorous. And his figure is closer to one point.

When his words were completely finished, the sky full of sharp, fierce sword aura had swept in front of Fang Chuan.

This man's swordsmanship is extremely clever. Although Fang Chuan was holding Ma Yousan, the sword energy he released was completely aimed at Fang Chuan. Moreover, there is a feeling that Fang Chuan is completely locked, and there is no way to escape.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

Jian Qi reached Fang Chuan's eyes in a blink of an eye, as if to penetrate him completely.


Fang Chuan knew that this person's cultivation base had already surpassed Hechang. He had to sigh, as expected, this Shanghai stock market hidden dragon and crouching tiger.

Just such a Ma family has such a powerful existence, which is different from Yizhou City!


His response is not slow! His divine consciousness had known for a long time that in that room, there was always someone watching here.

Therefore, when the sword energy of Mr. Qinglian was released, he had already made a defense and counterattack!

There was golden light in his hand. The formation of the demon mirror contained in his body was also activated, making his body protection skills more powerful.

Mr. Qinglian's sword aura, one after another, slashed on the golden light of Fang Chuan's body, making a harsh and ear-splitting sound, and it was completely impossible to break the defense!

More than a hundred sword auras were completely resisted by Fang Chuan's golden light. Mr. Qinglian's sword aura, Fang Chuan did not cause any harm.

"What?" A hint of shock appeared on Mr. Qinglian's face. He was very confident in his swordsmanship, killing demons and destroying ghosts, omnipotent!

Although the aura of this young man in front of him was strange, he was certain that he was still at the ninth level of Qi refining. However, how could he resist his sword energy!

Not only him, everyone present was shocked!

Whether it is from the Ma family, Fan Youmei, or Liang Wenbo.

When Mr. Qinglian's sword aura was aroused, all of them had one. Seeing this sword aura, it seemed as if they were about to be harvested.

They all thought that Fang Chuan might be hard to resist.

The Ma family even hoped that Fang Chuan would be killed by Mr. Qinglian's sword energy on the spot.

However, Fang Chuan was unscathed in the end.

"Mr. Qinglian?" Fang Chuan twitched his mouth and looked at the man in front of him. I saw this person, dressed like a scholar in ancient times, carrying a bright and bright purple sword in his hand.

He seems to be an extraordinary character from the TV, from ancient times, from the book of Shushan Qixia who returned to the original poster.

Powerful, but incompatible with modern society.

Fang Chuan smiled, then shook his head: "Sir, do you like Li Bai very much, otherwise, you wouldn't have this name. Unfortunately, your swordsmanship is still not good!"

"You!" Mr. Qing Lian was furious. However, he no longer had the kind of condescending, overlooking Fangchuan momentum.

Before him, Fang Chuan was disdainful. However, now, he has fully paid attention to Fang Chuan.

His infuriating energy shook on the sword, and after that, the sword showed a burst of purple light, which looked incredible.

He squinted his eyes and looked at Fang Chuan: "You are indeed beyond my imagination, but the trick just now is only 50% of my strength."

He stood tall, with an arrogant look: "Young man, you have to be forgiving and forgiving. I am in charge, and that's what happened today. And you, don't embarrass the Ma family, how about it?"

"Yes!" Ma Yousan nodded quickly, and he was also startled by Fang Chuan. He originally thought that Mr. Qing Lian would definitely win when he shot. However, things backfired.

Therefore, he didn't want to be too stiff with Fang Chuan!

Fang Chuan shook his head and looked at Mr. Qing Lian: "I'm sorry, with all due respect, you don't have the qualification to influence my thoughts."


Mr. Qing Lian was completely irritated. He was a master of foundation building, and he practiced a powerful Qing Lian swordsmanship.

Whether it's a monk, a monster, or an evil spirit, seeing his sword, none of them don't give face.

But the young man in front of him was too arrogant.

He slowly raised his sword: "In that case. Young man, put down Patriarch Ma, how about a contest between the two of us?"

"Do you want me to tell the truth?" Fang Chuan smiled and looked at Mr. Qing Lian with contempt.

Mr. Qinglian frowned: "What the truth."

"You are not my enemy of one move." Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, "Even if you are a little better than a foundation builder who was killed by me before, it's a pity that you haven't reached the level that makes me jealous."



"You are an insult to me!"

Mr. Qinglian is an independent person. In this world, relying on the resources provided by the family, he is constantly practicing swordsmanship. He is a person who wants to achieve the ultimate in swordsmanship.

He thinks highly of himself, how can he bear Fang Chuan's words!

The tip of his sword pointed at Fang Chuan: "If this is the case, let's see the real chapter under your hand! Let you know how terrifying my Qinglian Qijue Sword is!"

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