The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1522: My people dare to slander?

Chapter 1522 My people dare to slander?

Fang Chuan raised his brows, who was so bold and dared to do things in this prominent Ma family.

As soon as he swept away his consciousness, he immediately knew what was going on inside.

"These people are really tired of their lives!" Fang Chuan frowned. It turned out that he had seen the four people he had met at the Demon Clan Altar before.

At this moment, they are being chased by the Mafu in embarrassment.

"What's wrong?" Fan Youmei asked quickly.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "It's okay. It's just a few people who have met once and were chased and killed in the Mafu. Haha, it happens, I can borrow it."

He said, let Fan Youmei get out of the car with him and come to the front of the car.


At this time, the gate of Mafu was opened. Liang Wenbo took his three partners in embarrassment and stumbled out of it.

Liang Wenbo's foot was injured by Fang Chuan's punch. Even if one day passed, he was treated again, but he did not heal.

Lao Lin's spirit was much better. After all, Fang Chuan didn't kill him.


"Lao Lin, run with a small high, and I will break with Lao Liang!"

"No, let's run together!"

"The **** of the Ma family!"

These four people don't think they were fierce and old-fashioned before, but at this time, they still talk about loyalty.

Lao Lin didn't want to take Xiao Gao, and Xiao Gao didn't want to go.

"Don't let them run!"

"These four people are the ones the master wants. If they ran away, they would not be able to eat them and walk around."


There were shouts from inside, one by one loudly and aggressively, and after a while, they rushed out.

Liang Wenbo and the others ran under the big archway, but they saw Fang Chuan and the others. They were just stunned, and the people in the Mafu had already chased them out.

"Brother, help!" Liang Wenbo shouted quickly.

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth, waved his hand, and shot out an infuriating breath, knocking Liang Wenbo four directly to the ground. The four Liang Wenbo exclaimed, only feeling terrible. Xiao Gao scolded, and Fang Chuan was very dissatisfied.

"Shut up!" Fang Chuan snorted coldly, showing his momentum, and the scared Xiao Gao's curse was stagnant.

"Ha, let you run!"

"Give us back obediently!"

"Catch it!"

The Ma family rushed up, lined up, and greeted them, very happy about what happened to Liang Wenbo and the others.

A man headed by the Ma family, about forty, has a flat head and a cunning face.

He looked at Fang Chuan: "What do you call this, thank you for stopping the thief who invaded our house."

"My name is Fang Chuan." Fang Chuan waved lightly, "The current master of the Medical Sacred Mansion."

"Ah? A member of the Medical Sacred Mansion?" The man was called Ma Zhong, a servant of the Ma family, and was given the name of Ma by his master.

Fang Chuan said again: "However, the four thieves you mentioned are not thieves, but my subordinates!"

"What?" Ma Zhong couldn't understand even more, his face sank: "They are your subordinates? Impossible, then why did you knock them to the ground?"

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth twitched: "They do things badly, and they are being chased down by you people. It's a shame to me. How can I not punish them?"

He waved his hand: "However, my man, I can fight, but you can't fight either!"

Ma Zhong frowned and looked at Fang Chuan: "Mr. Fang, are you sure that these four people are from your Medical Sacred Mansion?"

"Right." Fang Chuan nodded.

"Brother, I'm sorry, we have made you shame!" Liang Wenbo also quickly got up, suppressing his inner joy, and quickly bowed to Fang Chuan to apologize. He knew Fang Chuan's abilities, as long as Fang Chuan took action, they would be saved.

"Go behind!" Fang Chuan drank coldly.

Except for Xiao Gao, Liang Wenbo and the others were originally old oils, and they understood immediately after hearing them, they quickly pulled Xiao Gao, who was unknown, and came behind Fang Chuan.

Ma Zhong looked embarrassed. As soon as Fang Chuan made a move, he knew that this man was no ordinary expert. Now, he is the boss of these four people, which makes him embarrassed.

He quickly said: "Whether they are your Mr. Fang's men or not, but the main person in our family, Mr. Fang, can't cover up. After all, they come to our Ma's house to steal things!"

"Stealing things?" Fang Chuan's eyes flickered, and with just one step, he arrived in front of Ma Zhong. The powerful momentum made this Ma Zhong almost unable to breathe.

He said coldly: "You say it again? What are they here for? Even my people dare to slander, don't you want to live anymore?"

Ma Zhong was taken aback for a moment, and the whole person was dumbfounded. Following that, he took a step back, but his leg softened, thumped and fell to the ground. He quickly got up from the ground again, his expression ugly.

The rest of the Ma family were also shocked by Fang Chuan's aura, so they didn't dare to say anything.

Although they have many people, who dares to say more?

Fang Chuan's mouth tickled: "Are you guilty first?"

"I--" Ma Zhong smiled bitterly, "Mr. Fang, you can't embarrass me as a servant? We can't let go of the main person in our family."

"Do you think I want you to let go?"

Fang Chuan sneered: "The people I want to take away need to report to you?"

"No, no!" Ma Zhong waved his hand quickly, "but, this, this..." He is a vicious slave, but in front of people like Fang Chuan, he doesn't dare to be arrogant.

Fang Chuan gave him a cold look: "You are a subordinate, so I don’t want to trouble you anymore. I'm here to talk to your Patriarch. I will give a report and say that Fang Chuan, the holy medical mansion, wants See your Patriarch."

"Yes, yes." Ma Zhong quickly agreed, and Fang Chuan arched his hands, and then smiled: "Mr. Fang, please wait a moment."

"Yeah." Fang Chuan responded indifferently.

Ma Zhong quickly turned around and said to his men: "You are here, stay with the guests, don't neglect."

"Yes." His subordinates, after hearing this, swallowed their saliva, and then glanced at Fang Chuan, full of fear. However, when the boss spoke, he couldn't resist.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "I want to talk to my subordinates, irrelevant people, get out."

"Okay, okay!" Ma Zhong originally kept people looking at Fang Chuan, but if Fang Chuan let them go, how dare he let people stay here.

With a wave of his hand, he took his people and quickly turned to their Mafu.

Ma Zhong swears that this is the first time he is so embarrassed and bullied by outsiders. This person is so arrogant in the Mafu's site.

He must go and say to the Patriarch, let the Patriarch decide, let the Patriarch find someone, and deal with this person properly.

He is afraid of Fang Chuan, but the Ma family may not be all afraid of him!

"What are you here for?" Fang Chuan waited for the Ma family to leave, turned around and looked at Liang Wenbo and the others coldly.

Liang Bowen and the others sighed: "Oh, before we went to the cave to explore treasures, we also accepted the commission of the master Ma Yousan, let us find something in that cave. But if you don't let us in, we won't Go in. I came to Master Ma today just to make it clear to him. But I didn't expect them to kill people..."

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