Chapter 1488

Boom, boom...

Inside the gate, there was a violent shock, as if the ground was about to be shattered.

A breath of sulfur passed from the room.

Suddenly, a horrible atmosphere filled the room.


This is a deep cry, like that demon fetus, through the control of Chen Yufen's body, using the throat.

This kind of sound, like a beast, made a warning sound when it was about to attack.

Gudong, Gudong...

A burst of energy hit the door, causing the door to beat rhythmically.

This rhythm can actually pull people's heartbeat.

The guard's face was getting worse and worse, and cold sweat was coming out of him. It was obvious that his heart rhythm was out of balance.

He is nervous!

"Xiaochuan..." Secretary Tie couldn't help feeling nervous.

Fang Chuan smiled: "It was originally to warn us, but he himself got to the place where he shouldn't be, so I can't blame me."

He paused: "What's more, they are not at odds with us!"


As soon as his voice fell, the whole person rushed out, banging the door directly with a heavy punch.

A torrent of power exploded as the door of the room blasted in.

The shattered wood chips on the door of the room formed a powerful force, which revolved and penetrated, and slammed into the door.


Another Chen Yufen appeared in Fang Chuan's vision.

Her body was burning with flames.

Her face was extremely hideous.

She is no longer a person, but a demon, exuding a murderous aura.

Her fist with flames blasted on Fang Chuan's fist strength, making an ear-splitting roar.

A power vortex formed between them.


The sound that was so sharp that it made people’s ears exploded, suddenly passed from Chen Yufen’s mouth, like countless needles, piercing Fang Chuan’s scalp.

This is a ferocious mental attack.

However, Fang Chuan possesses an altered spiritual sense, and this mental attack has absolutely no effect on him.


His divine consciousness swept across Chen Yufen's body, and that divine consciousness full of soul-storing power had a great influence on Chen Yufen immediately.

Chen Yufen's whole body is frozen!


Fang Chuan punched it so fast and extremely ferociously that he blasted on Chen Yufen's body in the blink of an eye, blasting Chen Yufen out.

With a loud noise, the wall was smashed into a hole by Chen Yufen's body.

A spider web-like crack, centered on Chen Yufen, cracked open.

Chen Yufen spit out blood and lit the ground with a little flame.

His punch almost wiped out Chen Yufen's vitality.

She is still alive because of this magic fetus.

Fang Chuan has already understood that the reason why this magic tire can shield his spiritual consciousness is because it also possesses extremely strong spiritual power.

Demon races that can use mental power are not common among demons.

"Human, I remember you!" The sharp voice was transmitted to Fang Chuan's mind in the form of mental power.


There was another scream and flame, rushing out of Chen Yufen's body, and then soaring into the sky, exuding blood, disappearing.

"Run again!"

Fang Chuan frowned!

This magic tire ran away and was more difficult to chase than the last one, because it could shield Fang Chuan's consciousness.

Moreover, its speed is very fast, almost reaching Mach two.

The most important thing is that Fang Chuan did not dare to chase.

Because if the demonic tire tuned the tiger away from the mountain and swallowed the Iron Secretary, it would be terrible.

Fang Chuan turned around and returned to Secretary Tie's side: "That demon ran away, Chen Yufen, she is dead."

"Dead!" Secretary Tie frowned.

Afterwards, he sighed: "This is something that can't be helped. I think when the Demon Race finds her, she is already dead."

"Yes." Fang Chuan nodded, "Once you are attached to your body by a magic fetus, it is difficult to survive."

"Then..." Secretary Tie's expression changed abruptly, "Is Rouer also possessed by the Demon Race?"

Fang Chuan's face was also ugly.

He shook his head: "Let's not guess randomly."

He thought for a moment: "Well, let me first set up a formation for your home to withstand the invasion of the demons."

"Good!" Secretary Tie nodded.

He was very anxious. Although he wanted Fang Chuan to visit Tie Rou'er first, he was also worried about his family.

In the unlikely event that the demon came back suddenly, everyone in the family might not be spared.

For the first time, he felt that this world was so dangerous.

Fang Chuan quickly took out some jade pieces and an array plate from the mustard space, and set up a simple defensive array in Secretary Tie's house.

This formation has a strong ability to sense the demon. It was developed by a master of formation when they were fighting against the demon, and it can sense the existence of demon energy.

Its defense is limited, but it can produce vigilance.

Fang Chuan finished all this and came to Secretary Tie's side: "I have set up a formation, but if you find a problem, notify me immediately. Because this formation is also limited."

"Understood." Secretary Tie nodded, "Xiaochuan, thank you very much. I didn't expect such a demon lurking in the house."

He said to the guard again: "Xiaoyu, you will immediately call someone to deal with it. As for Xiaofen's funeral, you also help me take care of it. However, today's affairs must be blocked."

"Yes!" The guard Xiaoyu quickly saluted.

Afterwards, Fang Chuan and Secretary Tie went out, got in Secretary Tie's car, and went to the General Hospital of the Military Region.

Secretary Tie was obviously nervous.

Fang Chuan knew that he was nervous about Tie Rou'er.

He sighed and didn't know how to persuade him, because he didn't know exactly what happened to Tie Rou'er.

Moreover, his heart is full of doubts.

The Demon Clan was clearly sealed by them, and after he became the Immortal Venerable, he often gave his will to let the masters of the world pay attention to the Demon Clan's seal.

Because the demon is too harmful to humans.

However, the demons appeared on the earth one after another.

If the magic tire takes shape, it will be even more difficult to deal with.

Moreover, the most critical point is that if the consciousness of the devil fetus is fully mature, it will seize the body of a certain head of state and initiate a full-scale war.

As a result, there will be more and more negative energy on the earth, and the growth and reproduction ability of the demons will become faster and faster.

At that time, the entire earth will fall into infinite terror.

Therefore, the most important thing for Fang Chuan now is to understand what is going on and why there is such a thing!

Where did the seal of the demons go wrong?


Along the way, the car fell into a weird silence, Fang Chuan and Secretary Tie didn't say a word, each had their own concerns.

After a while, their car stopped in front of the General Hospital of the Military Region.

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