Chapter 1482

When the reporter heard this, he couldn't help but frowned.

Yu Wenhao gave a dry cough and looked at Fang Chuan: "Sir, I don't know what you have to do with Chuan Ran's restaurant? Why do you use this method to intimidate the parties?"

His question was somewhat misleading and tricky.

Everyone also looked at Fang Chuan, and they seemed to have completely stood on the opposite side of Chuan Ran's restaurant.

Fang Chuan smiled: "Why do you have to understand my identity? Maybe I'm just a fan of Chuan Ran's restaurant?"

The corner of his mouth clicked: "No matter what you say, we still have to show evidence, or use the most scientific way to solve this problem."

He looked at the lobby manager again: "I will provide you with a polygraph agency free of charge to figure out this matter. What do you think?"

"Sir..." The lobby manager frowned, "This is our Chuan Ran Restaurant's business, so don't bother you."

"Oh?" Fang Chuan raised his brows: "So, are you unwilling to figure out the truth?"

He paused for a moment and said slowly, "Perhaps, you are a group with them, are you here to make Chuan Ran's reputation bad?"

"Ah, this is really possible!"

"There was a problem with this person's performance just now. Although he didn't admit it, he obviously has a tendency to induce!"

"You said, did they do things with Yu Wenhao!"

"That's terrible!"

The melon-eating crowd has a very obvious characteristic, that is, they are easily guided, as long as there is a new argument, they will immediately stand in line.

When Fang Chuan said that, they were a little bit paradoxical!

However, this is also normal. After all, humans are social animals, and in many cases they follow the trend.

Yu Wenhao's face suddenly turned ugly.

He sneered: "This gentleman, you may be accused of defamation if you do this."


Fang Chuan's mouth twitched and looked at Yu Wenhao: "I haven't talked about you yet, you just jumped out in such a hurry, isn't it a guilty conscience?"

He waved his hand: "It's okay, you want to sue me for defamation, yes, I won't bother you, I call the police, how about?"

He glanced at the lobby manager: "What do you think?"

"You, you..." The lobby manager heard that, suddenly feeling empty.

Yu Wenhao sneered, "What do you want to do? It's your business, and it doesn't have much to do with us."

He looked disdainful: "You want to call the police, there is no problem at all."

"Okay!" Fang Chuan smiled, immediately took out the phone, and was about to call Luo Zhengliang.

He is serious this time!

He rarely came to Chuan Ran's restaurant once, but encountered such a thing.

He hadn't come out just now, just wanted to see how the staff at Chuan Ran's Restaurant dealt with this kind of problem.

Unexpectedly, he saw a good show.

He could tell at a glance that this Yu Wenhao was obviously the mastermind, and the others had been deliberately arranged by him.

Even the reporter, he arranged it.

His purpose, he didn't know whether it was to mess with Chuan Ran's restaurant or what.

However, Fang Chuan certainly would not let them go.

"Sir, you are too broad-minded!" The lobby manager himself has a mediocre psychological quality, and only relying on seniority and cleverness did he get to this position.

When he heard that Fang Chuan was about to call the police, he thought of the polygraph agency Fang Chuan had just proposed. He panicked!

He doesn't want this to cause the police!

If you make trouble to the police, it is tantamount to having a criminal record, and which company or restaurant organization will require people like him in the future.

He was in a hurry, and walked out quickly, and he was about to reach out to grab Fang Chuan's phone.

Yu Wenhao frowned when he saw it. He knew that the lobby manager would make a move.

However, he has no choice.

"I am in charge?" Fang Chuan couldn't help but smile, one side of his body easily avoided the hand of the lobby manager, and smiled: "You take my money and manage my shop, but you eat inside and out, helping others. To ruin the reputation of our Sichuan restaurant?"

The corner of his mouth hooked: "You are too courageous!"


When the lobby manager heard this, he couldn't help but stunned: "You, are you Mr. Fang?"

Fang Chuan smiled: "I am Fang Chuan!"


The lobby manager was so frightened that his legs became weak, and he collapsed on the ground, his face extremely pale.

He regrets so much now.

The reason why he agreed to Yu Wenhao before was entirely because the remuneration given by Yu Wenhao was almost equivalent to his one-year income.

Moreover, he also knew that Sai Yanran was busy with other stores recently, and Fang Chuan, the boss, couldn't come.

Even if he does this, others will only treat him as inappropriate and will be fired at most.

However, how did he expect that he would be caught by Fang Chuan!

Who is Fang Chuan? These employees often discuss in private.

Some well-informed employees often talk to them about Fang Chuan's identity. One of them is the boss of Fang Group.

There is no one who is a little confused about the society who does not know the Fang Group.

The Fang Group is now the most powerful organization in Yizhou City.

The owner of their Chuan Ran Restaurant is also the owner of the Fang Group.

However, they also know that this Chuan Ran Restaurant is the owner's woman, who runs a shop for fun.

That's why the lobby manager felt that even if something went wrong, Fang Chuan could not be involved.

Of course, if Fang Chuan did not come today, he might be fine.

Who told him to point his back?

"Fang Chuan? Boss?"

The big man who made trouble before sneered and said: "So you are the owner of this Chuan Ran Restaurant, so that's even better!"

He pointed to Fang Chuan: "You almost scared you just now. Regardless of what you are doing today, you have to spend one hundred thousand!"

He dismissed it with a smile: "Otherwise, if today's events are passed on, your Chuan Ran Restaurant will probably lose that amount."

Yu Wenhao is a foreigner, of course he doesn't know Fang Chuan's name.

He knew that if he didn't break the boat at this moment, then his plan would fall short.

He pointed to the reporter and said: "Boss Fang, this reporter also took down what your employees said just now. What happened today is obviously that yours is wrong. The polygraph agency is not your final say."

He proudly said: "Of course, I am also a public figure. I know a lot of TV hosts. Think about it, if they ferment this matter, how much influence will your Sichuan restaurant have?"

He waved his hand: "You think about it!"

When Fang Chuan heard this, he knew that he was being unreasonable and threatening.

He looked at the reporter with a tick at the corner of his mouth: "He said you want to report on me?"

"No, no—" The reporter waved his hand quickly, "I have no definitive proof that there is a problem with your Chuan Ran restaurant!"

"Huh?" Fang Chuan frowned.

The reporter hurriedly said: "Oh! No! Alas! Let me tell you, Yu Wenhao arranged for me to come over today. How did I know that I can meet you, Mr. Fang?"

"You nonsense!" Yu Wenhao's face changed suddenly, and he shouted.

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