The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1470: Complete fusion

Chapter 1470

The magic weapon of life is a very important magic weapon for a cultivator.

Not only can it improve with the level of the cultivator, but because it is one with the human treasure of the cultivator, when the cultivator falls, it can extract the soul of the cultivator and gradually bring people back to life.

This is equivalent to having a second life.

Not only that, but some cultivators used their own destiny magic weapons to refine the second clone.

However, the higher the natal magic weapon, the greater the benefit to the cultivator.

In a person's life, when he cultivates to the Immortal Venerable, he can only have three magic weapons at most.

Therefore, the average cultivator is very cautious about choosing the magic weapon of his life.

Generally, the first natal magic weapon for those who are qualified to cultivate is the best treasure, and even some powerful people will choose the low-grade fairy.

The monks born in the fairy world, because of good conditions, will choose middle-grade and top-grade fairy artifacts.

That's no small matter!

Originally, Fang Chuan just thought that his first magic weapon of life had chosen a superb magic weapon, which was a bit annoying.

But following him, I found the difference.

The magic weapon of life is only connected with the human blood, and when used, it is easy to use, and even increases in power.

However, he is now fully integrated with the best refining mirror.

He felt that the formation inside the best refining mirror was fused into his body, and he was a magic weapon in himself.

Moreover, his muscles and bones were also fused with the materials of the demon mirror during the time he was in a coma.

It can be said that his muscles and bones are now as strong as the ultimate magic weapon.

"What's going on? It's impossible to happen!" Fang Chuan was also trapped as Xianzun II.

This has refreshed his worldview.

This seems impossible!

But it happened again.

He took a deep breath and began to deduction.

It didn't take long before he seemed to understand.

First, when this superb refining demon mirror was being repaired, he incorporated a good thing like Tianling Ironwood, which could integrate all materials in the world.

Second, it incorporates a very special golden light from the Shifang Yuxi.

Third, that is his physique has been changed, but he still doesn't know how much the purple blood has had on him.

He didn't even know what kind of talent the purple blood physique contained.

Now, he seems to understand a little bit.

"Although I don't know if it is good or bad, but for me, it is always good!"

A gleam of light flashed in Fang Chuan's eyes, "I am worrying about how to improve my body when facing thunder. Now, since I have become a magic weapon, then I dare to try!"

When he made a fist, the whole cave made a loud bang, which shows how much his strength has increased.

A tick at the corner of his mouth: "Then, when my cultivation base reaches the realm of Immortal Venerable, my body will also reach the realm of Emperor Grade Immortal Tool!"

However, he soon discovered that to gain something, he must lose something.

Because his dantian was fused with the best refining demon mirror, it was not known how many times it was enlarged, and its firmness did not know how many times it was enlarged.

In this case--

Although he possessed dozens of times the true aura of the same realm, he could fight for a very long time.

However, if he wants to break through, it is many times more difficult than people of the same realm.

He had been in contact with the critical point of foundation building before, but now, he is farther away.

If it were replaced by someone else, it would be impossible for a lifetime to break through on the earth, a place lacking aura.

However, fortunately, he is Xianzun II and has many ways.

The breakthrough and foundation building were only slightly delayed.

All in all, the current situation is already very good for him, and his strength has increased more than ten times.

Just using his body to fight Hechang, I'm afraid he can easily defeat Hechang.

You know, he is one of humanity and treasure.

He Changzai is strong, but he may not be able to break his defense.

Now, even if the armor-piercing bullets hit the sky, it would not cause substantial damage to the opponent.

His eyes were filled with strong confidence.

He clicked the corner of his mouth and swept away his spiritual sense, and immediately found that Li Xing was still in a coma. Emperor Hu De hurriedly ran in from outside the cave.


He shook his figure, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed to the front of Emperor Hood.

His speed reached a speed of 1.5 Mach, which is equivalent to 1.5 times the speed of sound.

This is the speed at which he runs!

His promotion like this is simply terrifying, for some ordinary warriors, this is simply a nightmare.

"Emperor Hood, what's wrong?" He stood in front of Emperor Hood and asked lightly.


Emperor Hu made a big jump, his hair and clothes were all messed up by the wind brought by Fang Chuan's running.

He fixed his eyes on Fang Chuan, and breathed a sigh of relief: "Master Patriarch, you finally wake up."

He paused: "Someone was below just now and was always asking Master Patriarch your news, but I dare not say that they found it just now, as if they were chasing me."


Fang Chuan nodded, and followed, his consciousness swept away.

Because of the fusion with the best refining demon mirror, his spiritual consciousness has increased by many times, and the radius of ten kilometers is within his surveillance range.

At this moment, he discovered that several people in Taoist robes were rushing here.

The breath of these people is obviously from Taibai Mountain, Xuande Dongtian.

However, among these few people, there is another person who was held hostage by them, who turned out to be Dao Yuyangzi!

Anger flashed in Fang Chuan's eyes.

He frowned: "These people are looking for death!"

"Master Zu, what's the matter?" Hu Dedi was surprised.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "It's okay, let's go and rescue your master first."

"Yes!" Hu Dedi hurriedly said with excitement: "Master, like Grand Master, you have not woken up after passing out. Thank goodness, Grand Master, you are awake, otherwise, I can't imagine what will happen!"

Fang Chuan patted Emperor Hu De on the shoulder: "Don't worry, as long as I'm here, no one will have trouble."

"Yes." Hu Dedi nodded quickly.

The young man in front of him is very capable, and the man who is very admirable has almost become his belief.

This shot of Fang Chuan, I don't know how much confidence he gave to Emperor Hu De.

Afterwards, they returned to the alchemy room together and came to the place where Li Xing was.

Li Xing's spirit body flashed and extinguished, and it seemed to be about to dissipate.

Fang Chuan's face is not good, because Li Xing is equivalent to his first disciple and a loyal subordinate.

Now that he saw Li Xing like this, he was naturally very uncomfortable.

Li Xing is almost dying now!

With a wave of his hand, an aura full of vitality covered Li Xing's body, following his divine consciousness, soaking into Li Xing's spiritual body.

His current divine consciousness and functions are much more powerful than before.

Li Xing's spirit body shone brightly in a moment, and after that, he returned to its original state, and he floated slightly and stood up.

"Ah, boss? Are you okay?" Li Xing's memory still stayed before.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Of course it's okay."

He said again: "Now someone is coming to provoke us, go, and teach them a lesson!"

As he said, he was holding Emperor Hood in one hand, the imperial wind technique blessed his legs, and he ran wildly with physical strength.


His speed reached Mach 2, which is equivalent to twice the speed of sound.

too fast!

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