Chapter 1468

In King Dan's cave, there was a sound of peaceful footsteps.

He often looks around, and becomes more disappointed as he goes.

Because he found that inside this cave, except for the formation at the door, it was just like some ordinary cave houses.

Here, there is no sign of inheritance at all.

However, fortunately, the aura from the demon refining mirror in the alchemy room has always attracted him.

He quickly came to his living area, and walked around in the surrounding stone chambers, only to find one or two bottles of Li Xing's medicine.

Although these medicinal herbs also have a great effect on He Changzai.

However, what he wants is a technique!

He frowned, put the pill bottle in his trouser pocket, then turned and walked over to the alchemy room.

"Even if there is no inheritance, at least it can destroy this kind of kid's plan, it is still good." He Changzai coldly snorted, crossed a tunnel tunnel, and came to the door of the alchemy room.

"Huh?" He saw Li Xing, and saw Emperor Hu De, "Where is Fang Chuan?"

Li Xing looked at He Changzhe. He was already spiritually cultivating. He was not as scared as a ghost for the dragon-like masculine aura of He Changzhe.

However, he still felt depressed.

And a constant look can make him lose the ability to act.

When Emperor Hood saw and was always there, his heart trembled.

It was the first time that he saw such a terrible person. The last time he went to the world to get medicine, he had never met such a person.

He couldn't help taking a sip of water.

Li Xing finally recovered and looked at and often said, "Who is your Excellency? Why do you want to break into our King Dan Cave?"

He Changzai clicked the corner of his mouth and looked at the Shimen in the alchemy room: "Is he inside? Are you delaying him?"

"You--" Li Xing felt that this person was not only terrible in terms of cultivation, but also extremely terrifying in terms of city mansion and mentality.

He Changzai said again: "So it seems that he is doing something to deal with me. It shouldn't be successful yet. It will take some time?"

He smiled: "No chance, I'm already here."

He said, drumming his dantian vigorously, and his voice was like a thunder explosion. "Fang Chuan, please listen to me. I promised the Tie Family not to move you within a week, but he didn't say me. Can't stop your plan."

Boom, boom...

His deafening voice shook the cave tremblingly, some rocks fell on the ground, and the dust rose up.

Li Xing said angrily: "This is our Pill King Cave, how can you allow you to be presumptuous!"

As he said, with a wave of his hand, he would cast his spell to attack and stay.


He Changzai's eyes drenched, as if a cold light flashed in his eyes, and then, his terrifying will, if it had substance, blasted Li Xing's body.

This is the witness!

Just a moment, Li Xing's whole body was struck by lightning, and he let out a scream, and he flew out, hit the ground, and passed out.

"Master!" Emperor Hu De was furious, and quickly took out the jade talisman he had prepared long ago, and tossed it at He Changzai.

Hu Hu Hu-

A jade talisman contains thunder talisman and fire talisman. Once it bursts out of power, it is still very scary.

Hechang sneered, and the whole person disappeared.

"Huh?" Hu Dedi frowned.

Boom, boom...

The thunder talisman and the fire talisman smashed into the ground and exploded, exploding the hard rock cave into a deep pit, and the whole cave was shaking.


A trace of ominous flashes flashed in Emperor Hood's heart, but at this moment, He Changzai had already appeared behind Emperor Hood.

With a flick of a hand knife, Emperor Ho fell to the ground.

He Changzai glanced at Emperor Hu De, and smiled contemptuously: "If it weren't for you, for the sake of treating me with Heji, you are already dead."

Although he said so, in fact, he is not grateful.

He Changzai doesn't know what gratitude is.

He didn't want Emperor Ho to die, because Emperor Ho was so weak that there might not be room for resistance in his hands.

After he cleaned up Fang Chuan, he would be able to extract many secrets from Emperor Hu De.

Moreover, Emperor Hu De is a member of the medical family, which will also be beneficial to the development of Hutchison.

"Although it has been delayed for a while, there should be no problem." He Changzai clapped his hands, and then walked to Shimen.

He felt that the aura of the refining mirror was constantly changing, but it was very unstable. Obviously Fang Chuan was still doing something.

Only when this breath stabilizes, what Fang Chuan has done may take shape.

He still has time now.

Indeed, he still has a lot of time now, although Fang Chuan has already begun to burn his spiritual consciousness, speeding up the transformation of the central formation.

However, after all, it is the refining of the best instruments.

With his current cultivation base, it is still a lot worse.

Originally, if he worked slowly with water milling, within a day, as long as there were no accidents, he would be able to refining success.

Now, it's almost like being ordered in danger!

Time is still not enough!

He had heard Hechang's footsteps and stopped at the door of the alchemy room.


He Chang blasted a terrible force in the palm of his hand, and after that, Shimen was instantly blasted to pieces, and blocks of boulders blasted in all directions.

Fang Chuan was sitting cross-legged in front of the huge cauldron, with a golden mirror floating in front of him.

This mirror is the mirror for refining the demon!

"It turns out that I was playing with this thing!" He Changzai frowned, and he also felt the terrifying power of this magic mirror.

He felt even more that he was right.

He took a step forward, but was a little cautious, for fear that there would be another formation arranged for him by Fang Chuan.

After walking for a while, he found that there was no formation around here.

He looked at Fang Chuan: "Boy, I knew you were doing a ghost. I didn't expect it to be a legendary refining tool. Where did you learn it?"

Fang Chuan ignored him at all.

His mind at the moment was completely immersed in the demon-refining mirror, and that formation was being activated little by little, one formation connected to another formation.

The central formation is about to be transformed.

The ultimate demon mirror is about to be born!

"Don't speak?" He Changzai was actually testing Fang Chuan. "If you don't speak, it means that you are at a critical juncture."

He smiled: "Then let me see, in your state, can you take me a palm!"


He Changzai is also a ruthless person, so he didn't say much, he immediately urged his energy in the air, and patted it with one palm.

This palm exploded vigorously, the air was compressed, and dozens of tons of force were shot out.

"not good!"

Fang Chuan originally wanted to respond to the ever-changing with the unchanging, hope and permanence are inherently suspicious, as long as he gives him a little more time, he can handle it.

However, He Changzai is really true, and there are not many people who say bad things.

In this case, he couldn't get up to fight, even if he fights, he is not a constant opponent.

However, if you don't fight back, then the best-grade demon mirror will fall short, and it will be hard to find the broken high-grade magic weapon, and it will be destroyed.

Waiting for the end of the week, waiting for him, is the chase and kill with Chang.

Then, everything about him will disappear because of harmony.

"In this case, don't blame me!" Fang Chuan's eyes dazzled, really desperate!

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