The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1464: improve quality

Chapter 1464

Not to mention Li Xing, even Fang Chuan is very happy and looking forward to it.

Although he used to have, he didn't know how many top-grade immortal implements, Wang-rank immortal implements, and even imperial-rank immortal implements, as well as artifact fragments.

However, that was the last life.

And in this life, this ultimate magic weapon can be said to be the best magic weapon he has ever encountered.

This is also the magic weapon most useful to him!


He waved his hand, and then, the cauldron was opened by him, and the demon refining mirror shone with white light, burst out of the furnace and came into Fang Chuan's hand.

Fang Chuan's zhenqi suddenly poured into it, activating the formation in the demon mirror.

The demon refining mirror suddenly rose sharply, and the entire alchemy room was filled with its light, and the breath was so powerful that it made people breathe.

This is the power of high-grade magical artifacts.

The gossip plate in Fang Chuan's hand is already the best among the middle-grade magical artifacts, but once it is photographed by the demon mirror, its internal formation will be suppressed and fall to the ground, which is of no use.

This demon mirror can not only strike opponents at a long distance with the internal attributes of the five elements, but it can also conquer and shock their souls.

Of course, as a top-grade magic weapon used to smash people, its power will naturally not be lower than the gossip pan.

However, when used like that, it is a bit violent.

After a while, Fang Chuan withdrew his true energy, and the Demon Refining Mirror returned to its original state.

He smiled, and then said to Li Xing next to him: "I am not absolutely sure about refining the best magic weapon this time, and you can't help, so I won't let you look on, so as not to distract me."

He said again: "After I break through, you can watch and learn the techniques of refining when I refining the ultimate magic weapon."

"Yes!" Li Xing nodded quickly, although he was a little disappointed, but he also understood that this is related to the boss's major business, how can he interrupt casually.

In fact, Emperor Hu De didn't have much interest in refining tools, he only loved alchemy.

He also hurried to the end: "The disciple understands."

Then Fang Chuan waved his hand to let them all leave.

Fang Chuan was left alone in the alchemy room. He released the magic mirror, floated the mirror in front of him, and waved his hand.

Brush and brush——

Several more things appeared in front of him.

These things are the spawning stone, the ten square jade seal, and the large piece of heavenly spirit iron wood.

The spiritual energy contained in the Tianling Iron Wood is very domineering, and immediately agitated the air in the entire alchemy room.

The spawning stone on the side was also swayed.

However, the Shifang Yuxi gleamed, and it directly suppressed the aura that was excited by the heavenly spirit iron wood.

Ten square jade seals are even better.

Fang Chuan waved his left hand, a surge of true energy swept the Shifang Yuxi, flew over the demon mirror, and then the golden light poured down.

During this period of time, a lot of golden light has condensed on the ten square jade seals, some of them were stored in Fangchuan before, and some of them were medicines recently sold by Yunchuan Group, which cured people's diseases. People are grateful because of the good quality and low price. And produced.

These golden lights are quite a lot.

In a moment, all the golden light spilled onto the demon refining mirror.

Shit la Shit...

The demon mirror obviously also liked the golden light very much. When the golden light fell on its mirror body, it would absorb it bit by bit.

Although, it was completely wrapped in golden light and floated automatically.

The formation and texture of the demon mirror began to change accordingly.

This is a change that even Fang Chuan can't understand, but it does help improve the quality of the demon mirror.

However, all of this was in Fang Chuan's expectation.

He no longer cares about the situation there, but spread his hands, two pill fires surged out of his palms, swept across the iron wood of the heavenly spirit.

Chi Chi Chi Chi...

Tianling Ironwood is extremely hard, but Fang Chuan's pill fire can melt 90% of the world's things.

Although his current level was a little lower, Lingtiemu still had no problem this day.

Little by little the world passed.

The outer shell of Tianling Ironwood was melted beepingly, and, under the burning of the pill fire, it turned into ashes.

About an hour later, the outer shell of Tianling Ironwood had completely melted, and the crystal nucleus inside appeared!

The one-man Tianling Ironwood finally got a crystal nucleus that was only more than twenty centimeters long and had a thick arm.

However, it is enough for refining the best magical instruments.

It took him another two hours to melt the hard and strong Tianling Ironwood crystal core into liquid.

At this time, he was already a little tired.

Refining this advanced material is also very time-consuming and energy-consuming.

However, because of the previous experience, the current exhaustion is nothing.

Next, he used the same method to refine the birthstone.

The hardness of the spawning stone was not weaker than the crystal core of Tianling Ironwood, but because it was smaller, it did not make Fang Chuan too troublesome.

Two clusters of liquid emitting yellow and brown light float on Fang Chuan's palm.

The golden light of the refining demon mirror body is even more dazzling.

The next thing Fang Chuan had to do was to fuse the demon mirror, the birthstone, and the iron wood crystal core of the heavenly spirit, and then engrave and expand the formation with his divine consciousness.

The previous process requires only a little divine knowledge and a lot of true energy, but engraving the formation requires a huge amount of mental power.

That's the test!


Fang Chuan let out a loud roar, and at the same time, his true energy and divine consciousness fully poured out, acting on these three objects.

These three objects approached little by little.

However, because of their own attributes have a certain conflict, so there is a kind of resistance between them.

However, this little power, under the influence of Fang Chuan's true energy and divine consciousness, also appeared to be very small.


It took a full ten minutes, and the three objects leaned against each other, and then emitted a dazzling light.

Under Fang Chuan's control, they merge little by little.


Fang Chuan's hands slammed, throwing a ball of pill fire, and then his hands kept playing refining techniques.

The pill fire kept burning the demon refining mirror.

These three objects are constantly fused under the influence of Fang Chuan's refining techniques.

But towards the end, the demon-refining mirror jumped harder, as if it would explode anytime and anywhere.

Fang Chuan's cold sweat came down, and this was only the second step, which already made him feel an extreme crisis.

If there is an explosion, the entire Fengqi Mountain will explode into dust, not to mention Fengqi Village at the bottom of the mountain.

However, Fang Chuan's confidence has not been lost, he knows that he can do it!

The refining technique in his hand is playing faster!

Hu Hu Hu-

The pill fire was blazing, and now it had completely wrapped the magic mirror.

The true energy produced by the refining technique is constantly immersed in the refining mirror, just like an ordinary blacksmith beating a weapon.

Once at a time……

With almost every breath, he has to play hundreds of hands.

His hands are moving at a high speed.

Dangdang's voice was transmitted inside the demon mirror.

Its external quality is improving little by little!

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