The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1462: Frame up good people?

Chapter 1462 Frame Up Good People?

"I saw it, that's Wang Youzhe, Prince Wang!"

"Yes, he is a celebrity on the Internet. I usually see him so powerful, but I didn't expect to have such a hobby!"

"I have taken the photo and posted it to Weibo!"

"Me too, alas, what a coincidence!"

Everyone watched Wang Youzhe swiftly running across the stage. Accompanied by the dynamic music, it was an extraordinary catwalk show.

This process lasted for nearly a minute!

The Weibo screen was quickly swiped by this message, and the video was completely free of mosaics, so it could be said to be high-definition and uncoded.

Wang Youzhe was quickly on the hot search, and the ranking continues to rise.

Fang Chuan also turned off the camera function and posted Wang Youzhe's runway show on his Weibo.

Liu Menglu seemed to be particularly concerned about him, and less than a minute after he posted on Weibo, he also reposted this Weibo.

These two tens of millions, and especially for Liu Menglu, a high-profile goddess-level star, it is conceivable how widely broadcast a piece of her news is.

Moreover, she also has a great ability to guide.

After she reposted Fang Chuan's Weibo, tens of thousands of people immediately reposted her Weibo.

In this way, Wang Youzhe's hot search ranking quickly rushed to the first place.

Wang Youzhe didn't have time to go to Weibo at all, and he didn't dare to think about the consequences of this incident. He just wanted to find some clothes to wear.

So, he rushed into the backstage just like this, causing the people in the backstage to jump around.

Some people even wanted to take out their mobile phones to take pictures, but they were scolded by him.

His Wang Youzhe's prestige has no effect here in Fangchuan, but it is still very useful for ordinary people.

Therefore, these people did not dare to continue after hearing his scolding.

However, this simply cannot prevent Wang Youzhe from spreading across the network.

Soon, he snatched a suit of clothes from a male employee, and then beat him to vent.

However, he had just beaten someone, and Luo Zhengliang had already arrived backstage with the police.

"Mr. Wang Youzhe, you are suspected of endangering the safety of others, you have been arrested!" Luo Zhengliang took out one of his documents and showed it in front of Wang Youzhe.

"Do you dare to catch me?" Wang Youzhe just put on his clothes and was about to call someone to deal with the trouble on Weibo. At this time, Luo Zhengliang stopped him. How could he not be angry.

He thought that Luo Zhengliang was an ordinary policeman.

"He is a policeman. You have done something illegal, so why can't you be arrested? Do you think you want to look handsome?"

At this time, Fang Chuan had come backstage, with a smile on his face, looking at Wang Youzhe.

Wang Youzhe was so angry when he saw Fang Chuan, it was this guy who made him lose such a big face, and he might not have the face to go out in the future.

He angrily said: "You broken policemen are here just right!"

He pointed to Fang Chuan: "This is the person who stripped me naked and threw me on the stage. He also broke the law. You will arrest him immediately!"

How could Luo Zhengliang catch Fang Chuan?

What's more, he has no evidence.

He shook his head: "You have to show evidence, otherwise, we can't arrest people with just a word of you."

"Evidence, I am the evidence!" Wang Youzhe said loudly.

Fang Chuan laughed: "Boss Wang, do you think this country belongs to your family? Can you order anyone? I asked them to arrest you. It must be because I have evidence that you just murdered us. And, you were here just now. Robbing things and beating people in the background, but there are videos in the background."

"Dare they take it out?" Wang Youzhe sneered, then looked at the staff with swollen nose and swollen nose, and said viciously: "Did I hit you just now?"

Although the staff member was full of resentment, he hurriedly waved his head: "No!"

Wang Youzhe laughed and said, "Look, there is no evidence."

Fang Chuan waved his hand, and a notebook connected to the backstage monitor fell into his hand under the influence of his imperial wind technique.

He quickly called up the video and showed it to Wang Youzhe: "Look, that naked person, who is not you?"

Wang Youzhe's face was ugly to the extreme.

Afterwards, Fang Chuan called out the video on the phone again: "Look, this sneaky, entered our room and stunned us, who is it?"

"I just came to your room because you seemed to have a problem!" Wang Youzhe quickly quibbleed, "I picked up that bottle!"

"is it?"

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth, and took out an atomized bottle from the mustard space and another small bottle.

That little bottle, and half a bottle of special potion.

He smiled: "There are your fingerprints on it, you can't escape."

He looked at Luo Zhengliang: "Captain Luo, this person will be handed over to you. If he is only released for one day, he will be irresponsible to me as a citizen!"

Luo Zhengliang heard it and nodded immediately: "Of course there is no problem with this!"

Fang Chuan glanced at Wang Youzhe and then smiled: "By the way, this person has a very bad plot. I think he should not be allowed to contact or meet with anyone within 24 hours. Am I right?"

"Very right." Luo Zheng nodded brightly.

Wang Youzhe understood right away that Fang Chuan wanted to punish him.

Let him not meet with his own people for twenty-four hours, then what happened just now will have a greater impact once it ferments.

Fang Chuan is trying to make him completely faceless!

He said angrily: "You are in collusion, you are trying to frame me as a good person!"

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help showing contemptuous expressions.

He Wang Youzhe is simply a bully, and he even claims to be a good person.

However, everyone could only slander secretly, and they didn't dare to say this in front of Wang Youzhe, because they were just ordinary people, and they were eating together.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Captain Luo, take him away, this man is really bad."

"Yeah." Luo Zheng nodded brightly, and then turned around to let Wang Youzhe go straight away.

That grievance in Wang Youzhe's heart.

Although it was he who wanted to murder Fang Chuan and the others before, it was an attempt and failed.

However, it is true that Fang Chuan killed him so badly!

He is the victim!

While cursing, he gradually disappeared into the background.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Fang Chuan. They only felt that the person in front of them was so powerful that even people like Wang Youzhe could deal with it.

The person who was beaten by Wang Youzhe also looked at Fang Chuan with gratitude.

Begging in society, sometimes, there is indeed no dignity at all.

However, deep down in everyone's heart, there is self-esteem.

However, not everyone can show their self-esteem, because society is very cruel.

Now, Fang Chuan avenged him, how could he not be grateful to Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, glanced at them, and left the backstage.

Now, the affairs of Wang Youzhe have been rioted. People are talking about Wang Youzhe everywhere, and Wang Youzhe's reputation has been completely stigmatized.

"This Fang Chuan is terrible, right?" Song Que and Mo Shaochong, who were watching the live broadcast of the stage in Wang Youzhe's room, couldn't help but numb their scalp!

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