Chapter 1459 Calling Grandpa!

Wang Youzhe's face has been lost, he no longer intends to continue confronting Fang Chuan here, but wants to continue thinking about ways to deal with Fang Chuan.

However, Fang Chuan had already shot.

"Dare you!" Wang Youzhe roared. He hadn't met anyone who dared to do something to him.

However, he met today.


Fang Chuan didn't pay attention to him at all, just grabbed him by the collar, gently lifted him up.

The collar strangled Wang Youzhe's neck, which immediately made him feel like he was hanging himself, and his speech was a little uncomfortable.

"Let me down, otherwise, I want you to die without a place to die!" he roared.

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched and looked at Wang Youzhe who was furious: "At this moment, your life is in my hands. What confidence do you have to scream?"

"Do you dare to kill me?" Wang Youzhe sneered: "You dare not! The power of our Wang family, you go to find out, ha ha, I am the young master of the Wang family, do you know the consequences of killing me?"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "I still have a certain understanding of your Wang family."

It turned out that the Shanghai Wang Family where Wang Youzhe is located is the Wang Family where Wang Changfeng is located.

And this Wang Youzhe is a direct line of the Wang family.

His identity is naturally extraordinary, otherwise it would be impossible for Song Que to be such a proud person as a dog.

"It's good if you know!" Wang Youzhe was actually not afraid, but only angry. He never thought that someone would dare to kill him.

It is precisely because of this kind of thinking that he is so unscrupulous, domineering, bullying men and women.

He sneered: "You know what, you have committed a capital crime now, if you put me down, kneel down, and give me all your FC team, I can spare your life."

Fang Chuan couldn't help but smile: "You might still be alive in your dream, right? You think I let Mo Shao live with them, so I dare not kill them?"

He shook his head: "It's just that I am in a good mood. If I want to kill, there is no one in this world that I can't kill."

As he said, he let go of his hand and then snapped his fingers on Wang Youzhe's throat.

At this moment, Wang Youzhe suffocated his whole body, breathing to the extreme, and his face paled.

He felt this way for the first time, and he was suddenly scared.

"You... let go... me!" He shouted very hard, with anger, but also with a trace of fear.

His eyeballs were a little protruding, and he looked at Fang Chuan fiercely, like a fisheye.

"Call Grandpa, call Grandpa and I will let you go!" Fang Chuan twitched his mouth and looked at Wang Youzhe.

"You--" Wang Youzhe was even more angry. He didn't expect that this person would actually make such a request, which was simply too much.

However, the feeling of suffocation is getting stronger and stronger, just like a drowning person, it is almost unbearable.

He struggled, but it didn't help.

"This Fang Chuan is really bold!"

"Damn it, the thief **** out!"

Song Que and Mo Shaochong saw the scene before them. Although they didn't speak, they were gloating in their hearts.

What Wang Youzhe said just now was too insulting.

Therefore, they are very upset.

Now, with Fang Chuan's hand, being able to see this scene is simply relieved.

They also want to see if this Wang Youzhe is going to be called Grandpa Fang Chuan.

Of course, they also wanted to see if Wang Youzhe didn't call him Grandpa Fang Chuan, then would Fang Chuan kill this bitch.

They are extremely looking forward to it!

"Call, or not?" A light flashed across Fang Chuan's face.

Wang Youzhe is also struggling.

His heart is extremely proud, if this grandpa yelled out, he would really be dishonored and lose face.

However, if he doesn't sweep, if this stunned Qingyi really killed him, wouldn't he be at a loss?

His heart was tangled wildly.

However, the feeling of suffocation also made him extremely uncomfortable.

His scalp was already numb, and a feeling of fear poured into his heart, making him panic.

Slowly, his heart was completely filled with this panic.

"My name!" He clenched his fist hard, "Grandpa!"


The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth twitched and he threw Wang Youzhe on the ground, condescendingly: "I didn't hear him clearly."

He paused: "Kneel on the ground and call."

His tone was full of commands!

Wang Youzhe's mind was in chaos at this moment. Before he could catch his breath, he suddenly heard Fang Chuan's majestic voice.

As if he had been caught by an evil spirit, he clicked and knelt on the ground: "Grandpa!"

"I fuck!"

"This Fang Chuan is really unattractive!"

The expressions of Song Que and Mo Shaochong became very exciting. Hearing that Wang Youzhe called Fang Chuan, they were extremely relieved.

But at the same time, I also understand that the beams of these two people may be knotted.

At this moment, Wang Youzhe also reacted and stood up quickly, his face as ugly as pig liver.

However, he didn't say anything immediately. He wasn't a pure stupid, but he was too bloated and arrogant before.

He looked at Fang Chuan: "Is there anything else?"

He didn't expect that coming here would be a shame for himself!

"Of course there is!" Fang Chuan smiled faintly and looked at Wang Youzhe, "Listen well!"

Wang Youzhe looked at Fang Chuan with a dark face.

Fang Chuan's eyes flashed: "I heard that you sent someone to trouble my team members and threatened them with their family members. This makes me very angry."

He paused: "Let me just say that. I will immediately send people to their hometown, next to their families, and secretly protect them. If I find that someone is targeting them, I will not only get rid of all the people you sent. , And I will leave you scars that will never be remembered."

The corner of his mouth hooked: "Don't think I'm a joke, I'm a person, I do what I say."

His voice is not loud, but there is a creepy chill in his tone.

Wang Youzhe, a brave person, couldn't help being shuddered when he heard it, and he fully understood that Fang Chuan was not talking about it.

He frowned. Originally, he was going to use this method to dig people from the FC team.

Moreover, when Fang Chuan was talking just now, he thought he had found Fang Chuan's weakness.

Unexpectedly, Fang Chuan would send someone over, so that the situation would not be under his control.

However, at this time, he certainly wanted to agree.

Otherwise, he doesn't know what kind of insult Fang Chuan will face next.

He regrets coming to this room, but now he has no choice but to make a false impression with this kid.

He frowned and said, "I know, I will arrange it."

He said again: "If there is nothing else, then leave."

It was as if he had been pierced with knives one after another in his heart, a shame he had never experienced.

He will definitely find a way to pay it back.

Fang Chuan glanced at Wang Youzhe, how could he not feel the resentment in his heart.

However, he did not take it seriously.

He waved his hand: "It's okay, you can go away."

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