The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1452: Representing justice

Chapter 1452

"The Royal Secret Art of the Demon Race——The Disintegration Art of the Balrog?"

Fang Chuan in his previous life had very rich experience in fighting against the demons. He immediately sensed that this demonic fetus was going crazy.

He wanted to sacrifice all of Wang Changfeng's blood to obtain the power of the Gorefiend, and then defeat Fang Chuan in one fell swoop.

Although Fang Chuan didn't know what kind of power this would be, he could feel that his situation was already very dangerous now.

His brow furrowed, his body was filled with golden light, and at the same time, his hands quickly made one mark after another.

These two people are comparing speed!

If Fang Chuan was slow, he might have to seriously injure this devil's secret technique.

He had already penetrated the devil's idea, to abandon Wang Changfeng's body, wound him Fang Chuan, and then take Fang Chuan's body.

The devil is so smart, it is natural to see that Fang Chuan's body has much more potential than Wang Changfeng's body.

However, Fang Chuan is now trying his best to use his hand tricks, which is to use Chaos Shenshu's strongest power in the realm of Qi refining.

This kind of power is almost comparable, and the people who built the base stage used this trick.

This ability comes entirely from the fact that Fang Chuan's understanding of these spells has reached a level that ordinary people cannot reach.

The light on the two people was very dazzling in the air.

One is full of bright white light, as if it represents absolute justice.

The other, full of blood, represents evil.

Chiff, chick——

The light on Fang Chuan's body became more and more bright, and a wave of violent spiritual power gradually spread around his body.

At this time, the devil has already felt the crisis.

However, every blood cell in the devil's body has already boiled, as if from an ancient space, energy that makes the scalp numb was transmitted.

A **** color gradually enveloped the devil's body.

The people around saw this scene and felt extremely dangerous.

Although they are all ordinary people, they all have an instinct for life and death crisis.

At this time, they didn't have the time to take pictures and video.

They hurriedly backed away, not even the car!

Slow to say, in fact, it takes only half a minute.

At this time, a huge gust of wind had emerged around him, and half of the sky was covered with blood and white light.


Fang Chuan's hand art was finally finished at this moment, and after that, with a bang, he finally pushed it out.

Suddenly, the terrifying mental power from him blasted into Wang Changfeng's body.


The devil had already accumulated the greatest strength and asked Fang Chuan to carry out a terrifying penetrating attack, but after all, he was still a step slower.

Just a moment, the **** light on his body gradually faded, and the blood cells in his body gradually calmed down.

However, at this time, he had no time to control Wang Changfeng's body.

Fang Chuan's terrifying spiritual power has penetrated into the spirit of the devil, forming a terrible impact.

He uttered a sharp cry, which surpassed all human and animal calls and made everyone's scalp numb.

Some people even lost consciousness completely after only listening, and fell to the ground, bleeding from their seven orifices.

Countless hallucinations appeared in some people's minds, and their spirits were greatly impacted.

Even Fang Chuan frowned, feeling his brain as uncomfortable as if he had been severely beaten with a hammer.


Wang Changfeng's whole body was smashed to the ground.

call out--

A black ray of light rushed out of Wang Changfeng's body in a blink of an eye, rushed straight into the sky, and then turned into something like six meteors, rushing in six directions.

In a flash, disappeared.

"No, did he run away?" Kong Xiuxiu frowned. She could feel the horror of this devil better than others.

Moreover, she had seen this scene on TV, so she hurriedly asked questions.

Fang Chuan nodded: "Yes, I ran away. Besides, I have no way to chase after it. This is a secret technique unique to their demons."

As he said, he waved his hand, a strong wind swept Wang Changfeng, and then walked in the wind, disappearing at an extremely fast speed.

"People are gone..."

"Well, is what happened just now true?"

"Oh my God!"

There are still some people who have not fainted. However, their brains are still a mess at the moment, and they can't judge at all whether they had a dream or what.

Not long after, Fang Chuan returned to Wang Changfeng's villa and threw the dying Wang Changfeng on the sofa.

Afterwards, he called Luo Zhengliang and told him what had just happened.

Although Luo Zhengliang is an ordinary person, his status is not ordinary, and he is not only the boss of the agency that supervises the public security system.

Moreover, he is also responsible for the handling of some special events.

He immediately understood what Fang Chuan meant, and quickly replied: "Mr. Fang, you leave this to me to deal with. I can guarantee that there will be no documents or videos about entering the door on the Internet."

He said again: "Moreover, those present will definitely forget what happened today."

Obviously, he is very experienced in this area.

Fang Chuan understood what he said. Perhaps in Yizhou City, such supernatural events happened that violated people's worldview.

And why no one has reported it, this is because they have been dealt with similar to those in black in the movie.

The difference is that the men in black in the movie deal with alien incidents, while they deal with supernatural incidents.

This is why, in people's memory, there is always awe of ghosts and gods, but they always don't believe it.

It is very possible that people don’t know how many similar things they have experienced over the years.

Their memories are deleted or sealed, making them feel ambiguous about these things.

In any case, Fang Chuan is very relieved to hand this matter to Luo Zhengliang.

"Okay, then I will trouble you." Fang Chuan smiled faintly.

Luo Zhengliang quickly said: "Mr. Fang, if you encounter this kind of thing in the future, please tell me as soon as possible to reduce the impact of this kind of thing on the lives of ordinary people."

"Well, thank you." Fang Chuan responded politely.

Luo Zhengliang hurriedly smiled and said, "I want to thank you for your cooperation. Although we are interfering with ordinary people, we are also to protect them. If we let them know what they cannot accept, the society will slowly decline. Stable, then their lives will become more and more complicated."

"Good." Fang Chuan didn't say much, and then hung up the phone.

In fact, he also understands that ordinary people know these things, but there is no benefit, because even if they know, they are just ordinary people after all.

They will disrupt their lives without affecting people like Fang Chuan.

He smiled, and then he turned his gaze to Wang Changfeng.

"Brother Xiaochuan, do you want to save him?" Kong Xiuxiu has no good impression of Wang Changfeng.

Fang Chuan nodded: "You still have to save. The secrets in him are related to the safety of the entire planet."

As he said, he was about to do it, and at this time, the phone rang in the room.

After scanning Fang Chuan's consciousness, he found the surviving cell phone in the corner!

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