The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1443: Below 100 million, I am not interested

Chapter 1443 I am not interested


Yu Dongshan is very angry, but now he is forced by Fang Chuan to have no choice, because he is such a son.

Although he is usually very strict with this guy, he is pinning everything on this son.

If Fang Chuan really does something and turns Yu Liwen into an idiot, then he really cannot accept it.

He looked at Fang Chuan fiercely: "You must do this too much?"

"Isn't it because you are too far ahead?" Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, "Not willing?"

"Come on, what's the price?" Although Yu Dongshan was unwilling, he could only admit it.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly and looked up and down at Yu Dongshan: "Looking at you like this, you don't have much money, just one hundred million."

"You--" Yu Dongshan was too angry, just 100 million?

If Yu Dongshan could draw a hundred million anytime and anywhere, would he be angry for twenty million?

He waved his hand: "This won't work. My family doesn't have that much money. If you give you 100 million, my family will be completely finished!"

"No?" Fang Chuan's mouth twitched: "If it doesn't work, then forget it, let me punish myself. I can't get a hundred million, and I say it's a rich man?"

While mocking Yu Dongshan in his mouth, he walked over to Yu Dongshan and his son.

Yu Dongshan's heart suddenly tightened.

Every step Fang Chuan took, the tremendous pressure brought to him made his heart tremble constantly.

His mind was constantly turning, thinking of various ways.

However, he found that in front of this person, his methods were useless at all.

Fang Chuan has already walked in front of them.

He smiled faintly: "If this is the case, then I'm not welcome, so let's choose one, who becomes an idiot?"

Yu Dongshan looked at Fang Chuan, gritted his teeth, in a cold sweat: "Can't you let us go? I'm paying 50 million, this is my bottom line!"

Fang Chuan shook his head: "I am not interested in incomes below 100 million. I spend 100 million whatever I want."

He smiled: "Answer my question!"

"You--" Yu Dongshan felt that his heart was about to jump out.

He looked at Fang Chuan fiercely, thinking in his heart, if Fang Chuan must choose one of them to become an idiot.

The first thing he thought of was to make Yu Liwen an idiot.

Because Yu Liwen, a prodigal son, couldn't support this family at all.

Yu Liwen was trembling all over, seeing Fang Chuan so fierce that he had completely lost Fang Cun.

He quickly pulled Yu Dongshan: "Dad, I don't want to be an idiot, I'm still young, I'm still young, Dad..."

When Yu Dongshan heard it, he was even more angry.

He turned his head abruptly, and slapped Yu Liwen's face again with a slap in the face: "Damn, you mean, I have to take care of the things you provoke?"

He kicked again, kicked Yu Liwen's stomach fiercely, and cursed: "Why do I have a son like you, do you want me to become an idiot for you?"

Yu Liwen fell to the ground, looking at Yu Dongshan's ferocious appearance, and remembering that Fang Chuan was about to turn him into an idiot.

This is equivalent to that he, a normal person, is no longer there.

He went all out!

He stood up and stared at Yu Dongshan fiercely: "Yu Dongshan! Are you still embarrassed to say me? If it weren't for you, I would have become like this?"

He gritted his teeth: "It's the fault of my father. You either beat or scolded me! Say I'm worthless every day! Yes, I'm worthless now!"

"I went to Yizhou University, you got it!"

"I don't know anything about the company at home!"

"I just like spending time and wine!"

"Do you know why this is? It's because you often compare me with others, and often say that I am a trash!"

"Hehe! Yu Dongshan, I'm a waste now, what can you do to me? Are you the one who regrets it?"

"Do you remember how good I was? Just because of one failure, you punched and kicked me! Do you know, I did this on purpose, hahaha..."

Yu Liwen yelled hysterically, as if to vent his resentment over the years.

When Yu Dongshan listened, he was stunned.

He had never seen him before, and Yu Liwen dared to resist him, and even called his name in front of outsiders.

he is very angry!

He was so angry that he almost forgot what Yu Liwen had just said.

He never thought about what he did wrong. He didn't think about what Yu Liwen needed. He only knew what he needed.

He slapped and kicked Yu Liwen fiercely, and cursed: "You bastard! You dare to talk to Lao Tzu like this, are you tired of living?"

As he said, he threw himself up, punching and kicking Yu Liwen again: "Which time did I beat you for your good? When did I say you were not for your good?"

"Don't you thank me so much, and deliberately embarrass me, deliberately cause some trouble, you shouldn't be alive in this world!"

He was beating while cursing, and after a while, Yu Liwen was beaten to the ground.

He twitched, tears in his eyes, and he laughed: "So what, haha, now it's fine, you want to be the last! Haha..."

Yu Dongshan didn’t even feel anymore. He turned around and said coldly to Fang Chuan: “Since Mr. Fang likes to turn people into idiots, then please please, my son, I don’t want it anymore. His business, I It doesn't matter."

As he said, he strode outside.

As he walked, he said to the subordinates who had just gotten up: "Leave one of you, and when this rebellious son turns into an idiot, take him back so as not to be embarrassed here."

After finishing speaking, he actually pushed open the sliding door and left.

"This—" Kong Xiuxiu was stunned.

In her worldview, shouldn't every parent do it for their children?

Isn't every parent unwilling to hurt their children?

Although it is wrong for Yu Liwen to do this, it is also wrong for Yu Dongshan to do it!

She suddenly felt sorry for this Yu Liwen!

Therefore, there is a reason why this person is so tyrannical and improper.

Fang Chuan's mouth ticked: "Interesting."

He looked at Yu Liwen: "Maybe your dad thought that if you make a noise like this, I won't turn you into an idiot."

He paused: "It's a pity, I'm not that kind of bad guy. If he doesn't pay, I will do what I say."

He smiled and said, "However, I will give you a chance. Although I have turned you into an idiot, I will let you wake up, let you see the people around you, and your attitude towards you. ,that must be very interesting."

"No, don't..." Yu Liwen roared: "You killed me directly, or let me never wake up for the rest of my life, I hate this world!"

He didn't want to be sober for a moment!

He would rather be crazy than die.

Fang Chuan shook his head: "How could I agree to your request? It was such a happy decision, and you have no right to choose."

As he said, he waved his hand, and his infuriating agitated over.

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