The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1430: Are you scared?

Chapter 1430 Are You Scared?


Fang Chuan's voice fell, and Feng Yunzi and his two nephews were knocked into the air by the two magical weapons released by Fang Chuan.

Feng Yunzi's Xuantian Peach Wood Sword was just a low-grade magic weapon. It was hit by a middle-grade magic weapon with a gossip plate, and it broke every moment.

He was blasted out and fell to the ground, his internal organs were shaken and he vomited blood.

And his two nephews were even more unbearable, and they were directly penetrated through the shoulder blades by Feijian, and uttered a terrible cry.

They were rushed for a distance by the flying sword, and then fell to the ground, blood flowing out.

Their hands are shaking.

"This is, what is this?"

"It seems to be... Senior Brother Yao Dezi's flying sword!"

"Why is this thing in this cave?"

"No, it's our enemy!"

These two people fell on the ground and saw the flying sword floating in front of them, and they immediately recognized that this is not Yao Dezi's flying sword?

They suddenly became flustered, and then saw Fang Chuan appear in the stone room.

They looked carefully, and their hearts were ashamed!

"It's you!" Feng Yunzi was also distraught. He didn't expect that in this cave, he would meet their opponent this time.

When they came, Fang Chuan's photos had already been seen many times, and they had already remembered them.

His hands were also shaking, pointing at Fang Chuan, with an unbelievable expression: "You, why are"

In his eyes, this is the Ancient Cave Mansion, and it took him a lot of effort to break the formation outside.

Fang Chuan is obviously a person of the 21st century, how could he be in this cave?

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, with a hint of indifference: "This is my Dongfu, why can't I be here?"

"Impossible!" Feng Yunzi shook his head in surprise, "How could this be your cave? The formation outside is as good as before, indicating that no one broke in at all, it's impossible..."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "I forgot to tell you, the formation you think is very powerful, but I just arranged it casually."


Feng Yunzi was even more unbelievable. He shook his head, "It's impossible, it's impossible! How old are you? Even the elders of Xuande Dongtian can't arrange such a powerful formation!"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "I don't need you to believe it."

He paused, his gaze swept over Feng Yunzi, and he smiled slightly: "I heard that you came to me this time? Is it for Yao Dezi and the others?"

"You killed my two nephews?" Feng Yunzi frowned.

Fang Chuan nodded: "They have offended me many times, wanting to **** my things, and have to find death, can anyone blame it?"

"Do you know the position of our Xuande Dongtian in the Dongtian Fudi?" Feng Yunzi said quickly.

Fang Chuan laughed loudly, then his gaze fell on Feng Yunzi's body: "You are scared, you are beginning to lift out the forces behind you."

He followed his eyes with the killing intent: "You guessed right, none of you can leave my cave today."

"Do you dare!" Feng Yunzi was frightened, her expressions and expressions violent, but she was strong from the outside.

Fang Chuan couldn't see his tricks, and smiled faintly: "You know that I dare, Yao Dezi and Yan Zhuozi kill, and you also kill!"

"I am different from them!" Feng Yunzi pretended to explain calmly, "They are only a third-generation disciple, and I am a second-generation disciple. My importance is much higher than them."

He took a deep breath: "And if I die, your trouble will be big."

Fang Chuan smiled: "If you don't kill you, will Xuande Dongtian let me go? What's more, it's a bit good for me if I don't kill you."

"I can give you the secrets of our Xuande Dongtian." Feng Yunzi said hurriedly, "I know, you don't have many secrets for casual cultivation. Without secrets, it's a dead end, right?"


Fang Chuan couldn't help laughing: "You give me the cheats? No, I can't use up my cheats."

He paused and waved his hand: "Stop talking nonsense, you can die."

"Then it depends on who dies!"

Feng Yunzi snorted coldly. It turned out that everything he just said was delaying time and brewing the most powerful talisman in his hand.

Just now, while talking to Fang Chuan, he pinched his fingers, smeared blood on the talisman, and then passed the true energy to it.

Suddenly, in his hand, a blue talisman that was neither gold nor iron, as thin as a cicada's wings, appeared, shining with thunderous light.

He jumped up, and then slammed Fang Chuan over.

The energy contained in this is probably equivalent to the explosion of twenty or thirty grenade, or even more than that.

This bombing will destroy the entire cave.

He was determined to die and wanted to die with Fang Chuan.

This Fengyunzi is also a ruthless person.

"You think too much. Any small movements you make are in my grasp."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, not chaos in the face of danger, and then with a wave, the divine sense controlled the infuriating energy and used it at once.

Zhen Qi submerged in this thunder talisman, between the electric light and flint, and directly erased the lines in this thunder talisman.

Following that, Fang Chuan flicked his fingers, and hit the talisman with a wave of real energy.

Kang Dang——

Fu Bao became a piece of scrap iron and fell to the ground.

Feng Yunzi's heart suddenly twitched!

"You—" He was angry and shocked. He didn't expect that the ultimate move he was brewing would be broken by Fang Chuan.

Following that, he was desperate and no longer had any confidence.

He fluttered and knelt on the ground: "Senior, I'm sorry, I have no eyes, I offended you! Since you are the master of this cave, you must be a respected person. I am such a villain, you let me go!"

He saw that Fang Chuan could turn the talisman into **** with a wave of his hand, as long as Fang Chuan was the Yuan Ying monk who survived the ancient times.

He also guessed that this cultivator Nascent Soul might have suffered serious injuries during that catastrophe, and now needs to recover.

Therefore, he quickly interceded.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "You people in Xuande Cave Heaven are so spineless? I remember that the Taoists of Baiyun Temple under the jurisdiction of Xuande Cave Heaven are all righteous and full of character."

"Yes, I have no spine for me!" Feng Yunzi nodded quickly, in order to survive, he has no spine anymore.

He is a true cultivator, and everything in the world is centered on him.

His life surpassed everything else.

This can be reflected in many cultivators.

Fang Chuan had learned before, the extreme selfishness and self-protection of some cultivators.

These people, generally speaking, will live longer, but the demons are heavier.

Fang Chuan shook his head: "You might think that I am really a respected senior, and you think I will be softhearted."

He chuckled: "It's a pity, I see a lot of people like you. Treachery, ungratefulness, inconsistency."

Then, his eyes flickered: "Now letting you go, it's tantamount to one more threat. I don't kill you, I can only say that I am stupid!"


With a wave of his hand, Fei Jian suddenly screamed and rushed towards Feng Yunzi at an extremely fast speed.

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