Chapter 1423

He Changzai gives face to Secretary Tie, but he doesn't listen to Secretary Tie. After all, he has more power than ordinary people.

He can compromise within the scope, but he will never let it go.

Secretary Tie waved his hand: "Of course not, I just want to ask the old man, how can the grievances between you be resolved!"

He Changzhe listened, glanced at Fang Chuan, and smiled disdainfully: "Resolve grievances with him? Secretary Tie, this is impossible. Please don't bother about this."

How could he resolve grievances with Fang Chuan?

Now it is no longer a matter of grievances, but the secret of his breakthrough through Fang Chuan.

Otherwise, he will be exhausted in a few years.

Secretary Tie frowned. He didn't expect that Fang Chuan's conflict with He Changzai had become so deep.

He thought about it, and was about to speak.

Fang Chuan grabbed Secretary Tie and said in a low voice, "Secretary Tie, he can't let me go."

"How is that good?" Secretary Tie certainly knew how terrifying this peace is. If he was worried about him, Fang Chuan might not have to live.

Fang Chuan smiled and said, "Secretary Tie, just trouble you and help me delay a few days."

When Secretary Tie heard this, he immediately understood and could not help nodding.

He turned to look at Hechang: "With the old man, I don't want to know about your contradiction. As a personal person, I ask you for personal affection."

"I know." He Changzai's face was uncertain, and he looked at Fang Chuan: "I know what you mean. You want me to give this kid a few days."

He snorted coldly: "Okay, I'll give you a face to Secretary Iron. I won't go to him within a week, how about?"

Secretary Tie looked back at Fang Chuan: "What?"

"Enough." Fang Chuan smiled, nodded, and then looked at He Changzai: "A week is completely enough."

He Changzai sneered: "I will give you a week to prepare for your funeral. Next time, Secretary Tie, even if General Tie comes, I won't give face."

Secretary Tie frowned, but still said: "At that time, our Tie Family will not participate in your affairs."

"Okay!" He Changzai glanced at Fang Chuan coldly, his face was full of murderousness, and then he snorted coldly, "Secretary Tie, goodbye!"

After speaking, he strode to the door.

He Yulong glanced at Fang Chuan, and Fang Chuan admired him very much. This was equivalent to Fang Chuan getting the news in advance and setting up a round.

His ancestors and Changzhe also suffered at this time.

He suddenly understood that Fang Chuan not only possessed super strength, but also in the strategy aspect, he did not lose to anyone.

If this person can really live, it would be terrible.

Of course he couldn't say more, turned around and stayed with him, and left the villa.

The villa living room is now in a panic, almost equivalent to being demolished.

Soon, there came and often the sound of them driving away.

Secretary Tie looked at Fang Chuan with a solemn expression, "Xiaochuan, why did you get into this and always? He is an old monster."

"This is also something that can't be helped." Fang Chuan shook his head, saved him and stayed there, and said again how he contradicted Hutchison.

Secretary Tie listened and sighed: "He is always here, this is the kind of person who is ungrateful and will avenge revenge."

He shook his head again: "However, I can't do anything with him."

Fang Chuan smiled and respectfully said: "Secretary Tie, thank you very much this time. You saved me once, and then our two families will clarify it!"

Secretary Tie waved his hand: "Where is this? I'm still late. Fortunately, you can hold it. Otherwise, it would be useless for me to come."

He looked at Fang Chuan again: "Is there enough time for a week? Are you planning to fight or running?"

"Run?" Fang Chuan shook his head, "If I want to run, he and Changzai can't stop me."

He paused: "My foundation is in Yizhou City. I ran away, and a year of hard work was wasted. Moreover, there are my confidantes and my brothers who can't leave."

"That's the same." Secretary Tie nodded, and then his eyes lit up: "I have a way to prevent Hechang from moving you."

"What way?" Fang Chuan was just curious.

Secretary Tie smiled and said, "I recommend that you join the National Special Security Group. At that time, He Changzai would not dare to touch your hair."

"I know that." Fang Chuan smiled: "When I was in the country of Japan, I ran into someone from a special security group and worked with me."

He waved his hand: "You can rest assured, Secretary Tie, I have been racing with Hechang, but let him run ahead."

The corner of his mouth clicked: "I'm only a few days away. After a few days, He Changzai saw me running away."

"Really?" Secretary Tie was surprised, and looked at Fang Chuan up and down, "That He Changzai is an old monster!"

Fang Chuan smiled: "You can rest assured, Secretary Tie, I know it in my heart."

"That's good." Secretary Tie didn't intend to ask the question to the end. Since Fang Chuan said that, he naturally made sense.

He waved his hand: "I still have a meeting today, and the provincial party committee is waiting for me. I'm leaving first and contact me if I have something to do. You can also think about the thing I said before, and you can tell me at any time. ."

"Thank you Secretary Tie." Fang Chuan was still very grateful for Secretary Tie's enthusiasm.

After a while, Secretary Tie took his people away.

Fang Chuan frowned while sitting on the sofa.

Fortunately, he got the news ahead of time today, and then borrowed the influence of Secretary Tie to win a week.

Within this week, he must refine the best magical tools, otherwise, he will not be able to overcome and stay.

He already understood that now is the time to race against time.

He stood up, made a call to the men of the Fang Group who was guarding outside, and asked them to call someone to clean up the house.

In addition, he hurriedly called Leng Yiye and told him within a week not to act rashly and let the entire Fang Group recuperate, waiting for his news.

Later, after calling Yu Xiaoxiao and briefly talking about the battle that took place today and what he might not be free recently, he immediately set off and flew to Chishui County.

The situation was urgent, he didn't say anything, but went straight to King Pill Cave.

Danwang Cave is now very well built by Li Xing, and it can be said that it has completely developed in the direction of the heaven and the blessed land.

This cave is more and more filled with aura.

In the alchemy room, ground fire was drawn up, making the entire cave dry and full of masculinity.

Although Li Xing is a ghost, he has gradually transformed the ghost into a spirit body because he has practiced the ghost cultivation technique Fang Chuan gave him.

Therefore, the attributes of ghosts can be restrained, but he cannot be restrained.

He is already equivalent to the level of the mountain god's land in ancient times.


Fang Chuan landed in front of King Dan's cave at a very fast speed, and easily passed through the formation at the entrance of King Dan's cave.

He entered the cave, Li Xing and Hu Dedi heard the movement and hurried over.

"No need to be polite." Fang Chuan waved his hand, stopping the two of them saluting, "Immediately set the fire on the ground and open the furnace."

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