The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1416: Regret and despair

Chapter 1416 Regret And Despair

Fang Chuan fought against someone weaker than him, and of course he shot directly until he was defeated.

And if he is better than him, or threatens him to a certain extent, he of course has to count as an exhaustive plan, or find the best solution in the worst environment.

Therefore, when he agreed to cooperate with the two of Jason, he had already considered how he would control the situation if they wanted to fight back.

If he didn't even have this ability, how could he climb from the bottom cultivator to the top Xianzun in his previous life?

After listening to Fang Chuan's words, the two Jason's expressions were suddenly hard to see the extreme.

They never expected that Fang Chuan would have such a powerful method to make them poisoned invisible.

Although they still have combat effectiveness, even they are still strong.

However, in the battle between the masters, Jason and Frazier's nervous reaction was so slow that they had only a dead end.

After all, they knew that Fang Chuan's combat effectiveness was also very strong.

Fraser said quickly: "Mr. Fang, we just have to abide by our agreement, don't you believe Mr. Fang?"

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth and looked at Fraser: "What did you do for me? Well, how about I send you to the central island?"

"You--" Fraser was a little angry. He had already assessed the danger factor of the central island and knew that it was dangerous.

He looked at Fang Chuan: "You have disturbed the calm of the island now, let's go up again, don't we let those giant beasts attack?"

He waved his hand: "If Mr. Fang does not intend to abide by the agreement, then forget it, only if we have no eyes."

He was righteous and awe-inspiring. In fact, he was not calculating Fang Chuan secretly, he would **** all the spoils of Fang Chuan if he had the opportunity.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "What is our agreement? It was you who assisted me, but you did not assist me. Instead, they were chased like bereaved dogs by those giants."

He paused: "Don't always use your failures to forcefully claim credit."

He waved his hand: "What's more, if I give it to you, I will give it to you. If I don't give it to you, what can you do to me?"

"You--" Fraser was speechless by Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan smiled again: "Moreover, don't pretend, I have heard what you said just now. I am also fully aware of your plan. Everyone is just a superficial alliance, isn't it?"

Fraser's face is ugly, even if he is clever tongue, he is not interested in speaking at this moment.

Because he knew that Fang Chuan could not give him those things.

Jason said angrily: "Since you are so powerful, kill us if you have the ability. Let me see how brave you are!"

Fang Chuan raised his brows: "You are a member of the Moonfall Legion, so I dare not do anything to you, right?"

Jason sneered: "You just don't dare! Do you know what kind of existence our Moonfall Legion is?"


Fang Chuan smiled, took a step forward, and smiled faintly: "Then let me prove that your Moonfall Legion is nothing in my eyes."

He said, raising his hands, two buzzing sounds, a flying knife, a flying sword, lingering lavender light, floating in front of him.

A tick at the corner of his mouth: "Then, let me say goodbye to you!"

As he said, his eyes flashed, his flying knife buzzed, and he drove straight in, turning into a shooting star, directly penetrating Jason.

At the same time, Feijian turned into a flash of lightning and only pierced Fraser.

Under his control, the flying knives and flying swords are extremely agile and contain terrible lethality. Even a rocky person like Jason cannot easily resist them.

Puff puff--

Jason's nervous reaction became much slower under the action of the poison gas. Facing this flexible and extremely fast flying knife, he could not avoid it at all.

The rocky skin on his body was cut with more than ten knives in an instant, although it could not completely stab his internal organs.

However, the blade of the sword contained a strong qi, which had raged in Jason's body through the wound.

Jason is **** the surface, but not as tough as imagined on the inside.

After a while, he screamed.

Fraser's reaction was also full, he was worse than Jason.

He sent out waves of thunder, there was no way to hit the smart flying sword, and in a blink of an eye, the flying sword had penetrated both arms.

He was **** and painful.

Fang Chuan alone can defeat these two people with only flying knives and flying swords, and control their lives and deaths in his hands.

All this is because he poisoned these two people before.

No matter how careful these two people were, they still fell into his hands.

"Mr. Fang, Mr. Fang..." Frazier regrets and despairs. Their current state is not Fang Chuan's opponent at all.

Moreover, what made him even more desperate was that he discovered that the poison gas effect on his body was increasing.

It turned out that his physical condition was good before, and the poison gas had little effect on him.

Now, he was severely injured by Fang Chuan's flying sword, a lot of blood shed, and his physical condition weakened a lot.

The toxicity of the poisonous gas is fully utilized.

He yelled hurriedly, anxiously: "We don't want any spoils, are we still allies?"


The flying knife and flying sword stopped in the air, still emitting a faint purple light, full of deterrence.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly and looked at Fraser: "Now understand?"

"Understood." Fraser endured the humiliation.

Jason gritted his teeth, but his physical condition was also very poor, even he couldn't completely rock it now.

He also understood that they were not Fang Chuan's opponents at all.

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth and glanced at Jason: "Looking at you, you seem to be unconvinced with me?"

"Convinced." Jason said irritably. On the way, Fang Chuan was very angry.

Fang Chuan shook his head: "I didn't see it."

As he said, he raised his hand, and the flying sword and flying sword shook his whole body again, exuding the blade light and sword light, making the scalp numb.

He looked at Jason and said faintly: "Kneel and lie on the ground."

Jason's almost gone!

Since he became a second-level genetic lock fighter, he has never encountered such a shame, even if it was Moonfall Lord who would not do this to him.

However, when life and death were at stake, he gave a cold snort, glanced at Fang Chuan fiercely, and finally knelt down, and then fell on the ground.

He said loudly: "I am taken, I am not your opponent."

Fang Chuan glanced at Jason's hideous appearance and couldn't help but smile: "If this is the case, then I will let you go for once."

Fraser breathed a sigh of relief. As long as people live, he has many solutions.

At this time, Fang Chuan smiled again: "However, I also want to abide by my agreement, and share good things with everyone. Then, I will send you to the central island, where there are many good medicinal materials, and you can survive. , There must be a bumper harvest!"


"You are too much!"

Jason and Fraser were both furious!

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