The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1407: Danger, but don't give up!

Chapter 1407 is dangerous, but don't give up!

Fang Chuan's speed was very fast, as soon as he landed on the back of the ancient monitor lizard, he slammed his hands against the ancient monitor lizard.

Zhengyang Lei Jin blasted out, making the entire forest burst into light.

A burst of thunder force penetrated into the back of the ancient monitor lizard.

The power of Fang Chuan's Zhengyang Lei Jin was far above Fraser, and as soon as he entered the body of the ancient monitor lizard, it caused great damage to the ancient monitor lizard.


The ancient monitor lizard was heart-piercing with pain, and at the same time, it suddenly raised its head, spread its wings, and rose into the sky.

With a bang, it slammed its back against a huge branch that ran across the sky at a very fast speed.

It wants to use this impact to completely kill the reptiles standing on its back.

It's a pity that Fang Chuan's divine consciousness is divided into three. While controlling the flying sword and flying knives, while paying attention to Luo Yao's safety, he always locks on the ancient monitor lizard.

When the ancient monitor lizard moved, he flew violently, bypassed the monitor lizard, and came to the front of the monitor lizard.

The most vulnerable places of all animals are the throat and the well-protected abdomen and chest.

Fang Chuan is going to go deep into the tiger's den!


He walked against the wind, and rushed to the front of the ancient monitor lizard, opened his hands, and was about to use Zhengyang Lei Jin.

With a bang, the claws of the ancient monitor lizard caught Fang Chuan's body at a very fast speed, almost tearing Fang Chuan apart.

This is too fierce!

Sure enough, this ferocious behemoth has a very strong protection against it, and if it is a little threatening, it will counterattack with the momentum of thunder.


A burst of golden light gushed out of Fang Chuan's body, protecting his body, and then with just one click, the golden light was cracked by his claws.

Suddenly a sharp pain came from his body, and the strong wind carried by his claws severely caught a few gully scars.

The blood came out at once, and it was painful.

This was the first time he was injured after returning from the Wudao Cave.

Originally, if he didn't have the golden light protection body, no matter how tough his body was, he would be torn by this claw.

With his current cultivation base, the body-protection technique he displayed was not weak in power, it actually blocked the claws of the ancient monitor lizard, and only caused him to suffer trauma.

He sneered, raised his hand, and fought with both hands.


The deafening sound, accompanied by the dazzling thunder light, suddenly burst open, and a terrible thunder force directly blasted onto the chest of the ancient monitor lizard.

This time, Lei Jin was even more terrifying than the Lei Jin he had played. It was so fierce that it almost tore the chest of the ancient monitor lizard.

The ancient monitor lizard was severely injured and roared in anger, his chest was blackened, and blood flowed out along the wound.

It retreated suddenly with pain, and it was obvious that Fang Chuan's thunder had a lot of fear.

It is a beast in itself, and has an innate fear of Thunder, for fear that Fang Chuan will give it another note, even if he is not dead, it will make him feel extreme pain.

Chuck ch...

But at this moment, Fang Chuan's divine consciousness was not free, but quickly controlled the flying knives and flying swords, cutting the roots of the Tianling Iron Wood.

One by one, the roots were cut apart by the blade.

After just such a moment, it has been cut in half.

However, he was already a little tired.

When fighting with the ancient monitor lizard, it would consume energy and energy. Secondly, the roots of Lingtiemu were too tough that day.

However, he will never give up!

This is his opportunity to refine the best magical artifacts 100%. If he gives up, he will have to counsel him for a long time.

At that time, if someone from the Guwu Fan family, Qing Gang, and Hong Clan counterattacked him, he would not even have the strength to resist.

What's more, there is still a Hutchison who is always there, staring at him.

He will never give up!

His eyes dazzled, and flames almost burst out of his eyes, and his divine consciousness continued to control flying knives and flying swords, cutting frantically.

Tianling Ironwood made a deafening sound, the frequency getting higher and higher.


The ancient monitor lizard also recovered, let out a loud roar, and rushed towards Fang Chuan, flapping its wings, and dived.

Suddenly, the strong wind resounded in the forest, full of fishy wind!

However, this time, it was obviously a good student, and protected its chest better, and its two paws protected it at any time.

It would never let Fang Chuan attack again!


Fang Chuan stepped on and pushed his body with the imperial wind technique, like a strong wind, blinking behind the ancient monitor lizard.

However, the fighting instinct of this ancient monitor lizard is not trivial. Turning around is a wing that cuts towards Fang Chuan's head like a sharp sword.

Fang Chuan flicked his finger, and a golden light from the protective body blocked him.


In an instant, the golden light of the protective body was fragmented.

But then, Fang Chuan still ignited the fierce pill fire in his hands. The terrifying flame was also the thing that the beasts most feared.

Just the breath of the pill fire was enough to make this ancient monitor lizard feel fear.

With a bang, Fang Chuan waved his hand and the pill fire blasted onto the ancient monitor lizard.

Flop, flop...

The ancient monitor lizard was obviously frightened by Fang Chuan's pill fire, and felt the crisis of instinct, and hurriedly fluttered its wings vigorously, and at the same time secreted a green liquid on its body, trying to extinguish Fang Chuan's pill fire.

The sound of scoffing scoffing sounded on the body of the ancient monitor lizard, and the green liquid on it could suppress Fang Chuan's pill fire!

This green liquid is obviously not ordinary!

However, the severe pain scorched by the pill fire made it scream again and again, making the entire forest seem to tremble.

Fang Chuan also breathed a sigh of relief. This ancient monitor lizard was incredibly powerful and vitality. Under hard work, he was no opponent at all.

Fortunately, he knows thunder magic and pill fire, and he happens to be the nemesis of these beasts.

He can deal with it for so long!

Moreover, even so, he couldn't kill such a terrifying beast.

It was easy for this giant beast to escape, and Fang Chuan had no way to stop it.

After a burst of watering and extinguishing sounds resounded, the pill fire on the ancient monitor lizard was actually extinguished.

However, the ancient monitor lizard itself suffered serious injuries, with charred skin everywhere, and blood flowing in some places.

It roared angrily and unwillingly!

Obviously, what was in front of it was something as weak as an ant, but it could hurt it so much, it was really unhappy.

However, it had just endured great pain, and Fang Chuan also had a trace of fear.

After all, a beast is a beast. It does not have the ability to think of human beings, and it does everything by instinct.

Obviously, as long as it slams and endures the severe pain, Fang Chuan will launch a continuous offensive, and Fang Chuan will definitely be exhausted.

Unfortunately, it hesitated at this time, even a little scared.

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, and there was a dazzling fire light on his body. It was the pill fire surging inside him that made the whole forest full of heat waves.

As a result, the ancient monitor lizard became even more afraid.

They were in such a stalemate, and Fang Chuan said it was great, because his spiritual consciousness was still working.

The root of Tianling Ironwood was cut by another quarter, leaving the last quarter.

Victory is here!

"Haha!" But, at this moment, a cold laugh suddenly echoed in the forest.

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