The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1400: You seem to be dissatisfied with me?

Chapter 1400 You seem to be very dissatisfied with me?

This is a drab octopus. Each tentacles is more than ten meters long, and the diameter is probably fifty or sixty centimeters thick.

There are many suckers on each tentacles.

Those tentacles flapped frantically on the lake, stirring up huge waves one after another, and rushing towards those people.

Under the lake, many big fangs are swimming frantically, and they seem to smell the rich lunch.

The calm and the waves were broken, and the whole environment seemed extremely dangerous.


The octopus floated from the sea, and the whole body stood up, plus the tentacles supporting it, it was nearly thirty meters long.

What a huge creature that is!

This is already a prehistoric monster!

Several of its tentacles, flapping the waves, swept toward those kayaks.

And the other tentacle rushed directly to Fang Chuan two.

It is to catch it all in one go!

"Jason, come on!"


Frazier yelled, and the two of them jumped up, rushing towards the terrifying tentacles that were impacting them.

"Are you looking for death?" Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, "I didn't want to participate, but I didn't expect you to take the initiative to cause trouble?"

He said, with a wave of his hand, a burst of purple sword light slashed on the tentacles.

With a snort, the purple blade light cut into the giant octopus tentacles with difficulty!

The tenacity of this tentacle can be seen from this!

The ink-colored liquid splashed out of the tentacles, like a heavy rain, and fell to the lake.

Boom, boom——

The octopus was cut off by one of its tentacles, and it was tumbling in the lake with pain, while the rest of the tentacles were beating the lake frantically.

Layer after layer of waves raged on the lake.

People on the lake felt like they had encountered a storm.

Bang bang bang--

At this time, Jason and Frazier had also attacked their tentacles.

Jason's fist was extremely hard and possessed terrifying destructive power, punching the tentacles one by one, making the octopus painful.

The most threatening octopus is Fraser.

He jumped onto the octopus's tentacles, thunder and lightning in his fist, and hit the octopus's tentacles with a punch, making the octopus tremble wildly.

These animals, whether prehistoric or modern, have a great fear of Thunder.

The masculine power of Thunder can cause great damage to their bodies.

The octopus uttered a terrible cry, very ear-piercing, as if it were an ultrasound, and people could not help covering their ears.

Jason and Fraser were not immune, so they stopped attacking and quickly covered their ears.

Fang Chuan and Luo Yao were in the sky, and with a wave of his hand, a golden light rose around his body, isolating the harsh ultrasound.

Wow, wow——

After a slapping sound of the lake water, the octopus stirred up layers of waves, and then disappeared to the bottom of the lake in a blink of an eye.

Everyone was relieved.

Mark and the others were already dumbfounded. Once they saw the real prehistoric behemoth, they knew what terror was.

Secondly, they also knew that human beings now have such a powerful force to beat such a behemoth away.

They are afraid again, and they are full of expectations for this trip.

In case, they find the fruit that can turn them into superpowers, and if they eat it, they will become stronger.

Fang Chuan glanced at them casually, smiled faintly, but didn't say much, but walked against the wind, and with a sigh, he led Luo Yao to the opposite side of the lake.


The huge waterfall has a drop of at least a hundred meters, and the water is swiftly flowing down from the peak, giving people a spectacular feeling.

When I looked from a distance, I didn't feel it, but when I got really close, I found that the waterfall was seventy or eighty meters wide.

The huge sound of water can submerge the voice of people talking.

The place where Fang Chuan and the others settled was a huge rock. Although it would be splashed by water from time to time, it still made people stand firm.

Jason and the others became cautious after experiencing the giant octopus.

However, fortunately, it was possible that the power they showed with Fang Chuan just now shocked the other monsters at the bottom of the lake.

They paddled the kayak along the way without much resistance.

They went ashore, found a few rocks, and then released the air of the kayak together and slammed into their unique luggage.

Jason looked at the huge waterfall and saw it as if it was a dead end.

He quickly ordered his men to start detection.

Each of Jason's men carries a lot of equipment, and many of their equipment are high-tech products that can be easily disassembled and assembled quickly.

These things are almost impossible to buy on the market.

Mark couldn't help but jealous when he saw these high-tech equipment.

If they have such equipment and develop it for civilian use, they can make a lot of money.

Unfortunately, he understands that these things do not belong to him.

Frazier jumped several times and came to Fang Chuan's body: "Mr. Fang, you should know where the exit is?"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Of course I know."

"Is it dangerous?" Fraser asked.

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth ticked: "There is nothing that is not dangerous here. Even the exit inside this waterfall contains a great crisis.

"What should I do then?" Fraser frowned and asked quickly.

"Let's probe first, then talk about it later." Fang Chuan waved his hand, he didn't say, he was observing what the equipment of the Moonfall Legion looked like.

It has to be said that the equipment of the Moonfall Corps is very advanced and possesses world-class standards.

In this place full of special magnetic fields, they can still operate, and they are more precise, which shows the power of the Moonfall Legion.

Jason snorted coldly when he heard the words here, "Fraser, do you treat him as a god? He doesn't even know that without our equipment, he can't even find the exit of the waterfall."

Fraser listened, trying to stop Jason from speaking.

Fang Chuan glanced at Jason: "You seem to be dissatisfied with me?"

"Not bad." Jason sneered, "I don't like people like you, pretending to be a fool. I admit that you have some strength, but don't behave like you know everything, okay?"

In fact, he lost two games to Fang Chuan and was ridiculed by Fang Chuan several times. The opponent Chuan was very dissatisfied.

Therefore, he always wanted to find an opportunity to mock Fang Chuan.

"Mark, come here." Fang Chuan waved to Mark.

Mark and Terry were hurriedly cautious, walking along a few rocks, afraid of falling into the lake to feed the fish, and came to Fang Chuan.

"What's the matter?" Mark asked quickly.

Fang Chuan's mouth ticked: "Entering the waterfall is very dangerous. If you are willing to follow me, just leave. If you don't, just follow them. I will wait for you at the exit."

"I am willing to go with you."

"me too!"

Mark and Terry had a kind of blind worship to Fang Chuan, so after Fang Chuan said it, they quickly agreed.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "That's fine too."

As he said, he walked to the edge of the waterfall.

Mark hurriedly shouted: "Whoever wants to follow us, come!"

Then, including the few people who came with Mark, all looked embarrassed, and finally did not choose to go with them.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Don't worry about them."

Immediately, they walked around the rocks and came to a corner of the waterfall.

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