The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1100: Brother, you are finally here

Chapter 1100 Big Brother, You Are Finally Here

"Hey, what are you doing if you are okay?"

"I heard that he acquired Anshi Technology with a single phone call. He still has some strength!"

"So what can it be? Sang Tiance and the others are also very powerful. Even if they can't buy it with a single phone call, they can buy it easily, right?"

"Moreover, even if his power is greater than Sang Tiance and the others, it is not worthwhile to suffer at this time."

"Didn't you hear? Sang Jun met a big figure in the military. Even if this person is terrible, if the military comes forward to mediate, basically he can only suffer a dumb loss!"

"Yes, Sang Tiance and the others are also amazing!"

All the people present were savvy people. They also saw the situation and analyzed the situation more thoroughly.

Yes, since ancient times, people did not fight against officials, and even the most powerful merchants had to give way to officials.

Unless you have the resources of a higher official position, even a high-ranking official of the county party committee cannot be offended easily.

But now, Sang Tiance and the others seemed to have a celebrity from Commander Yang Zhao's side, that was different.

Even if it is a friend of Commander Yang Zhao, generally speaking, he wants to give face.

Just as everyone was sighing, the three bodyguards had already attacked Fang Chuan and quickly grabbed Fang Chuan.

Bang bang bang!

However, at this moment, Fang Chuan made a flash call, and everyone did not see clearly. They saw the three bodyguards screaming and flying out.

At this time, they knew how Fang Chuan's skill was.


And his bodyguards are already prepared, and they also understand that their employers and bosses put hope on them.

It is for them to find face, otherwise, their job may not be guaranteed!

Therefore, at this moment, they rushed forward, almost seamlessly, and rushed to Fang Chuan's side.

In this way, no matter how powerful it is, it’s impossible to react, right?

The three of them can restrain Fang Chuan for at least a moment, and then the three behind will definitely be able to subdue Fang Chuan.

Even if it can't, the last three people can do it!

They are full of confidence!

However, at this moment, they suddenly saw Fang Chuan wave his hand, and did not get up, and after following, they could not see Fang Chuan's movements at all.

Bang bang bang--

Fang Chuan punched a few randomly, and the three people in the front screamed twice and flew out in response.

The three people who followed also rushed out at that instant, and before Fang Chuan was in front of him, they were blown away by Fang Chuan's air.

The last three people were dumbfounded when they saw this situation.

They felt more profound than others, and at that moment, they were shocked, knowing that such a person must never be offended.

So they turned around and wanted to retreat, at least, they didn't have to be so embarrassed.

Moreover, they were also worried that if Wan Fangchuan made a mistake, it might really kill them.

However, at this moment, they suddenly felt the air squeeze over, as if they were covered in their pockets.

Afterwards, the three of them were blasted out when their chests were tight.

When they screamed, they also felt the horror from their souls. This is too cruel. The distance between them is still far away!

Bang bang bang...

Everyone didn't know what Fang Chuan did. They only knew that these nine people were shot out at almost the same moment.

They were shocked, and some people even had scalp tingling.

This is far more exciting than the movie, and this is a living example. They looked at Fang Chuan with a little fear.

"This, this..." Sang Jun was also dumbfounded.

Fang Chuan defeated two bodyguards and three bodyguards alone, and they could accept it, but he defeated nine bodyguards in almost one move.

These nine people are not waste, they are all very powerful characters.

Everyone can single out at least a dozen strong men!

Some of them are powerful, with a hand of several hundred catties, and some are agile and extremely fast.

However, they were defeated so easily.

Sang Tiance also felt extremely incredible. He looked at Fang Chuan for a moment, then swallowed a mouthful of water.

Suddenly, he understood that the person in front of him might not be able to compete.

"What's the matter?" At this moment, a majestic voice, accompanied by sonorous footsteps, came over.

Everyone was immediately attracted by the sound and looked at it hurriedly.

Fang Chuan followed, and he saw a middle-aged soldier with a national character face, with a fortitude, straight eyes and full of breathtaking charm.

This person may not be very handsome, but the charm of him is enough to attract the attention of many women.

Especially that upright posture, and his body shape that gives people a strong and powerful feeling.

Even an ordinary person can tell that this person is definitely a soldier.

Next to him, there are two people who are very similar in temperament to him, but they are slower than him, and they seem to be his subordinates.


Sang Jun was overjoyed and glanced at Fang Chuan, then hurriedly walked over and smiled at this person: "Big Brother Sang Xing, you are finally here!"

Sang Xing is another big red man next to Commander Yang Zhao. He is well-known in the military. Not to mention Yizhou City or Yizhou Province, which is the military area of ​​the country. Almost all soldiers know him.

Needless to say, his achievements, let's say that he won the first place for five consecutive times in the national military area competition.

Moreover, having participated in many famous international events, you know what kind of person he is.

Sang Jun was able to know him, firstly because of luck, and secondly because of their surname Sang.

There are not many people with the surname Sang, so Sang Xing and Sang Jun go back and forth and are familiar.

"Brother Sang Jun." Sang Xing waved his hand to Sang Jun: "I have something to do today, so I am late, but you are quite lively here!"

Sang Xing glanced at the dozen or so bodyguards lying on the ground, twitched the corner of his mouth, said lightly, but looked at Fang Chuan intentionally or unintentionally.

Sang Jun hurriedly said, "Big Brother Sang Xing, you are here at the right time. I do have trouble here!"

He pointed to Fang Chuan, "This person is really disrespectful to our ancestors of the Sang clan!"

When he said that, he directly pulled Sang Xing in.

Sang Xing frowned, glanced at Fang Chuan, and asked faintly: "You hurt all the people on the ground?"

"Yes." Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth and met Sang Xing's eyes, as if there was a real current.

Sang Xing nodded: "Very well, I haven't met someone like you for a long time."

"Brother Sang Xing, teach him a lesson for our Sang family!" Sang Jun was overjoyed, he knew what kind of person Sang Xing was.

Not to mention the power in Sang Xing's hands, it was just his combat power, enough for Fang Chuan to eat.

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