Chapter 1098: Bring Him Over

The people present were also taken aback when they heard what this person said. They were still thinking about who is so arrogant that even Fang Chuan dared to offend him.

Soon, they recognized it.

This person is the son of Sang Tiance who hosted the clan association this time. They are the president of the Sang's Chamber of Commerce and have been rooted in Yizhou City for the longest time.

I heard that their family is also a big brother with tens of billions of property.

Compared with the previous Anlu's house, there is still more money.

The Anlu family, together with Anshi Technology, and some other fixed assets, may add up to about 10 billion.

In Yizhou City, he can be regarded as an upper class, so he is so arrogant.

But this Sang Tiance's son, Sang Jun, was different from An Lu.

Therefore, after everyone recognized that the opponent was Sang Jun, few people rose up to speak for Fang Chuan, but remained silent.

After all, both sides are big guys, and they are not easy to offend.

Fang Chuan didn't get up either, glanced at this person, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "Who are you? What can I do for you?"

"Don't ask too much, just come over." Sang Jun sneered, waved, and said: "If you don't come, consider the consequences for yourself."

As he said, he turned to the two bodyguards on the side and said, "If he doesn't come, just bring him over and don't hurt him."

"Yes!" Sang Jun's bodyguard nodded, and then looked at Fang Chuan ill-intentioned.

"Why are you so rude?" Sang Ling became a little angry, standing up and pointing at Sang Jun.

Sang Jun sneered and didn't turn his head. He just stopped and said to Sang Ling: "What happened today has nothing to do with your family. Don't talk, it's the best choice."

As he said, he was alive and walked away.

In his opinion, Fang Chuan should have been frightened by his temperament and would definitely follow him.

However, he was obviously wrong.

Fang Chuan sat on his seat, smiled faintly, but continued to talk to Sang Ling on his own.

"This person is really annoying, thinking you have to follow it!" Sang Ling said angrily.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Don't worry about him."


The two bodyguards who stayed here saw that Fang Chuan hadn't given Sang Jun any face, and looked at Fang Chuan: "Sir, our young master would like to ask."

When he spoke, he had already arrived in front of Fang Chuan, with an aggressive appearance.

These two people are very smart at first glance, and ordinary people are not their opponents.

"Young Master Fang, it's better for you to go there first, the hero won't suffer the immediate loss."

"This Sang Jun, how can even Young Master Fang dare to offend?"

"If you have anything, just say it!"

These people waited for Sang Jun to leave before speaking in Fang Chuan's face.

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth and didn't speak much.

These people are originally business people, business people, expect them to be loyal to someone who has not known them for long?

He never thought about it.

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he glanced at the two bodyguards: "Let's go, you guys who are also paid, I will not embarrass you."

"Our young master told you to go, you must go." One of the burly bodyguards said lightly.

He is also doing whatever he takes the money, but his attitude is more or less influenced by Sang Jun.

Fang Chuan frowned when he heard it, and his tone became a little cold: "I let you go, didn't you hear?"

"Then I'm sorry." The bodyguard sneered, and suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbing Fang Chuan's arm.

He was about to grab Fang Chuan's arm fiercely. He believed that with his power, as long as he squeezed this pampered person a little, the other party would inevitably grin in pain.

At that time, he couldn't bear it anymore, and if he made a ugly appearance in public, he knew he would go with them.

However, at this moment, he grabbed Fang Chuan's arm, smiled, and squeezed hard.

A bang came from Fang Chuan's arm, and after that, the bodyguard groaned and fell out.

Fortunately, this club has a large area. There are more than ten or twenty tables arranged in one hall, and the distance between adjacent ones is also very wide.

The bodyguard fell to the ground with just one shot, causing the crowd around him to watch.

"Ah, what's the matter?"

"what happened?"

"This bodyguard seems to belong to Master Sang Jun, right?"

Everyone looked over, then followed their gazes and looked at Fang Chuan, talking a lot.

The two bodyguards were also a little panicked at once, they can be said to be ineffective at this moment, and they may be laughed at.

At that time, they may not only be deducted from their wages, but even lose their jobs.

The bodyguard who was stunned by Fang Chuan didn't have time to think about it, only when he was not careful just now and winked at his companion.

"Since I refuse to cooperate, I am sorry!"

Then, the two slammed, one to the left and the other, extremely fast, and very sharp, and they rushed towards Fang Chuan.

"I didn't want to embarrass you at first, but unfortunately, you are also overwhelming." Fang Chuan smiled faintly, and lightly copied from left to right.

Bang bang bang--

At this moment, he shot like an electric light, and there were not many people who could see clearly, but everyone could clearly see that the two men flew out at once.

They fell to the ground, very embarrassed.

They were slapped by Fang Chuan's hand just now, as if they were hit by a fast-moving car.

Fang Chuan's two attacks just now were not light. If it weren't for the physical fitness of these two people, they might have passed out.

"Young Master Fang is so good!"

"As expected of Master Fang!"

Everyone, especially the people at Fang Chuan's table, looked at Fang Chuan with admiration. They thought Fang Chuan was going to make a fool of himself, but unexpectedly, it was the other party who made the fool.

Sang Tiance also found that something was not right here, so he quickly called some people over to inquire, and some people went directly to help the two bodyguards.

"Did I let you do it?" Fang Chuan twitched his mouth and said lightly, but his tone was a bit cold.

"What's the matter?" Sang Tiance walked over with a pale face. This was his bodyguard and was beaten.

In the presence of so many people, for him, who thinks he is rich and powerful, is very shameless.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "You're the person just now...well, Sang Jun's father, right?"

"Yes, it's me." Sang Tiance didn't know about Sang Jun and Fang Chuan, but he still admitted directly.

He looked at Fang Chuan, "What is your holiday with Jun'er? On such an occasion, can't get through with his bodyguard?"

"Uncle, it's your Jun'er who is having trouble with my brother Xiaochuan, okay?" Sang Ling said angrily.

Sang Tiance glanced at Sang Ling and frowned, "Are you the daughter of Sangji brothers' family?"

"Yes, yes." Sang Ling nodded.

"Dad!" At this time, Sang Jun returned with a calm face and his face was hot.

He looked at Fang Chuan: "It seems that you are toasting and not eating, and eating fine wine?"

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