The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1094: We want to keep a low profile

Chapter 1094

Sang Ling listened, clapped her hands and laughed: "Wow, my little brother is so powerful? But, my brother Xiaochuan is even more powerful."

"What?" An Lu frowned and looked at Fang Chuan, "More powerful? In which way?"

Fang Chuan suddenly smelled vinegar!

This guy, is it too early for the role to be substituted? He is jealous before the relationship is established!

But Sang Ling said again: "Any aspect is better than you!"

"Brother Xiaochuan is handsomer than you, richer than you, and stronger than your relationship, and he is also very good in that respect."

"Well, it's the kind that can challenge seven or eight girls in one go!"

The splendid appearance of her that day, plus what she said, was simply unsuitable.

"Little Ling'er!" Fang Chuan almost didn't vomit blood. This little girl became more and more exaggerated. Although this is true, don't say it.

What's more, especially the last point is just a theoretical value and has not been tested yet.

The most important thing is, a little girl of fifteen or sixteen, can she not speak so dirty!

"Brother Xiaochuan, I'm telling the truth!"

The corner of Sang Ling's mouth twitched and looked at An Lu: "You know, my brother Xiaochuan has two villas, and one of them has been hurriedly. It seems that there are four sisters who are much more beautiful than me. In my villa, except for me Besides, there is a super charming sister."

She thought for a while: "But, he is alone, and he can play for a long time in these two villas."

She ignored the black line on Fang Chuan's face, and said, "The night before yesterday, he entered Teacher Zhu's room at 8 o'clock in the evening and came out only after 12 o'clock. His voice was loud!"

"Puff--" Fang Chuan almost vomited blood.

What and what is this?

When she said so, she couldn't cleanse herself after jumping into the Yellow River.

However, when he looked back, he couldn't clean it, and it didn't matter. It's just that it's okay to say it to the public in this way?

"I'm fucking!" An Lu listened, and the whole person was not good.

He looked at the river carefully, is this guy too good at playing?

People in Jinwu Zangjiao are all in one golden house.

It's good for him. There are a few hidden in one room, and he has to play like this every night. Is it really good in that respect?

And, it sounds like this guy and other women seem to be better than the half-sized loli in front of him, right?

He didn't want to believe it, but when he saw Sang Ling's serious look, he always felt that the other party was not lying.

Fang Chuan glanced at An Lu: "You suddenly come to disturb us, do you want to hear about my private life?"

He waved his hand: "You're so boring, boring, you're full."

He then said to Sang Ling again: "Xiao Ling'er, don't say these things in the future. Let's keep a low profile, understand?"

"Understood." Sang Ling chuckled, she already felt that this poo named An Lu was already very angry.

"You call it low-key?" An Lu was a little angry.

Afterwards, he waved his hand and looked at Fang Chuan: "Don't tell you more about this. You just said that when the wealth of all the Sang clan adds up, only you alone have more wealth?"

"No--" Fang Chuan waved his hand.

"Don't quibble, I clearly heard it!" An Lu said loudly.

Their argument here has attracted many people who are parking. Those people have heard Sang Ling's words before.

Most of the people present were men, and Fang Chuan was already very jealous.

Now that I heard what An Lu said, I suddenly felt a little uncomfortable. What does it mean that everyone's wealth added up is as much as his own wealth?

Is this too exaggerated?

"This kid is too arrogant, maybe he has a little money, and he has to know that the sky is high and the earth is thick."

"Most of the Sang clan associations that came today were successful, so it's easy to offend people!"

"He didn't dare to admit it. It seems that he was just bragging about girls."

When everyone listened, they all laughed.

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched and looked at An Lu: "I'll correct it. What I said just now is that if you add up your wealth, I can only hold so much."

Then, he swept his gaze and looked at the people around him: "I am not targeting you, but to be honest, the wealth of all of you, together, only my liquid funds."


"Is it just working capital?"

"Is it too exaggerated?"

After listening to Fang Chuan's words, everyone showed incredible expressions, and others laughed at them. This is simply ignorant.

"You, are you teasing me?" An Lu smiled and bent over and pointed to Fang Chuan: "I think you are living in a dream, let alone everyone. I deeply doubt whether you have much wealth in my family."

"I don't need to prove this to you, right?" Fang Chuan's mouth ticked, just now just chatting with Sang Ling casually.

Unexpectedly, after being heard by this guy, there was nothing to do.

Fang Chuan glanced at him: "If you want to prove, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Am I scared?" An Lu sneered and pointed at Fang Chuan: "Don't pretend, apologize to us, we won't spread your words. Otherwise, do you know how much you want to offend? people?"

"Hey, are you going to play it for real?" Sang Ling didn't expect to make matters worse, and she was a little worried.

She just came to play, not to make trouble.

"Little beauty, today I have to teach your boyfriend a lesson, otherwise, he will cause trouble in the future."

An Lu smiled: "At the same time, I want you to see clearly the true face of your boyfriend, don't be fooled by him!"

"Yes, little brother, what you said just now was very offensive. You will be fine if you apologize, otherwise, if we really want to care about you, your house will be ruined by you."

"Being alive, you can't offend people casually!"

These people smiled and looked at Fang Chuan, seemingly waiting for Fang Chuan to apologize.

To be honest, who among them is not the best in some fields, the elite! Many are worth hundreds of millions!

All of them add up, and the pressure they bring is not so great.

Of course, this is for ordinary people or ordinary businessmen.

Fang Chuan glanced at them, then looked at An Lu: "You remember, you found it yourself. I'll show it to you casually."

He couldn't help but shook his head: "Tell me, the name of your company."

"Anshi Technology Group Company." Anlu's mouth tickled: "My company has a market value of about 2.8 billion, and it specializes in drug technology research and development."

He smiled faintly: "Have you heard of it?"

"Ah, this young man turned out to be the son of Anshi Technology!"

"Their company, with the trend of Yunchuan Group, seems to have a good future prospects!"

"Their family does have money."

After listening, everyone couldn't help but admire.

At this time, Fang Chuan's mouth ticked: "Okay, give me half an hour, I will buy your company."

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