The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1090: Is this reason enough?

Chapter 1090 Is This Reason Enough?

Fang Chuan couldn't help but smile after hearing it, "Old monster? What old monster?"

"Don't you know?"

The white fox felt that his information seemed to bring him a good opportunity. Perhaps, it was just now.

She hurriedly said: "I don't know how you practiced such great kung fu, but I tell you, in this world, there are many people who are better than you."

"And there are some old monsters who are just people who practice martial arts with one heart and don't care about world affairs."

"However, once they provoke them, the consequences are very miserable. For example, Liu Shengliao's Kazuo Yanagi, such a powerful person, is still made so miserable."

"And there are people in Liu Shengliao who are more powerful than Kazuo Liu Sheng."

"So, you let me go. I borrowed the relationship with Kazuo Liu Sheng and went to the country with you to kill Sha Kun who was training."

"how about it?"

The white fox has a clever tongue, and she said that the purpose of this is to create a fact that it is difficult to see Sha Kun, and she needs her power.

However, Fang Chuan laughed.


Fang Chuan laughed, "I don't know where you got the gossip, but I can tell you from a very responsible person—"

"Kazu Liu Shengliao, Liu Shengliao's master, I hung on the flagpole."

"You don't even know this, so you still dare to mix in Yizhou City?"

As he said, the corner of his mouth twitched and he looked at the white fox with disdain.

"It's you?" Bai Fox was taken aback, she instinctively felt that Fang Chuan was lying, but no matter how she looked at it, Fang Chuan didn't seem to be lying.

She was at a loss.

This news, she also heard some gossip, and it was also the most reliable news.

Although, she also heard about it, there is a saying that Kazuo Yanagi was defeated by a young master in Yizhou City and was so humiliated.

However, people who have not directly contacted this incident and have not known Fang Chuan will hardly choose to believe this news.

Now, she was a little shaken.

Because, the person in front of him is really powerful, maybe, it is not necessarily that he can really defeat Kazuo Yagyu.

She looked at Fang Chuan, her voice trembling: "You, what you said is true? You really defeated Kazuo Yagyu? How could it be possible?"

"Don't you already believe it?"

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth and smiled at Zhu Sanniang on the opposite side of the screen: "Teacher Zhu, the chat is over here. We know that he is in Liushengliao. Then, I will accompany you to enter Liushengliao and let them Hand over people."

"If they don't, I will razed them Liu Shengliao directly to the ground."

After he finished speaking, the white fox's face was pale to the extreme. If she didn't know Fang Chuan's ability, she would definitely think Fang Chuan was bragging.

However, she only felt that Fang Chuan was not bragging to pick up girls, but to be honest.


Is this woman always so lucky?

The white fox was extremely angry, she was very unwilling, and her whole body was shaking.

With red eyes, she looked at Fang Chuan: "Why? It's the same woman. You want to help her but refuse to let me go?"

"What she can give you, I can give you!"

"Why? Why?"

The white fox was almost hysterical now, and she yelled madly, feeling that she had lost her mind.

Fang Chuan hung up the video, looked at the white fox, smiled faintly: "It's very simple, first, I wish the teacher's character is not bad, she is a good person."

"Secondly, she is very good to our Lingling, she is my friend of Lingling."

"Third, she is more attractive than you."

After he finished speaking, the corner of his mouth ticked: "Is this reason enough?"


The white fox's face flushed, looking at Fang Chuan, and sneered: "You said Sanniang Zhu is a good bitch? Haha, do you know how many people she killed?"


Fang Chuan raised his hand and slapped the white fox's face, swelling the white fox's face.

He sneered: "Do you think you are a woman, so I won't beat you?"

Afterwards, he said again: "I have investigated the people that Teacher Zhu killed. They are all scumbags. Why, do you dare to say that?"

"Okay, okay!" The white fox said angrily: "Since you are so confident, you will kill me. From now on, you will go to Liu Shengliao with your Zhu Sanniang. I am in the sky, watching you being killed by the masters of Liu Shengliao!"

She screamed hysterically, "Even if you really defeat Kazuo Liu Sheng, you won't be able to enter Liu Shengliao! I curse you guys and dogs, it's better to die!"

Her voice was very sharp and seemed to be irritated by Fang Chuan, completely ignoring the choice Fang Chuan had given her before.

"Since you choose this way, then I will help you out."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly. He already knew that Sha Kun was in Liu Shengliao. Then, it was a gain. As for the bounty coins of the white fox, just forget it.

As he said, he stretched out his hand and pressed it on the top of the white fox's head, and a chaotic magic trick entered into the white fox's mind.

Suddenly, the white fox began to tremble and screamed.

In her consciousness, she saw many terrible things. Although she was a killer, her willpower was pretty good.

However, she had never received the perverted training of a ninja, so she couldn't hold on for long.

After a while, she had already captured herself beyond recognition and was so miserable that she kept banging on other places.

She looks like an evil spirit!

About ten minutes later, she suffered from mental torture and experienced eighteen levels of hell.

Finally, she collapsed in consciousness and fell to the ground, looking hideous and terrifying.

This is scared to death by things in the world of consciousness!

The time in the conscious world was much longer than the time sensed in reality, so she suffered more than she imagined.

She died, dead twisted.

However, it was just right to die, because the psychology of the white fox was a little distorted, and Sha Kun stimulated her.

She didn't know how many nasty things she had done, and even regarded herself as a white fox. She seduced some men at night, and after being happy, she tortured them to death.

Although Fang Chuan was not very clear about this, he knew from the evil spirit on her body.

If a person does a lot of evil and does not clear the evil spirits in his body, he will accumulate more and more evil spirits, which will affect the temperament and magnetic field of the whole person.

That's why, her face and figure are pretty good. Although Fang Chuan doesn't like it, but he doesn't hate it, but when Fang Chuan saw her for the first time, he hated her.

Seeing that the white fox was dead, Fang Chuan picked up the white fox's mobile phone and flipped it, only to find that her background program was running on this platform called "Elite World".

He took a little look and found that Baihu's backstage payment password turned out to be her fingerprint.

He used the fingerprints of the white fox to directly transfer more than six hundred bounty coins in the backstage to the account of Huang Xiezi.

In this way, he has more than 1,100 bounty coins, equivalent to one billion.

As an ordinary person, one billion is already an astronomical figure, for Fang Chuan, one billion is not much.

However, he will not recharge the bounty coins easily, which would expose his identity.

It is definitely not easy for a person or force to run such a platform. Therefore, if he can get bounty coins, he will inevitably exchange for bounty coins.

After that, he picked up the phone that put away the account of Huang Xiezi, and asked the two killers outside to come and collect the corpses.

He did not intend to destroy the corpses, but to warn some sunset organizations not to disturb them.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

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