The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1084: Don't make trouble

Chapter 1084

"Get out of here! Get out of me!"

Teacher Zhu was extremely nervous, her body was trembling, and her whole body was covered with goose bumps. She seemed to have gone back to the night when she was bullied by her uncle.

Is the tragedy of that night about to happen today?

She regretted that she was so careless that she was poisoned by Yellow Scorpion, and now she has no strength to resist.

She also regretted that she found it too late and didn't notify Fang Chuan the first time. If Fang Chuan could be notified as soon as possible, she might be able to wait for support.

Of course she knew that now she was got into the car by Huang Xiezi and drove a few kilometers to this remote place.

No matter how good Fang Chuan is, I'm afraid he won't be able to find himself the first time.

How to do?

She suddenly discovered that she had fallen into despair, and there was no way!

"Hehe..." Huang Xiezi licked his lips again, and his ugly face showed a cold and obscene smile.

His hand is about to touch Teacher Zhu's neck.


At this moment, there was a sudden sound, coming from behind Huang Xiezi, making Huang Xiezi tremble.

He turned his head abruptly, and saw that the door of Cai's house was blasted by invisible power. Blocks of boards, carrying huge power, bombarded him.

"not good!"

Huang Xiezi was shocked, and his reaction was not slow. Almost immediately, he took out the short knife he carried from the side of his trouser legs.


Huang Xiezi's combat effectiveness is not strong, it is compared to the eighth-level martial artist Zhu, who is actually a powerful character.

His pair of short knives can be stained with the blood of many people.

He danced with a short knife, which was almost impermeable, and the sharp blades of the knife were cut on the flying wooden board again and again.

This pair of short knives are unmatched in sharpness and cut iron like mud. It takes almost no effort to cut these pieces of wood, just like tofu.

At the same time, he showed his hard-worked body skills and stepped aside suddenly, very fast.


However, just when he thought he could escape, he was suddenly hit by an invisible force.

Amid the loud noise, Huang Xiezi screamed, and his whole body rolled around in the air, fell to the ground, and vomited a mouthful of blood.

His face suddenly languished.

"Who?" Huang Xiezi was shocked. With this attack method, he has been a bounty hunter for so long, and he has never heard of it!

What kind of hermit master has he provoked?

Just as he was thinking about it, a person walked slowly at the door, but it was Fang Chuan.

Huang Xiezi was even more surprised. He didn't expect his opponent to be so young!

He hurriedly shrank back, and his internal injuries made his internal organs so hot and painful that he lost the ability to move quickly.

He is a little scared!

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, his eyes swept over Huang Xiezi's body, and said faintly: "My man, you dare to move and to be indecent?"

"Mr. Fang?" Teacher Zhu saw Fang Chuan clearly, so excited that she almost shed tears. Fortunately, she is a killer who can effectively control her emotions.

She is simply coming from a desperate situation, how can she not be excited?

Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth and waved to Teacher Zhu: "Well, it's okay, I'll be there."

He said, turning his gaze to Yellow Scorpion again, and sneered: "Are you a bounty hunter?"

"Yes!" Huang Xiezi nodded, but was wondering how to escape from Fang Chuan.

He already understood that he couldn't be Fang Chuan's opponent, this person was too strong!

He asked again: "Are you also the killer of the sunset organization?"

He suddenly shook his head suddenly: "No! You are not the killer of the sunset! You are such a powerful killer, I will definitely be impressed!"

"Haha." Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, "Sunset Organization? It's just a killer organization! Is it true that if I want to save Teacher Zhu, it must be a member of the killer organization?"

"Wish teacher?"

Huang Xiezi frowned, suddenly grasping the key, and quickly said: "I see, you are a master in Yizhou City!"

"Have I asked you to say so much?" Fang Chuan sneered, slapped his hand in the air, slapped his face, and slapped Huang Xiezi on the face.

Suddenly, Zhen Qi hit Huang Xiezi's face swollen, making it even more ugly.

Huang Xiezi screamed and covered his face, making Fang Chuan even more jealous.

He hasn't encountered much of this ability to hurt people in the air.

He hurriedly said again: "Since you are not a killer, I advise you to leave it alone. I have cooperated with your Yizhou city government many times, so don't cause trouble!"


Fang Chuan's mouth ticked: "You are just cooperating with the government. What qualifications do you have to compare with the government?"

He said again: "If I kill you, the government will not know, right?"

"I helped the government arrest a lot of fugitives. If I disappear, someone will come to investigate."

Huang Xiezi tried his best to calm himself down. He looked at Fang Chuan, "So, that's it for today. I wish Sanniang I won't catch it. I will withdraw from this task. This is already my biggest concession, you must be content! "

He was pretending to be calm and made a very determined look, so that he could make Fang Chuan be jealous of him.

It's a pity that Fang Chuan doesn't eat this set at all.

Fang Chuan's mouth clicked: "Contented?"

He laughed, raised his hand, slapped again, slapped Huang Xiezi's face with a slap, causing Huang Xiezi to roll around in the air.

This time the strength was even greater, and the yellow scorpion was obviously injured very badly, and fell to the ground with a bang, spouting blood.

He has now been beaten so that he may not even recognize him!

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "What qualifications do you have to make conditions with me? If the government investigates, of course I have a way to deal with it."

"You catch the fugitive, but it's just a deal."

"And what I did for the government was entirely out of my own will, and saved more lives than you."

"Do you think your proportion of the government can be compared with me?"

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Huang Xiezi disdainfully, came to Teacher Zhu in two steps, and looked at Teacher Zhu.

I saw Teacher Zhu's face was pale, blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and his clothes were torn in several places, but he didn't look a bit embarrassed.

On the contrary, it gave people a visual impact. It is no wonder that Huang Xiezi couldn't help but wanted to molest Teacher Zhu.

"So you are her concubine!" Huang Xiezi saw it, jealous and angry, "I tell you, she has been poisoned by my unique poison. Now I just don't have the strength, if I don't have me to detoxify her, one day later, It will definitely die."

The corner of his mouth twitched and looked at Fang Chuan: "If you want to keep your concubine, you will let me go. I will naturally send you the antidote within a day!"

"Let you go?" Fang Chuan turned around and sneered.

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