The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1073: Fangchuan earthquake

Chapter 1073 Earthquake Caused by Fangchuan

Soon, a week passed.

Fang Chuan’s three tunes, "Facing the World", "Mountain and River Zhuang", and "Feng Qiuhuang", have landed on Barley Music.

Moreover, at the same time, the copyright of all Liu Menglu's songs has been taken back, and most of them are exclusively played on Damai Music.

Only some of her songs, as well as the non-HD version of Fang Chuan's "Lin Tianxia", will appear in four apps including Yunxin.

This is their company, at the cost of its own traffic, in exchange for the cooperation with Fang Chuan.

However, their efforts did not make them regret.

After Fang Chuan’s three divine songs landed on the Internet, they immediately set off a super earthquake in the Internet and music circles.

Under the operation of Damai Music Company, many netizens have heard some excerpts, and they can't stop after listening.

As a result, they are frantically looking for websites and apps that can hear the full version.

Therefore, in just a few days, the number of downloads of the Damai Music App doubled, directly breaking 50 million.

The most important thing is that the retention rate, conversion rate, and registration rate of this APP's users have broken the record of domestic APP.

There are 50 million active users in seven days!

There are also 30 million active users in the last day.

According to Zhang Li's prediction, even if there are no new songs in the next month, the monthly active users of APP will reach 50 million.

This has directly reached the top 50 of Huaxia APP!

This is the combined effect of Fang Chuan and Liu Menglu, which has completely shocked the entire Internet community in China.

You know, the original Damai Music had only two or three million monthly active users, ranking it out of hundreds.

Only this time, it became the top three in the music APP category.

Only the penguin music in front, with a weak lead with Want Want Music, has already given them a lot of pressure.

You know, Penguin Music exceeded 80 million monthly active users in the last month, and the lowest daily active user is 40 million.

As you can imagine, what a terrible APP this is.

However, due to Fang Chuan's reasons, their number of daily active users has been less than 20 million, which has dropped by half.

This has created a great sense of crisis for corporate music, and the manager of their business department has been fired.

Because they mistakenly overestimated their own strength and underestimated Fang Chuan's influence.

As for Yunxin Music, etc., the music platform that Fang Chuan has cooperated with has also been sluggish, but the decline is not bad.

It is for this reason that their ranking does not fall but rises.

And Liu Ru and Li Feier also started their careers, and they had a great time working with Zhang Li.

After all, Zhang Li has already reached his one-year salary, and after the contract is signed, he is waiting to count the votes in the future.

He also knew that Fang Chuan wanted to train Liu Ru, and he would do his best to teach Liu Ru.

Liu Ru's condition is getting better and better. He only goes to school occasionally and asks for leave from the school. For the students, he is the second Fang Chuan.

As for Li Dong and Chen Ke, Liu Ru originally asked them to study in the company.

However, Chen Ke wanted to have fun while he was in college, while Li Dong really wanted to study medicine. After all, he was also from a medical family.

Although the family is in decline, he still bears the hope of the family.

This week, for the music platform circle, is tantamount to a major earthquake.

But for ordinary people, there is not much change.

The only change is that more and more people like to listen to Fang Chuan's Three Divine Comedies.

This is different from the music of Liu Menglu. Many people like music because they like to sing or express themselves.

However, Fang Chuan's Divine Comedy is a highly functional piece that can be listened to by many people on many occasions.

For example, if a person is going to give a speech on stage, he must first listen to "Ling Tian Xia", which is a real fight.

Did you listen to "Lin Tian Xia", the state of the speech is completely different.

Some people have intermittent insomnia. When they go to bed at night, they are accidentally awakened by a slight sound outside the window or at home, and then they cannot sleep.

They used to stay until three or five o'clock and couldn't sleep.

But now, as long as they pull out Fang Chuan's tunes, whether it is "Feng Qiuhuang", "Mountains and Rivers", or even "Ling Tian Xia", they can sleep well.

Some people have to take an exam and listen to Fang Chuan's tunes. After listening to them, their spirits are particularly good and their memory has improved...

Such cases are countless.

This is equivalent to integrating Fang Chuan's music into people's leisure, life and work.

However, Fang Chuan's three divine songs, the higher the quality, the better the effect, high-quality music can only be listened to online.

So, this is why the Damai Music App is so popular.

Fang Chuan also believes that this app will become even more popular because there are too many people in China, and there are still many people who have not been exposed to it.

He believes that when his powerful Divine Comedy is fully promoted, the active users of the Damai music platform can even be compared to WeChat and Penguin Qiuqiu.

These two giants have hundreds of millions of daily active users.

The music apps mentioned earlier have hundreds of millions of users, which refers to the highest number of registered and visited.

There is no comparison with the two data of daily activity and monthly activity.

As Liu Ru said, Fang Chuan was creating myths, and he felt that Fang Chuan would create one myth after another.

Zhang Li understands Fang Chuan more and admires him more, he even has a kind of, as long as he follows Fang Chuan all his life, he will become a winner in life.

In fact, this is also true.

After this period of time, Yunchuan Pharmaceutical Company also began to change its name, and Yunchuan Group Co., Ltd. will be established in a few days.

The Yunchuan pan-entertainment plan is also in the making. At that time, pan-entertainment will not only include the film and television entertainment that Liu Menglu and Lu Wei are responsible for.

At the same time, they will also include the upstream of film and television entertainment, including entertainment, comics, novels, etc. will also be included.

As for music, Barley will gradually enter the Yunchuan Group.

This was Fang Chuan's plan. Of course, he just made a plan, and the rest was implemented by others.

The acquisition of Danian Entertainment is also proceeding steadily, and the conditions have been negotiated.

And Tianyou Music, because it can't withstand the impact of new barley music, is now looking for a next home, and even actively contacted Yunchuan Group, hoping to be acquired.

All of this was caused by Fang Chuan's interest, and at the source, it was mainly because of Liu Menglu.

If it weren't for Liu Menglu, he wouldn't have played comprehension tunes for the sake of Pomeranian smiles, and would not be interested in being a music platform.

On this day, Fang Chuan came out of the training room, full of energy, but some of the beauties in the villa went out to work.

He is also thinking about how to speed up the plan to repair the high-grade magical artifacts, thereby increasing his combat effectiveness.

After all, he has a hunch that He Changzai is about to leave.

At this time, his phone rang.

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