The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1070: Are you here to threaten me?

Chapter 1070 Are You Here To Threat Me?

The person who broke in was a middle-aged man with piercing eyes and a very strong feeling, and he was full of self-confidence.

"Tang Chuanzhi?" Zhang Li sat aside, listening to Fang Chuan's words, acting as a bystander, but after seeing Tang Chuanzhi, he couldn't help but frowned.

He had heard from the people of Bailu Manor before that Tang Chuanzhi was here.

However, he thought that someone like Tang Chuanzhi might talk to Fang Chuan alone and would not come to this scene.

However, he came.

As soon as Fang Chuan heard Tang Chuanzhi, he knew that this was the most powerful music platform in the fight for the copyright of "Lin Tian Xia"-Xiju.

There is no big group and big traffic support behind Xiju, but it can be done at this point, the legend is inseparable from Tang Chuanzhi.

Tang Chuanzhi is a very powerful person in the circle, not only on music platforms, but also by large companies in many fields.

However, he has been working at Western Music.

Zhang Li was a little unhappy with Tang Chuanzhi. Many people said that he was the second Tang Chuanzhi. It seemed that his strength was far inferior to Tang Chuanzhi.

As soon as Tang Chuanzhi came in, he smiled faintly, looked at the people present, and smiled: "You are meeting in secret here, how can you miss me, Tang Chuanzhi?"

"President Tang!" Zhang Li stood up and nodded to Tang Chuanzhi.

Tang Chuanzhi glanced at Zhang Li and sneered, "Oh, Mr. Zhang is here too? It seems that your **** can't do it anymore?"

"I'm here, it has nothing to do with Tianyou." Zhang Li's face also sank.

"Ha ha."

Tang Chuanzhi waved his hand, "Actually, I have received the news yesterday about your job-hopping. I think your chairman may have also received the news!"

A tick at the corner of his mouth: "By the way, I passed it on."

"Mr Tang, it seems that you are already very worried about the threat to your West Club from the platform acquired by Mr. Fang?" Zhang Li smiled faintly and began to fight back.

He said again: "Otherwise, you won't be so boring. You have to be a god-blessed CEO with me, can't you?"

"I won't tell you this for now."

Tang Chuanzhi clicked the corner of his mouth, full of confidence, and then turned his gaze to Fang Chuan: "Are you the talented pianist and musician?"

Fang Chuan didn't get up either, and smiled faintly: "I'm right, but that's just my identity, and I don't want to talk about it with you."

He smiled: "I just say that, don't you always do? Well, we are here in a private meeting today. What do you mean by suddenly coming in? Is there any education?"

"You--" Tang Chuanzhi's expression suddenly sank after hearing Fang Chuan's words. He didn't expect that Fang Chuan would use the word education.

Of course, he also knew that this was Fang Chuan's counterattack against him breaking into the meeting.

He then smiled faintly: "Is Fang Chuan very educated when he speaks like this?"

"Of course I talk to people, if not, then there is no need." Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, then his eyes drenched.

He looked at Tang Chuanzhi: "Originally you were not qualified to talk to me, but I still want to hear what you want to say."

He then waved his hand: "Please start your speech."

Tang Chuanzhi was very upset, he was a little impulsive and a little rude, but he was also made too angry by Fang Chuan.

Yesterday he called Fang Chuan, but Fang Chuan refused directly and hung up the phone.

Then he heard that Fang Chuan was going to meet them in Yizhou City, so he immediately sent someone to prepare a special plane to fly to Yizhou City.

However, he was still not as careful as others, and the special plane was not tuned, so he waited until the afternoon.

However, when he arrived at the Bailu Manor in the afternoon, he was told that Fang Chuan's time to receive guests had passed.

In other words, he ran for nothing.

Later, he learned about Fang Chuan's plan from other sources, and immediately felt the crisis.

He is a very powerful character, with an old-fashioned vision. Compared with Zhang Li, he is even better than Zhang Li.

Therefore, he knew that he had to stop Fang Chuan's plan and let Fang Chuan retreat.

He originally thought that he could use some conventional methods to deal with Fang Chuan, but now it seems that Fang Chuan is not an easy person to deal with.

He took a deep breath, looked at Fang Chuan, and said with a smile: "In this case, let me say two things."

"First, although our company does not have a big company and a big platform is the backer, the chairman of our company is the son of the Song family, the magic capital."

"Second, if you offend our Western Music, all of you, including Miss Liu Menglu, will also be greatly implicated."

"At that time, you who are already hot may be hidden by the snow. People who should be hot will not get hot at all!"

As he said, he looked at Fang Chuan and said coldly: "Originally, our Western Music Music was unwilling to reach this point in the dialogue, but now it is compelling!"

After he finished speaking, he smiled, as if he had finished his speech.

"In this way, are you here to threaten me today?" Fang Chuan's mouth twitched and looked at Tang Chuanzhi.

Zhang Li heard what Tang Chuanzhi said, but his heart froze. He had heard of the boss behind Xiju Music from an extraordinary background.

However, he didn't expect that the Song family of the magic capital would be unexpected.

These families are hidden deeply, even if it is a Forbes list, Hu Run list, etc., it has nothing to do with these families.

They cannot get the wealth data of these families, nor dare to publish the wealth data of these families.

Because it's hard to estimate, and it's too scary.

Moreover, once someone wants to disclose their hidden dragons, it is likely to push themselves into the abyss.

These lists, even their spokespersons can't make it.

This situation is the same in the U.S. Empire and Europe. The ancient families always knew how to hide their edge.

"I am not threatening you, but telling you a fact."

Tang Chuanzhi was very satisfied with his speech, and he was also happy to see the expressions of Zhang Li and the other five bosses.

What he wants is this effect!

Of course, the main thing he wanted to intimidate was Fang Chuan.

Because Zhang Li is a part-time worker, as long as Fang Chuan insists on going his own way, Zhang Li can still get his own compensation.

The five people who sold the company would be better off, just take the money and leave, or go abroad, anyway, with such a large sum of money, enough for the rest of his life.

He looked at Fang Chuan and smiled faintly: "Mr. Fang, you are in Yizhou City, maybe you are not familiar with the Song family?"

He waved his hand: "Well, let me introduce it to you. The Song family in Demon Capital is equivalent to two to three times the number of Hutchison, the first consortium on your side."

He immediately ticked the corner of his mouth: "If I say this, can you understand what I mean?"

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