The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1067: Spend money to play

Chapter 1067

Early the next morning, Fang Chuan called Liu Ru and asked him to go directly to Li Feier's house to pick her up.

Then they went to the Egret Manor together.

He was deliberately creating opportunities for Liu Ru, although he could also see that Li Fei'er had a slight affection for Liu Ru.

However, two people still have to get in touch.

Liu Ru listened, and of course he agreed in one word. He was so excited that he hurriedly drove Li Haoran's Q7 to pick up Li Feier.

At about ten o'clock, Li Feier walked in with Liu Ru.

Li Feier blushed and walked in: "Lulu, Mr. Fang, here we are."

"Yeah." Fang Chuan nodded, looked at Liu Ru and Li Feier, and smiled: "You two are getting more and more familiar!"

"Huh?" Li Feier heard this, blushing to the root of her ears, "It's not what you think!"

"Xiaochuan, don't talk nonsense." Liu Ru was also a little shy.

Fang Chuan waved his hand and said with a smile: "What are you talking about, I mean, you are more and more familiar, and you will be more cooperative in the future."

"What?" Li Feier was taken aback for a moment.

Liu Ru also quickly asked: "What do you get to work?"

Fang Chuan laughed: "You also know that I called you today to choose a music platform to buy with me."

He said again: "Senior Sister Liu and I definitely cannot manage everything. Therefore, I decided to let you two manage it."

"No!" Liu Ru hurriedly waved his hand: "I'm a medical student, you let me do management, or a music platform, Xiaochuan, are you kidding me!"

"What happened to the medical student?"

Fang Chuan's mouth ticked: "First, you are just a medical freshman, and you don't know how malleable you are."

"Secondly, I will find you a very good person to lead you, although you are in charge, but as long as you learn from him, you will be able to do well."

"Third, this music platform, I just spend money to play, you are broken, I won't care too much."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Liu Ru: "So, are you sure you don't try it?"

Liu Ru's eyes lit up after hearing Fang Chuan's words. If Fang Chuan said so, he would have confidence to do it.

Studying medicine is also to survive well in the future. If there is such an opportunity to become CEO, it would not be a dream to marry Bai Fumei!

He glanced at Li Feier on the side, and his heart moved.

He nodded vigorously: "If this is the case, I will try. But don't worry, since I want to try, I will do my best."

After hearing Liu Ru's words, Fang Chuan twitched his mouth and nodded: "That's good. Sister Feier, how about you?"


Li Feier felt that happiness had come too suddenly. She was just an ordinary college student who graduated, and finally found her current job.

Now, let her manage a company with Liu Ru. Isn't it too dreamy and trivial?

However, Li Fei'er also understood that this may be such a trifling matter for Fang Chuan.

She nodded quickly: "I do, I do!"

"Xiaochuan, you actually have such a plan." Liu Menglu couldn't help but stunned, then smiled: "You are digging my corner openly."

She paused, then said: "However, since Mayfair has a chance to realize her own value, of course I will not stop it."

"Thank you, Lulu." Li Feier breathed a sigh of relief. After hearing the first half of Liu Menglu's words, she thought Liu Menglu would object.

She couldn't help but glanced at Liu Ru and Fang Chuan again.

She understood that she could get this opportunity not because of how good she was, nor because she was an employee of Liu Menglu.

Just because Fang Chuan wanted to create opportunities for her and Liu Ru, that's all.

She also understands that the change of a person's fate is so simple and casual.

The key is that the other party must have the energy of Fang Chuan!

She knew that as long as she was with Liu Ru, her life would be very easy.

Of course, she would not blindly be with Liu Ru for this reason, and she would also examine Liu Ru.

If it really suits her, she will have no problem falling in love with Liu Ru.

Thinking of this, her face was a little red.

Upon seeing this, Fang Chuan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Alright, let's go. The owners of those music platforms may have arrived at the Bailu Manor."

Afterwards, Liu Ru drove, and a group of four people quickly arrived at the Bailu Manor.

Li Haoran and Gu Yuanfeng had been waiting at the door for a long time. After seeing Fang Chuan, they rushed over.

They had known the relationship between Fang Chuan and Liu Menglu before, so it was not surprising, but Liu Ru and Li Feier had eyebrows, but they surprised them.

However, Liu Ru is equivalent to their boss, and of course they will not be too teasing.

When Li Haoran and two of them knew that Fang Chuan wanted Liu Ru to manage the music platform, they couldn't help but sigh.

This further strengthened their idea of ​​following Fang Chuan. They firmly believed that Fang Chuan would not let them down.

"The people from those six companies have arrived yesterday, but the person in charge of Western Music has also arrived."

Gu Yuanfeng said to Fang Chuan as he walked.

Li Haoran smiled and said, "The person in charge of Heavenly Blessing Zhang Li has already arrived, but Lao Gu has arranged him in the side hall and waits for you alone."

"Well, then go see Zhang Li first."

Fang Chuan nodded. He said before that Zhang Li would lead Liu Ru and the others a very powerful person.

Zhang Li is a capable person, but also an ambitious person.

Therefore, Fang Chuan intends to let Liu Ru and Li Fei'er cooperate with Zhang Li. First, he will restrain Zhang Li and not let him become too bloated.

The second is to let Liu Ru learn from Zhang Li.

As they walked, Fang Chuan told Liu Ru and Li Feier about Zhang Li's situation.

Li Fei'er knew Zhang Li and had contact, so when Fang Chuan said it, she also added something.

After hearing Zhang Li's background, Liu Ru frowned, "Since this Zhang Li is so powerful, can I let him listen to me?"

"This is where you need to practice." Fang Chuan's mouth twitched: "However, don't worry, he still wants to listen to you on the bright side."

"What if he doesn't agree?" Liu Ru asked quickly, "After all, his current company is also very good."


Fang Chuan laughed: "As long as the conditions are generous, nothing is impossible."

"Xiaochuan, thank you." Liu Ru listened and was very touched. He knew that it was because of him that Fang Chuan would give higher terms.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "You and me are welcome."

As they were talking, they came to the side hall of a villa in Bailu Manor and saw Zhang Li who was drinking tea.

When Zhang Li saw Fang Chuan and so many people coming in, he couldn't help but raised his brow, and then stood up: "Mr. Fang, you are here."

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