Chapter 1065 is just a fly

Fang Chuan couldn't help but raise his brows and looked at He Weichuan: "I never thought about what to do with you, because you are nothing in my mind."

He smiled: "What if you admit defeat or not, anyway you lose."

"You--" He Weichuan said angrily: "Don't be so proud, isn't it just a momentary advantage, the villain is determined!"

He paused: "I tell you, even if you keep me, I won't stay. I have connections. Even if I'm not in Yizhou City, I can mix with Song Gongzi and Modu."

"Oh." Fang Chuan's mouth twitched: "Song Que?"

"Yes, it's him." He Weichuan nodded proudly: "You know it's him!"

As he said, he walked over to the office.

"Boss Fang, is this kid sick?" Li Haoran couldn't help asking.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "He regards me as his imaginary enemy, and he doesn't have much ability. It can be said that nothing can be achieved, so he has to deliberately emphasize these things."

"That's right." Gu Yuanfeng nodded: "The more people lack something, the more they like to emphasize something."

"Let's go in too."

Fang Chuan smiled, walked to the office, pushed the door, and saw Yao Wenyuan, Song Que, and Yulong inside.

"Fang Chuan?"

"You came?"

When Song Que and Yulong saw Fang Chuan at the same time, their expressions couldn't help changing. If they knew that the uncle was coming, they wouldn't necessarily come.

He Yulong now, the last thing he wants to see is Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, glanced at them, then at He Weichuan who stood aside, and smiled faintly: "Why, you are handing over with me, I am here, are you upset?"


Song Que didn't plan to provoke Fang Chuan in any way, and waved his hand: "I just think it's a bad idea to waste time with us."

"Stop." Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Don't say these are useless."

He walked to Yao Wenyuan: "How is it?"

"President Fang, it's almost there. The colleagues in the Legal Department looked at it and felt that there was no problem and they could sign the contract."

Yao Wenyuan hurriedly smiled and said, "Since you are here, then you can sign."

Fang Chuan shook his head: "No, you are still acting as your agent. I'm just coming over and have a look. You continue with their people."

As he said, he found a place to sit down.

Song Que glanced at Fang Chuan, then at He Weichuan, suddenly his eyes lit up and he had a plan.

He quickly called He Weichuan and came to Fang Chuan's body: "Fang Chuan, I will introduce you to a talent. His management is very successful. In the past, Yinhui Plaza was managed by him."

As he said, he pointed to He Weichuan.

He wanted to put He Weichuan in Fang Chuan's company so that he could obtain Fang Chuan's information, so that he could know himself and his enemy when he cleaned Fang Chuan.

"Huh?" He Weichuan's expression suddenly changed after hearing Song Que's words.

The corner of Fang Chuan's mouth twitched and he glanced at He Weichuan: "Song Que, I know the talent you mentioned, he is just someone who is ignorant and has a good eye and a low hand."

"Fang Chuan!" He Weichuan was so angry that he almost burst, and this guy's mouth is too poisonous!

He angered: "Why do you say that to me?"

"Do you know?" Song Que couldn't help being taken aback.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Yes, I know, and there is still a bit of contradiction!"

He glanced at Song Que again: "By the way, he is yours? I heard just now that he can mix with you even if he is not in Yizhou City?"

"Um..." Song Que did plan that before, after all, He Weichuan is a very good flatterer.

At the beginning, after he met He Weichuan in Yizhou City, this guy's bad idea made him feel a little fresh.

Later, this guy wanted to be the management, so he got He Weichuan to Yinhui Plaza.

Although many people later told him that He Weichuan was a man of intermediate ability and poor character, and many colleagues were framed by him.

However, Song Que himself is also a person of corrupt character, so he admires He Weichuan more and more.

However, now that Fang Chuan said this, in order not to stimulate Fang Chuan's neurosis for the time being, he hesitated a little.

He glanced at He Weichuan.

He Weichuan couldn't help frowning, and his heart stunned: "Song son, you can't listen to his nonsense!"

Fang Chuan's mouth twitched, ignoring He Weichuan, but looking at Song Que: "Do you think I am talking nonsense?"

Seeing Fang Chuan's eyes, Song Que couldn't help gritting his teeth secretly, thinking of Fang Chuan's various things before, and even he and Yulong had to bear three points.

At least, in his opinion, even if Song Que was a powerful dragon, he would not dare to crush Fang Chuan, a local snake.

He smiled, and the other side said, "Since Fang Chuan said that, then He Weichuan might be like that."

"Master Song!" He Weichuan was anxious.

Song Que frowned, showing his domineering and domineering face, and looked at He Weichuan: "What? What's wrong with me?"

"No, no, hey..."

He Weichuan waved his hand quickly and smiled awkwardly, but he was dripping blood in his heart. He gave Fang Chuan a fierce look.

His abacus fell through!

He looked at Song Que and quickly said: "Song son, it's because of our previous friendship..."

"Shut up!" Song Que waved his hand and said sharply, "What friendship do I have with you? What are you?"

"Huh?" He Weichuan didn't expect that Song Que, who had treated him well before, turned his face faster than a book.

Song Que sneered and said, "Well, since Fang Chuan doesn't want to keep you here, then you can just go through the resignation procedures."

He paused: "By the way, don't behave like you are familiar with me in the future, I am not familiar with you, let's go!"

"I--" He Weichuan was in a very good mood before, still thinking about his future life, dreaming of returning home.

However, at this moment, his heart became cold, and Fang Chuan's appearance made him lose any illusions.

He looked at Fang Chuan and said angrily: "Fang Chuan, what hate do I have with you? Why do you have to drive me to death?"

He was extremely excited, his chest rising and falling violently, as if he was about to attack Fang Chuan at any time.

Song Que saw it, but couldn't help shook his head.

What's the use of He Weichuan's roar with Fang Chuan? You can only ask for hardship! Song Que doesn't dare to talk to Fang Chuan like this now!

Fang Chuan smiled faintly and looked at Song Que: "I don't have much hatred with you, and I don't have much resentment. In fact, since I met you today, I didn't take the initiative to tell you anything, it was you who kept on. He kept provking me."

He cocked Erlang's legs: "I disdain to care about little people like flies and mosquitoes, but if all the flies and mosquitoes bully me, do you think I will ignore it?"

A tick at the corner of his mouth: "I will only slap it to death!"

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