The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1051: This is the Divine Comedy!

Chapter 1051 This is the Divine Comedy!

The scene is terribly quiet!

Nearly 50,000 people, all held their breath, almost forgot the time and space they were in, and were completely indulged in Fang Chuan's passionate music.

Some of them turned themselves into warriors, some turned themselves into generals, and some as spectators witnessed a rare fighting spirit.

Killing, sacrifice, tragedy, death, unyielding...

Various wills are intertwined in people's minds. By this time, it seems that every note has hit the deepest part of their hearts.

As time passed, the music became more and more exciting, and everyone couldn't help standing up, clenching their fists.

Some of them shed tears, some had veins, some were sobbing, and some were angry...

A piece of music can give people a different feeling, and it seems to be separated, but it is a whole.

This is simply incredible!

However, Fang Chuan did it!

This is Liu Menglu's rejection of the crowd, letting a little-known person start the concert of 50,000 people.

In private, although they knew that Fang Chuan was great, they knew that Fang Chuan had won back the right to use the gymnasium.

However, they still hold objections, and they don't want this concert to be messed up!

At this moment, the staff had no thoughts to judge whether Fang Chuan's opening was a success.

They are also completely addicted!

The power of this pure music actually conquered them all.


The last note exploded the power of this song to the apex, and everyone's scalp numb instantly.

After that, they woke up and felt extremely irritated and shocked. When they knew that everything they had just seen was an illusion and an illusion, they suddenly sat on the ground weakly.

Everyone is breathing heavily!

After listening to this song, they felt a little tired, because they just put too much effort into this song.

However, even so, there is endless aftertaste!

There was silence for about fifteen seconds before they struggled to free themselves from the fierce battle.

"This is a divine composition, a divine comedy, I have never heard such a song!"

"My God, I feel like a century!"

"This is even more exciting than a blockbuster!"

"I served it!"

After these fifteen seconds, everyone shouted and cheered loudly, and even more people spared no effort to admire.

There is fanaticism in their eyes!

Although, many of them do not understand music or piano, but they can feel it intuitively!

The highest state of music is not to convey the senses, create artistic conception, and expand human imagination?

Fang Chuan's song was completely accomplished!

When he didn't use chaotic magic, and didn't use Si Yin Xianzun's method to enter the Tao with sound, he conquered these people.

"Oh my God, the effect is unexpectedly good!"

"Looking at the expressions of the audience, even if they announce the end of the concert now, they might think it's worth it!"

"Who is this Mr. Fang sacred? He has long been famous in the world for his piano art!"

"I really can't imagine that there is such a master in the world!"

The staff behind the stage were also excited. Fang Chuan's performance was far beyond their expectations. They were going crazy.

"This Fang Chuan..." Li Feier was also the one who opposed Fang Chuan's opening, but now it is different.

She felt magical and incredible.

She stood behind the scenes, looking at Fang Chuan in the spotlight, her eyes flashing with worship.

He is perfect!

With a smile on Liu Menglu's face, she had long known that as long as Fang Chuan wanted to play the piano, it would definitely cause a sensation.

She can even imagine that once this song is released on the Internet, it is not as shocking as the scene.

However, it will be hot, and it will be extremely hot!

"thank you all!"

At this time, Fang Chuan stood up, smiled faintly, and waved to the audience, then, turning around, greeted Liu Menglu who was on the elevator from the center of the stage.

Liu Menglu was dressed in exquisite dress, just like the princess in a fairy tale, she walked out with a smile and gave Fang Chuan a hug in public.

If you put it before, the male audience in the audience will definitely be angry.

However, now, they are conquered by Fang Chuan's piano. In their opinion, Fang Chuan and Liu Menglu are simply beautiful men and women.

At this time, the applause became even more enthusiastic.

Liu Menglu looked at Fang Chuan, held hands with him, stood on the stage, and smiled slightly: "Thank you all, and also very grateful to my good friend, Xiaochuan, for bringing us the wonderful piano performance."

"I believe that you, like me, have been conquered by Xiaochuan's piano art."

"Next, the two of us will bring you "Creative Love"!"

Liu Menglu is familiar with the stage and speaks casually, which can bring people a feeling of extreme expectations.

As soon as she finished speaking, the people in the audience made a sensation, and the applause rose.

They not only looked forward to Liu Menglu, but also looked forward to the singing voice of the unexpectedly talented piano master "Ogawa".

After all, some talents are brilliant, but singing skills are average.

However, they soon discovered that this ‘Xiaochuan’ not only played the piano well, but also sang.

His voice is clean and bright, but full of emotion, it is a kind of enjoyment for people to listen to it.

One song, they are drawn into that kind of love scene.

He sings, just like he plays the piano, it is a kind of enjoyment.

After the song was finished, Fang Chuan smiled faintly, waved to the crowd, did not speak much, jumped up, and returned to the VIP seat as before.

He simply came and left in a hurry, leaving only his piano and singing.

Everyone found something even stranger. Just now they clearly looked at Fang Chuan's face and remembered his appearance, but when they closed their eyes, they completely forgot.

They tried hard to remember, but found that they had no impression of this "Xiaochuan".

This feeling is extremely strange.

However, they didn't have time to think about it, because the next was Liu Menglu's concert, and the enthusiasm of everyone was mobilized and they were completely involved.

Fortunately, Liu Menglu was also out. Her singing voice was not trivial. Otherwise, Fang Chuan would perform at the beginning of the show. If it was replaced by someone else, it would have been dull.

Liu Menglu was very good, and the concert was also very successful.

Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye, the concert was halfway through.

"Ah, Ogawa, it's hot!" Sai Xi Shi swiped on Weibo during a break, and saw a blog post about the "Liu Menglu" concert and the piano master "Where is Xiaochuan".

On this blog post, there happened to be a piece of music played by Fang Chuan just now, which was then reposted frantically.

Unsurprisingly, Fang Chuan’s song from the realm of comprehension was completely popular!

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