Chapter 1044

Song Que couldn't help but frown when he heard it, but 20 billion was still insulting him? Do you know what is the concept of twenty to thirty billion?

He is angry!

Is this guy planning to knock him off?

No, it's not an intention, it's just knocking him off.

As the son of a Song family, how could he be ripped off casually?

If there is, it can only be this time, um, yes, only this time!

He looked at Fang Chuan, biting his leaky teeth: "Fang Chuan, do you know that these are shares, which will increase in value in the future!"

"so what?"

Fang Chuan hooked his mouth and waved his hand: "Forget it, since you can't get the compensation that makes my heart beat, I will kill you!"

"I..." Song Que was a little angry, this guy was too greedy.

He was cruel and stomped: "Well, I'm in Yizhou City in the Honghe Commercial District, and there is a building worth tens of billions. Take it!"

He said again: "This is already my limit! Although I am the son of the Song family, my assets are not much, almost 100 billion. If you are still not satisfied, then kill me! It's a big deal and both lose!"

His heart is bleeding!

He often used the guise of the Song family, but in fact, in the Song family, he was just a dude who had no real power.

His parents did not expect him to be more productive, so they gave him some assets and let him spend his entire life.

Anyway, he still has a few capable brothers!

The assets taken out today are equivalent to 80% of the total assets.

Fang Chuan's mouth ticked: "There is another building? What building?"

"Yinhui Plaza." Song Que answered quickly.

"Yinhui Plaza?" Fang Chuan raised his brows. He bought a lot of things in Yinhui Plaza and accompanied Rui Zhixin several times.

He thought that this Yinhui Plaza was pretty good.

Unexpectedly, by such a coincidence, this Yinhui Square was actually under the name of Song Que.

These family dudes are indeed amazing, born with a golden key, and there is so much money without doing anything.

This Yinhui Plaza is in a prime location, and the land area is not small, and the future appreciation is also not small.

The key is that this is real estate and has collection value.

He thought for a while, then he groaned and looked at Song Que: "Are you so poor?"


Song Que almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood, is he also called poor?

He looked at Fang Chuan, and could only swallow his anger: "Yes, I am poor! This is already my limit, you can figure it out!"

Fang Chuan nodded: "Since you are a poor ghost, forget it, and don't intend to embarrass you. I only give you one day to go through all the formalities."

He paused for a moment: "If you change your mind, I promise, even if you get to the magic city, I will catch you back and let you know our Fang Chuan's methods."

He was smiling, but Song Que seemed to feel his scalp numb all the time.

He felt that he was really beeping a dog, and he would not offend this guy if he knew it!

"Okay, no problem. With Yulong helping me, one day should be enough!" Song Que said through gritted teeth, only God knows how distressed he is.

He was just a dude, and after his parents gave him these assets, they didn't intend to manage him.

Once these assets are lost, it is tantamount to cutting him a large piece of meat.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, and said: "Oh, yes, there is one more thing, after finishing these things, immediately go back to your magic capital. Don't bother my Senior Sister Liu, otherwise, see you once and beat you once. Do you understand?"

"Understood..." Song Que replied through gritted teeth.

To be honest, he liked Liu Menglu, but it was because of Liu Menglu that he lost so much now.

In his view, Liu Menglu was simply a devil, as far away as she was.

Seeing Song Que, Fang Chuan had nothing to squeeze, and with a good attitude of admitting his mistake, he did not intend to kill him.

Anyway, the beating is also the beating, the scolding is also the scolding, the compensation is also lost.

If this guy is really killed, it will be more troublesome to deal with things later, not to mention that there is another person watching Yulong next to him.

He turned his head and looked at He Yulong: "You seemed to be plotting against me with this guy just now, didn't you?"

"Nima..." He Yulong was too angry, but Song Que was secretly refreshed.

He looked at Fang Chuan: "I don't have one!"

"Do you think I'm blind?" Fang Chuan's eyes drenched, "He Yulong, how can I count this with you?"

He gritted his teeth with Yulong, knowing that he was being watched by Fang Chuan. For the plan of his ancestors, he could not conflict with Fang Chuan too fiercely.

not to mention--

In this case, he has no capital to conflict with Fang Chuan!

He looked at Fang Chuan: "Then tell me, what do you want?"

"Huh?" Fang Chuan frowned and looked at He Yulong: "It sounds like you are still a bit dissatisfied, not convinced?"


He Yulong was very angry. After meeting Fang Chuan during the day today, he has been very angry until now.

He looked at Fang Chuan: "I am in the Honghe Commercial Circle, and there is also a square, the value is about the same as Yinhui Plaza, the next is the subway station, I will compensate you, OK?"


Fang Chuan clicked the corner of his mouth, feeling a little overjoyed, and said with a smile: "I originally planned to let you pay me one or two hundred million. The Lord Hutchison is generous!"

"Nima..." He and Yulong almost vomited blood, got cheap, and didn't forget the disgusting person. This guy is really disgusting.

He Yulong now has a feeling of eating flies.

He waved his hand: "Don't say more, that INS square is yours. Tomorrow, I will go through the formalities for you with Song Gongzi. You can let someone take it over!"

"it is good."

Fang Chuan is very satisfied. Today's harvest is not trivial. The gold and treasure map he obtained from the Amaterasu branch has already made him a lot of money.

Now, I have obtained a total of about 150 billion worth of real estate, which is simply amazing.

This kind of asset is much better than getting money!

He has decided to let Yao Wenyuan hand over him tomorrow.

Later, he left Yao Wenyuan's phone number for Song Que, and Yulong, and another for their contact information.

After doing all this, he waved his hand: "Happy cooperation, don't mess with me next time, especially you, Song Gongzi. This time, you are lucky!"

With that, he turned around and left the manor where Song Que was located.

"He Yulong, is there really no way to do anything with him?" Song Que had suffered a big loss this time, and Fang Chuan was directly driven out of Yizhou City.

How could he be willing?

He stood up with Yulong and waved his hands: "Song son, don't discuss him with me. I don't want to listen. You can prepare the materials overnight. We will give him the stuff tomorrow. Otherwise, I'll be honest, he might be true Everyone who can run away puts you on a flagpole!"

"Fuck!" Song Que couldn't help but shudder.

If Fang Chuan really hangs the flagpole, then he will really have no face to meet people in the magic city.

He nodded quickly: "I understand."

Soon, the next day, the young people in Yizhou City were excited, especially in the afternoon, they had already begun to go to the Provincial Gymnasium.

Liu Menglu's concert is about to begin!

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