The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1036: What do you look at?

Chapter 1036: What Do You Look At?

Speaking of assassination, the most powerful profession in this world is probably the ninja.

They are good at disguising, extremely patient, extremely cruel to others and themselves, and they are best at hiding.

These points, even werewolves, vampires, etc., do not have them.

Therefore, even if the werewolves and vampires are more powerful than the ninjas.

However, they are also unwilling to provoke ninjas.

The most terrifying thing about ninjas is that they are not afraid of death. This is also the characteristic of many enthusiasts in the country.

It is for this reason that the Amaterasu organization is very famous in this world, and it makes many people a headache.

Of course Fang Chuan didn't know, he had been missed by the ninja killer organized by Amaterasu.

However, a person like Fang Chuan who has a sense of spirit and has a strong sense of sensitivity, but also happens to be the natural enemy of these ninja killers.

Moreover, they also miscalculated Fang Chuan's strength.

After nine o'clock in the evening, Fang Chuan and Liu Menglu had a barbecue in Wenxing Square before returning to the villa with a sense of excitement.

Liu Menglu was very happy.

Where Fang Chuan is, it is simply heaven.

She likes to eat the food in these food courts, but because she is a public figure, she rarely can eat it.

However, Fang Chuan is different.

With Fang Chuan, it seems that no one in the world knows her anymore. Even if she doesn't wear sunglasses, no one will find her.

It's a wicked one!

In fact, it was just Fang Chuan who put a blind eye on her face in order to save trouble, so that others could not recognize it.

"Haha, Xiaochuan, the last few days have been the happiest days for me!" Liu Menglu looked happy and followed Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan opened the door, pushed it in, and said with a smile: "If you like, you can come to me often in the future. I have no problem at all."

"Really?" Liu Menglu was overjoyed. For her now, Fang Chuan is a super magnet. She is iron.

She felt that Fang Chuan was an all-rounder.

She and Fang Chuan entered the house, changed their shoes, sat on the sofa, looked at Fang Chuan carefully, blushing: "Yes, this morning, you said I was your...girlfriend..."

"What's the matter?" Fang Chuan smiled faintly and looked at Liu Menglu, "Senior Sister Liu, you admitted back then, now you want to go back?"

"Huh?" Liu Menglu didn't react for a moment, was stunned, her heart beating wildly.

Fang Chuan waved his hand and said with a smile: "Ha, I was joking, isn't that to help you out?"

"Oh." Liu Menglu was a little lost.

When Fang Chuan saw Liu Menglu's expression, how could he not understand what she meant, but he wanted to do this and tease her.

After all, Liu Daxing's peerless appearance and peerless singing voice, the key is to kiss him again, which is equivalent to stamping his mark. How could it be someone else's?

Now, Liu Menglu has been regarded as forbidden by him, and other people cannot touch it.

Fang Chuan smiled: "I'm tired today too. Let's take a good rest. I'm going to rest too."

As he said, he went upstairs.

"Oh." For the first time, Liu Menglu felt his emotions fluctuate, worry about gains and losses.

She sighed and went upstairs, changing her clothes and washing herself.

Fang Chuan returned to his practice room, sat cross-legged, took out the remaining middle-grade spirit stones, and began to meditate slowly.

This is his daily compulsory homework.

As time passed, a cloud of white mist rose beside Fang Chuan, full of spiritual energy, and the whole person fell into ethereal.

About an hour later, Fang Chuan suddenly opened his eyes and frowned.

He felt a trace of murderous aura!

You know, there are at least ten people on guard outside this villa. As long as a suspect approaches, they will be discovered.

Now, Fang Chuan has not received a reminder, obviously a master is here.

Moreover, this murderous aura is very weak, and ordinary martial artists will not find it at all, and hide it very well.

With a sweep of his consciousness, the corners of his mouth curled up.

"Interesting." Fang Chuan smiled faintly and stood up.

He had already discovered that the people who came were ninjas, and these people could pass the invisibility technique and quietly enter his villa.

This kind of invisibility technique is equivalent to a kind of blinding technique, which may have been researched out when the Japanese people stole Baopuzi's posthumous work.

However, this kind of invisibility technique works well at the qi refining level, and once it reaches the foundation building period, the effect is not so good.

In the night, Fang Chuan's villa seemed quiet.

The three ninjas, wearing night clothes and carrying swords, walked without sound at all, and walked upstairs from the lobby of the villa.

They walked while gesturing to communicate.

Between them, although they used the invisibility technique, they also had the secret technique so that the other party could see them.

While walking, suddenly there was the sound of footsteps in the corridor, and then a person appeared on the corridor on the second floor.

These three people were shocked at once, but they were relieved because of their invisibility technique.

They don't need to take out the photo to know that this person is their goal.

There was surprise in their eyes.

The person in front of him has a weak breath and an average body strength, so they feel that their task is simpler than they thought.

Could this person be a master at Zhongnin level? They are skeptical!

Fang Chuan walked downstairs without squinting, as if he did not see the people in the corridor at all.

However, in his divine consciousness, he could see the comical appearance of these ninjas, as if they were watching a performance.

At this time, he had already arrived in front of these ninjas.

Of these ninjas, two of them are high-level middle ninjas, and the other is a beginner upper ninja.

This lineup can be said to be very luxurious, which shows the importance of Amaterasu and Fangchuan.

You know, the Amaterasu organization is in China, and the beginner Shangren is already a very high-end force, and the intermediate Shangren is the only one.

Therefore, in their opinion, as long as they make a move, Fang Chuan will undoubtedly die.

"What are you looking at?" Fang Chuan suddenly smiled, looking at the Zhong Ren who was staring straight at him.

"Huh?" Na Zhongren had already pulled out a short knife and was about to stab Fang Chuan on the neck, but when he heard this sentence, he was shocked.


However, his reaction is also fast, almost instantly, he has already shot.

Han Guang Shuo Shuo's short knife pierced Fang Chuan's neck, and there was a sneer in the air.

"It's too weak." Fang Chuan smiled. Suddenly, **** were clamped, seeming to be slow but fast, but he clamped the short knife in one fell swoop.


With a little effort, the sharp short knife made of fine iron broke with a crisp sound.


Nazhong Shinobu also received the power from the short knife, and slammed him to the ground and rolled down the stairs.

"Oops, he can see us!"

"Go on, kill him!"

The remaining two people were also shocked, but they also followed suit. One of them performed ninjutsu, the wind seal strengthened the shuriken, and hurled it at Fang Chuan.

And that first-level Upper Shinobi, his eyes drenched, his handprints hit continuously, and then a cyan wind blade that was ten centimeters wide was agitated.


The wind blade was extremely fast and slashed towards Fang Chuan's neck!

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