The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1032: Bully them both

Chapter 1032

Fang Chuan was also a little surprised when he saw these two people. He originally planned to threaten Yulong and come over to see him by smashing the shop.

However, He Yulong came by himself.

Moreover, he guessed right, that 90% of the incident was related to Song Que.

Song Que did not expect to meet Fang Chuan here.

However, he was not afraid of Fang Chuan at all, because he knew that He Yulong was a master, and Hutchison also had many masters.

He is safe with Yulong.

"He Yulong, ha ha, very good, I just wanted to see you, so you showed up for me."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, and waved to He Yulong and the others: "Come with me, otherwise, I will hit you at the Heji auction site today."

"You--" He Yulong felt dull, extremely angry, and felt insulted.

At this time, Fang Chuan said again: "You can give it a try and see how much time I can use before and after you smash your store. If you are interested, you can time it."

With that, he pulled up Liu Menglu in front of these two people and walked aside.

"This..." Song Qian was so angry that he almost vomited blood, "It's too much! We won't go there, I don't believe he can smash you Heji auction!"


He Yulong couldn't help but sighed. The person he hates most in Yizhou City is of course Fang Chuan.

However, Fang Chuan is also the one he fears most.

This guy has a high level of force, he is self-willed, and his background is not trivial, and his methods are endless!

Even his ancestors let him not rush to provoke this person.

He also heard yesterday that even Kazuo Yagyu, the super master of Japan, who was second only to the ancestor, had him put on the flagpole.

Although, he felt that Fang Chuan made too many enemies and would be severely punished in the future.

However, he can't offend him now.

He said he was going to smash the shop, it's really **** possible!

He smiled at Song Que and said, "Master Song, let's go over, this guy, do everything."

He paused and looked at Song Que: "Also, Song Gongzi, you didn't tell me before that it was Fang Chuan who was with Liu Menglu!"

He was a little angry with Yulong. If he knew about this relationship before, he would never deal with Liu Menglu for Song Que.

Song Que hurriedly waved his hand and smiled, "I didn't know that Fang Chuan is so arrogant!"

"Forget it, the matter has reached this point, go and see what he says." He Yulong was very upset, feeling that he was asking for trouble.

He knows that Wang Changfeng and Old Ancestor He Changzai are making good progress recently, and maybe the Old Ancestor will be healed.

At that time, Fang Chuan could only kneel.

Now, it can't!

He shook his head and took Song Que, heading towards Fang Chuan in a complicated mood.

"Will they come?" Liu Menglu was shocked when she knew that the person was Yulong. She had heard of Yulong's name.

What Fang Chuan said just now made her feel unbelievable.

"Don't worry." Fang Chuan twitched the corner of his mouth, then pointed to the back, "Look, they are here."

"Let's talk about it, what's the matter?" He Yulong knew well and knew why Fang Chuan was looking for him.

He looked around. It was an alley between the two buildings. Not many people passed by.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, and glanced at He Yulong: "I heard that you let people take back the right to use the Provincial Gymnasium, right?"

"This is my business, isn't Mr. Fang being a little bit lenient?" He Yulong said deliberately.

"Don't pretend!" Fang Chuan waved his hand, "I am afraid you already know my intention."

He Yulong's face sank, but he didn't refute.

"Fang!" Song Que was angry, and pointed to Fang Chuan, "I asked Yulong to do the thing. If you have anything to do, look for me!"

In fact, he is not stupid, he deliberately provokes conflicts, and Yulong will definitely help him when that happens.

In this way, He Yulong got on the same boat with him.

Although he is a thorough dude, he also has a little trick.

"Really?" Fang Chuan's mouth twitched and looked at Song Que, "Isn't you going to go against us regardless of my warning?"

"Yes, what can you do to me?" Song Que looked confident and determined that He Yulong would protect him.

"Song son..." He Yulong was speechless for a while, trying to stop.

"Yulong, you don't have to worry about it." Song Que waved his hand in awe-inspiring manner, "I will take care of this, and I won't cause you trouble."

"Oh!" He Yulong listened and nodded.

"Huh?" Song Que suddenly felt a little ominous in his heart, but then he wondered if he was doing it with Yulong.

Fang Chuan didn't care about them, stepped forward and looked at Song Que: "If this is the case, then I will tell you about it, and it has caused my fate!"

"I'm afraid of you!" Song Que sneered, reaching out and grabbing Fang Chuan's collar. This was called preemptive strike.


Fang Chuan smiled, but suddenly he punched Song Que in the stomach. This punch was not heavy, but it also made him squat.

"Ah!" Song Que made a scream, holding his stomach, his face pale, and he couldn't speak for a long time.

"Fang Chuan..." He Yulong frowned.

"You want to manage?" Fang Chuan's mouth twitched.

"Forget it." He Yulong took a step back, "Master Song won't let me take care of it, I don't care about it." He said, and glanced at Song Que.

"What?" Song Que felt hurt!

He didn't expect that He Yulong would really not help him!

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have made a wrong decision.

Fang Chuan then looked at Song Que with a tick at the corner of his mouth: "Is it wrong?"

"You--" Song Que felt that if he admitted, it would be more uncomfortable than being beaten.

However, if you don’t admit it, the beating is not only uncomfortable, but also painful and you may get hurt.

He quickly said: "Wrong, wrong."

"Um..." Liu Menglu looked speechless, is this the Song Que she knows?

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Since it is wrong, what do you say about the right to use the stadium?"

"I don't care." Song Que said quickly, apparently also confessing.

Fang Chuan nodded and patted Song Que's face: "It's pretty much the same. Go back. It doesn't matter to you here."

"Yes!" Song Que gritted his teeth, enduring his nausea, turned around and walked behind He Yulong, a little dissatisfied with He Yulong.

However, Hutchison is very strong, and he can't call He Yulong either.

Fang Chuan looked at He Yulong: "What do you do next, do you understand?"

"Fang Chuan, do you really think that Hutchison is easy to bully?" He Yulong said with a sullen face, "We Hutchison are just modest."

He then said again: "I remember that you are a city hero. He once helped the police and rescued many people. Forget it, I will let you once."

He faintly said: "I will give you the right to use the gymnasium and let Liu Menglu continue to use it!"

Song Que listened and almost didn't vomit blood. He Yulong deserves to be the first son of Yizhou City, and he even said it so tactfully.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly after hearing this: "In front of me, call."

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