The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1029: What is the origin of Mr. Fang?

Chapter 1029 What is the origin of Mr. Fang?

At the beginning, Fang Chuan felt that Xiao Shujie was just a bit of a mother, and a bit unreasonable.

But now, he found that Xiao Shujie was still a bit cheap, and there seemed to be some conflicts with Senior Sister Liu.

It looks a bit like a rival in love!

However, no matter what their contradiction was, Fang Chuan said that Xiao Shujie was looking for death if Xiao Shujie dared to scold Senior Sister Liu like this.

"What are you talking about?" Fang Chuan frowned and looked at Xiao Shujie, "Are you looking for death?"

"I think you guys and dogs are looking for death!" Xiao Shujie cursed. He didn't have any talents at all, so he could only get the position by his relationship.

To say that the city does not have it, nor does it have quality.

As he was talking, he ran up to the stage like a mad dog, pointed at Liu Menglu, relied on his own identity, and cursed: "Who do you think you are looking for? No face and no skin, really disgusting me."

He turned his head and pointed at the staff members: "You, you, and you, oh yes, Li Feier, whoever of you wants to continue working here, just come up to me and throw this man out for me."

He shouted to Liu Menglu again: "And you, Liu Menglu! Don't make your own way! Think you are a big star, so you can do whatever you want? Bah! You have to look at my face, what I can let you have, can let you What to lose!"

Everyone listened and looked at each other. They did not expect that Xiao Shujie, who had been at odds with Liu Menglu, would be so angry at this moment.

However, they also felt a dilemma, Liu Menglu on one side, and deputy director on the other.

In comparison, the deputy director's words seemed more lethal.

"You let me have it?" Liu Menglu was also a little angry. "Even if the third master is here, he can't say that!"

"You are embarrassed to mention the third brother to me?"

Xiao Shujie sneered again and again, "If you know the good news, for the sake of the third brother, how can you talk to me like this?"

"Bah!" He was even more angry, "I tell you, you are just an actor in my eyes!"

He turned around again and cursed: "You waste materials, don't do it yet? Why, you don't listen to what I Xiao Shujie said?"

"How to do?"

"The gods fight, mortals suffer!"

"Better invite that gentleman down first."

As they said, they had to walk over to the stage, somewhat reluctant, who would offend Liu Menglu's friend easily?

They are all in this circle, and Liu Menglu's words can ruin their future.

However, this Xiao Shujie seemed more difficult to deal with.

"You--" Liu Menglu used to disagree with Xiao Shujie, and it also depends on how tolerant the third master Chen Danian is.

Unexpectedly, this time, Xiao Shujie turned so hard.

Fang Chuan waved his hand, but prevented Liu Menglu from talking, but took a step forward and looked at Xiao Shujie.

"Chen Danian is your patron?" He asked lightly.

"The third brother's name, can you call it casually?" Xiao Shujie said sharply, "So what, are you envious or jealous?"

"Ha ha."

Fang Chuan smiled faintly, "You still call your third brother and ask him how he is."

He paused: "By the way, what would happen to you if this company didn't have your third brother?"

"This company was run by my third brother, how could it be without my third brother, haha!" Xiao Shujie sneered.

"Vice President Xiao, just tell you, San Ye has now been taken away by people from the Crime Bureau, including Uncle Cao."

Liu Menglu shook her head and looked at Xiao Shujie: "They may not be able to get out. I don't know what will happen to this company, but I know, they are finished!"

"Impossible!" Xiao Shujie's sharp voice sounded again, "You think I'm a three-year-old kid, can you fool me?"

"San Ye was arrested?"

"No? Who is Sanye, how could he be arrested?"

"But, Liu Menglu wouldn't talk nonsense, right?"

Everyone also whispered, although they didn't believe that San Ye could be arrested, there must be a reason for the groundlessness, and we can't talk nonsense.

Xiao Shujie was even more angry when he heard it.

He cursed: "You all shut up! You want to die, don't you?"

Everyone was yelled by him, and they felt uncomfortable. They thought that the third master was really caught, and this guy was driven away. They must set off firecrackers to see off.

"Don't yell, you can just make a phone call and ask." Fang Chuan waved lightly.

Xiao Shujie furrowed his brows and was a little unconfident by them. Yesterday he called San Ye and no one answered him.

This has made him feel a little bit wrong, now listening to Liu Menglu and the others, there is really a little bit!

He said a few more words, turned around to a corner under the stage, made a phone call, and he heard what happened to the third master.

His face suddenly changed.

He couldn't help but glanced at Liu Menglu and Fang Chuan on the stage, then turned to leave.

"You know what I said is right?" Fang Chuan smiled faintly, looking at Xiao Shujie who looked hurriedly.

"Huh!" Xiao Shujie was angry and a little uneasy. Hearing Fang Chuan's words, he said angrily: "What's your business?"

He paused, "Wait, what's your name?"

"Fang Chuan." Fang Chuan smiled faintly, "Are you planning to retaliate against me?"

"Are you Fang Chuan?" Xiao Shujie was shocked and took a big step back.

He originally lived in the magic city and didn't even know Fang Chuan's name.

But just now, he called San Ye's wife and heard that they tried every means to inquire, only to know that the person San Ye offended was Fang Chuan.

Xiao Shujie originally planned to go to his sister-in-law to discuss how to contact Fang Chuan, so as to intercede with him.

The person who can arrest the third master through the relationship can't be a small person.

And when he moved his mind just now, he also asked casually, and he found Fang Chuan.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Yes, it's me. Any advice?"

"No, no!" Xiao Shujie waved his hand quickly, "Hey, Mr. Fang, can we take a step to speak?"


"San Ye was really caught?"

"Why did Vice President Xiao's face become so fast?"

"Could it be that the third master was arrested, has something to do with this Mr. Fang?"

When everyone saw Xiao Shujie's appearance, they couldn't help but be shocked. There was a lot of discussion, and they kept making speculations about him, wondering who he was sacred.

"Could it be that this is still a big man?" Li Feier also looked curious, everything in front of her turned a little faster!

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "If you have anything, let's talk about it here. Hurry up, I'm in a hurry, I want to sing duet with Senior Sister Liu!"

"This..." Xiao Shujie hesitated a little. When so many people begged for mercy, wouldn't it be too shameful?

"Did not say?"

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Forget it, get out."

"No, no..." Xiao Shujie knew that it was time for them to survive, and they couldn't save face.

He sighed, and quickly said: "Then be here!"

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