The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1027: you do not like me?

Chapter 1027 You Don't Like Me?

"I'm here." Liu Menglu said as she walked in through the small door.

Fang Chuan followed Liu Menglu, and he saw this Mai Ze. It was almost the same as in the photo, and his appearance was not bad.

"Xiao Lu, are you here?" Mai Ze stood up excitedly and walked to Liu Menglu.

"Maize, you call my name." Liu Menglu knew that Fang Chuan might mind, so she said quickly.

"Huh?" Mai Ze was taken aback, then he saw Fang Chuan behind Liu Menglu, "This is...your brother?"

Fang Chuan was very upset with this Mai Ze, because he actually wanted to soak Liu Monroe in front of him.

Although not as arrogant as Song Que, but the nature is similar, making people angry.

He snorted coldly, "I am Senior Sister Liu's boyfriend."

As he spoke, as if preaching sovereignty, he grabbed Liu Menglu's hand and looked at Mai Ze provocatively.

"Uh..." Fei'er on the side opened his eyes wide, and then showed a curious and gossiping gaze. This scene is exciting!

Liu Menglu felt a little embarrassed, but she did not explain, nor did she break free of Fang Chuan's hand.

She knew Fang Chuan was jealous, but she didn't expect that he would express it in this way.

"What?" Mai Ze's expression changed suddenly, and he looked at Fang Chuan: "Impossible! Xiao Lu..."

"Sister Liu said, let you call her name, don't be so cheeky, okay?" Fang Chuan said without mercy.

Mai Ze felt his heart stabbed hard.

He looked at Liu Menglu: "Xiaolu, tell me, is it true?"

Liu Menglu was asked by Mai Ze. In fact, she was somewhat worried about the consequences if she said so.

If it is spread out, I am afraid it will directly hit the headlines and directly explode!

However, if you don't say it, Fang Chuan will definitely be angry.

Compared to Fang Chuan being angry, she feels that it is better to make headlines, and if it's a big deal, she will quit the entertainment circle!

Thinking of this, she nodded quickly: "Yes, he is my boyfriend, so, Mai Ze, you still call me by name, or call me Miss Liu!"

"How is it possible?" Mai Ze was shocked, "You, haven't you always liked me?"

"Huh?" Liu Menglu was taken aback, a little surprised, "When did I say I like you?"

"You look at my eyes, don't you look like a lover?" Mai Ze said loudly, "I can feel your love for me! Do you know that it is your love that supports my creation!"

"Stop it!" Fang Chuan waved his hand and made a stop gesture, "You still face reality, so let's be straightforward. Senior Sister Liu doesn't like you, understand?"

Mai Ze looked even more ugly. He saw Liu Menglu, the goddess who supported his dream, being held by another man.

He always thought that the two of them could be together just by one chance.

For her, he even dared to disobey Sanye's order.

However, she unexpectedly chose another man behind his back, this is betrayal! This is Chi Guoguo's betrayal!

"No!" Mai Ze shouted loudly: "You must be lying to me!"

"Maize, we didn't lie to you." Liu Menglu shook her head, "I appreciate your talent, but I don't like you."

"You betrayed me!" Mai Ze became excited, his eyes flushed.

When a person is extreme, it is impossible for him to hear what others say, but to be immersed in his own world and logic.

He shouted: "You betray me! No, I can't let you fall into the hands of others, I don't allow it!"

He quickly stretched out his hand to pull Liu Monroe: "You follow me!"


Upon seeing this, Fang Chuan frowned, took a step forward, pulled Liu Menglu behind him, and at the same time pushed on Mai Ze's body.

thump! Mai Ze fell to the ground and rolled a few times on the ground.

Mai Ze's face was torn and bleeding, and his expression was a bit hideous.

He stood up and pointed at Liu Menglu: "If you are in the first year of junior high school, don't blame me for doing the fifteenth! Liu Menglu, I was almost hidden in the snow and blocked! How did you treat me! Do you deserve me?

His roar caught the attention of other staff in the backstage, and some people hurriedly gathered around.

"Mr. Mai, please calm down. If there is anything, let's talk about it in private?" Mayfair hurried up to discourage Mai Ze.

"Go away!" Mai Ze furiously pushed Mayfair away.

The effort used this time was not small. Faye was originally petite, only 80 kilograms, and her body was out of control and slammed into the dressing table.

Her forehead was facing the sharp corner of the dressing table.

"Ah--" Mayfair screamed, watching her forehead, and hitting the sharp corner, but couldn't stop.

At that moment, she felt desperate!

Everyone was also taken aback, as if tragedy was about to happen!


However, in the next moment, Fang Chuan, who was in the shape of lightning, came to Fei'er and hugged Fei'er to save her from being killed.

"Huh—" Mayfair's heartbeat almost reached one hundred and seventy-eight.

She felt Fang Chuan's powerful arm and pulled her back from the ghost gate.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "It's okay!"

"Thank you..." Mayfair said excitedly, and then looked at Liu Menglu: "Ah, Xiao Lu, be careful!"

At this time, Mai Ze was out of control. After he pushed Mayfair away, he immediately pounced on Liu Menglu.

"If you refuse to stay with me, then I will ruin you!" Mai Ze shouted loudly, pounced on Liu Menglu, and grabbed Liu Menglu's neck: "Don't worry, I will follow you, even if I die, I will follow! "

"You are crazy!" Liu Menglu was extremely scared.

"My girlfriend, will die easily?" Fang Chuan's cold voice reached Mai Ze's ear, and then, as soon as he reached out his hand, he caught Mai Ze's neck.


His power was great, and the momentum of Mai Ze was immediately pulled to a halt by Fang Chuan, without even touching Liu Menglu's clothes.


Fang Chuan smiled faintly, with a sudden force of his arm, he lifted Mai Ze up, banged, and fell to the ground.

Mai Ze let out a painful cry, like a cooked lobster, arching himself in pain, yelling.

"You dare to do it, are you tired of your life?" Fang Chuan stepped on Mai Ze's back, his face also a little ugly.

Originally, he didn't intend to bully the singer, but he was a little angry if he dared to do it.

He faintly said: "Don't let me see you in the future, otherwise, see you once, beat you once, get out!"

With that, he kicked Mai Ze away.

Mai Ze rolled on the ground a few times, got up embarrassedly, patted the dust on his body, and looked at the contemptuous glances from the people around him. He gritted his teeth, glanced at Fang Chuan, and then at Liu Menglu.

He said coldly: "Okay, I'm going!"

As he spoke, he squeezed the crowd and walked outside.

At this time, Fang Chuan looked at Liu Menglu and smiled: "Since he is gone, I will sing a love song with you!"

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