Chapter 1015 Who Are You?

Luo Song did have a feeling of good luck at the moment. Fortunately, that person was more dead than him, otherwise, he might be really dead.


At this moment, Fang Chuan waved his hand and removed the defensive cover from Liu Menglu's body.

He smiled slightly: "Sister Liu, it's okay."

"School brother Fang, thank you!" Liu Menglu was really relieved at this time, and tears almost flowed out.

Had it not been for Fang Chuan to give her this magical bracelet in advance, she might have been taken away by Luo Song and the others, and suffered a terrible thing.

She has not encountered such a thing in these years, thinking that this kind of thing will not happen to her.

However, once it happened, she understood how painful it was.

Some people may not feel this way. They can stealthily steal and prostitution for the sake of fame and fortune.

However, she will not, she cannot accept this kind of thing.

She looked at Fang Chuan with gratitude. This was not the first time Fang Chuan had rescued her.

Fang Chuan waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's just a small thing, don't take it to heart with Senior Sister Liu, we are friends."

"Yeah." Liu Menglu nodded heavily, also very happy in her heart.

At this time, Fang Chuan turned around and looked at Luo Song: "I heard just now that your boss asked you to do this, right?"

"Yes, yes." Luo Song nodded quickly, dare to hide anything.

Fang Chuan smiled and said, "I couldn't hear all of it just now, so you can be more detailed.

He said, pulling Liu Menglu to sit on the sofa, looking at Luo Song, waving his hand at random, just like waiting to see a play: "Say it!"

"Yes." Luo Song didn't hesitate, so he told what happened.

It turns out that his boss is a figure in the entertainment industry who covers the sky with one hand. Basically, he said whoever is in the position can do it.

In recent years, although Liu Menglu was also brilliant and outstanding, it was all thanks to these three masters to stand out so quickly.

And this time, San Ye also began to show his hand to Liu Meng, asking her to accompany an important figure in the Japanese Kingdom.

This Japanese national named Liu Menglu.

San Ye seems to have played Liu Menglu's card!

"San Ye is so unrelenting!" After Liu Menglu listened, her face was ugly to the extreme. She had respected San Ye before.

In her mind, San Ye was like an elder.

But now, the image of San Ye collapsed in her heart.

"Miss Liu, how can you fully understand Sanye's city residence?"

Luo Song smiled bitterly: "He just treats you as a trump card, usually protects it, and will use it at a critical moment!"

He said again: "Now is the critical moment."

"Okay!" Fang Chuan clapped his hands and stood up: "Then we will go to meet the third master for a while, and let me see what the godfather of entertainment is like."

He asked again: "Where is he? Even in the capital, I rushed there overnight."

"No!" Luo Song waved his hand, "He is in Yizhou City. This time the big figure from the Japanese Kingdom happened to come to Yizhou City, so of course he has to come and accompany him."

"Yeah." Fang Chuan nodded, "Then take us there. Seeing you cooperate so well, your life will be saved in half."

"Is it only half?" Luo Song felt his heart hanging.

Fang Chuan's mouth clicked: "Next, it depends on your performance. If possible, I will let you live."

"Good, good." Luo Song nodded quickly.

Afterwards, Fang Chuan waved his hand, pulled Liu Menglu, let Luo Song lead the way, and hurriedly went to the hotel in the other direction.

This hotel is also ranked as the top in Yizhou City, with very unique decoration, arched buildings, and very high grade.

After a while, Luo Song parked the car at the entrance of the hotel and asked the waiter to stop. Together, they came to the twentieth floor of the hotel.

This floor is the presidential suite.

Not long after they stopped at the door of a room, Luo Song opened the door.

"Why are you here? How are things going?" A middle-aged man opened the door, saw Luo Song, and opened all the doors.

He added: "The boss takes this matter very seriously, and there should be no problem."

"Uncle Dong." At this time, Liu Menglu walked into the middle-aged man's field of vision and smiled slightly: "I want to come to see San Ye and ask some things clearly."

Uncle Dong's face suddenly sank: "Xiao Liu, don't you know the temper of the third master? He usually gives you so much and asks you to help him with one thing. What else do you have to ask?"

"But, I also made a lot of money for the third master." Liu Menglu argued.

"Huh!" Uncle Dong said unhappily, "San Ye lacks your money?"

"Then let him give all the money earned by Senior Sister Liu to Senior Sister Liu." At this time, Fang Chuan stepped up and sneered, looking at Uncle Dong.

Uncle Dong is San Ye's confidant. He has been with San Ye since he was young and has a high position in the entertainment industry.

If San Ye has important things, he must be taken with him.

He glanced up and down at Fang Chuan and said coldly, "Who are you?"

He looked at Luo Song again and shouted: "How do you do things? Can you bring irrelevant people to San Ye's residence?"

He then said coldly to Chuan: "I don't want to say anything to you, you go away immediately, you don't need you here."

"Hehe." Fang Chuan twitched his mouth and looked at Uncle Dong. "It's very interesting. In Yizhou City, there are not many people like me who are so arrogant."

"What are you? Yizhou City? You are from Hutchison?" Dong Shu sneered, how could he not remember the important person of Hutchison.

He is a very cautious person. When he arrives in a relatively unfamiliar place, he will investigate the local forces clearly.

However, he only investigated these big families, but ignored Fang Chuan, who was rising from the grassroots.

He just thought that only the people of the big family would pose a threat to them, and he didn't put others in his eyes.

He would not put Fang Chuan in his eyes.

"Forget it, it doesn't make sense to tell you more, get out of here!" He said, taking a step forward.


The power of the nine layers of Qi refining exuded, making this Uncle Dong stunned and shocked, and quickly stepped back.

He was sweating all over, and he had never thought that this young man would have such a momentum.

At this moment, Fang Chuan had already pulled Liu Menglu into the suite at will.

It was also at this time that a middle-aged man walked out of the bath while wiping his hair while wearing a bathrobe.

This middle-aged man, who looks like Zhou Zheng, knew at a glance that when he was young, he was also a suave character.

"Who?" He frowned when he saw Fang Chuan, but he was not surprised. Then he saw Liu Menglu: "Xiao Liu, what are you doing?"

"San Ye, I'm here to ask you a question." Liu Menglu looked at San Ye with a complicated mood.

Fang Chuan took Liu Menglu, stabs the ground, and sat on the sofa, with Erlang's legs tilted: "I'm here to clean up you."

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