The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1008: Struck by lightning

Chapter 1008

As Ye Hongxuan said, he took out an old-age mobile phone of more than 100 yuan and snorted coldly: "I want to report your feudal superstition!"

"Xiucai, are you sick? We are such a big happy event. If you call the police, you will be disappointed?"

"We worship our ancestors, where did we break the law again?"

"This idiot, every day he says he has a culture, he never thinks about things, he knows how to pretend to be in the village if he is not a good one!"

"This is the real silly studying!"

Everyone is also angry. It is obviously a happy event to worship the ancestor. If Ye Hongxuan calls the police, there will be nothing to do, but he is also a taboo.

When everyone rolled up their sleeves, they had the idea to do it.

Fang Chuan waved his hand: "Don't get excited, what do you do to beat him? It doesn't make sense. Since this is the ancestral temple, he will naturally have retribution."

"Haha, retribution?" Ye Hongxuan smiled grimly.

In fact, he did have some psychological problems.

He was the first college student in the village and the champion of that class. He went out to study, but because of his low EQ, he was strong everywhere and offended people.

After graduating, he bumped into walls everywhere and began to blame others.

Later, I couldn't leave in the city, and had nowhere to go, so I had to go home. I wanted to be a village official, but I didn't expect that he was too bad and was replaced.

Later, he could only farm at home and lived in poverty. He was close to forty years old. He had not been married yet, and he had long been abnormal.

However, he is still daydreaming every day, hoping to become a well-known scholar one day, shamelessly.

He also considered himself a poet, a scholar, a peerless talent, and the reincarnation of Wang Bo.

This time he came to the ancestor worship ceremony, firstly to brush up his sense of existence, and secondly, he thought that everyone would respect him if they used his genealogy.

He didn't know, he would only make people feel more ridiculous.

He looked up to the sky and laughed: "I, Ye Hongxuan, was born with talent. I was born at an untimely time. I was delayed by you laymen, haha..."

Afterwards, he said again: "I am not afraid of retribution! The world owes me, why should I be retributed?"

When the crowd heard his hysterical scream, their scalp numb.

It's not terrible to be mad by yourself, it still feels scary to be mad like Ye Hongxuan.

He is completely immersed in his own world!

Fang Chuan smiled: "This retribution is not retribution. It is not you who have the final say. If you don't leave, the retribution will come immediately."

"I don't believe it!" Ye Hongxuan sneered. At this time, he had dialed 110 and was about to call out.


Suddenly, there was a thunderstorm from the sky, followed by a flash of lightning, which fell from the sky and crashed on Ye Hongxuan's head.

"Ah----" Ye Hongxuan screamed and was chopped to the ground.


"The old ancestor is angry!"

"Mr. Fang said that there is retribution, but there is really retribution!"

Everyone was so scared that they knelt on the ground, kowtow to the ancestral temple.

"Huh?" Fang Chuan frowned. He originally wanted to release a thunder technique secretly and give a small punishment and a big warning.

Unexpectedly, the thunder fell from the sky, really smashing this person who obstructed the ancestor worship.

Moreover, he also felt that the first genealogy he compiled in the mustard space at the moment when the thunderbolt came down, there was a faint breath.

"Could it be that ancestor Ye Lin is really sheltering here?" Fang Chuan was also taken aback.

Shelter, this is also true in the realm of cultivation.

For example, when he was still the Immortal Venerable, he promised to protect a certain ethnic group, and then that ethnic group worshipped day and night, and his supreme luck could envelop this place for protection.

But to say, similar to the current situation, hitting a thunder in the air to punish a mortal, that's - too boring, right?

He is a dignified fairy, how could he care about these little things.

Therefore, Fang Chuan feels a bit weird now.

He glanced again, knelt on the ground, and shook his head when he bowed to the ancestor.

After a while, these people stood up, but there was a lot of discussion. Some people said that this was an ancestral manifestation and a symbol of the prosperity of the family.

Some people say that the spirit of the ancestors has always been there, people are doing it, the sky is watching, it is not that it is not reported, and the time has not come.

Afterwards, everyone's gaze fell on Ye Hongxuan, who had been struck by lightning and was scorched.

"What about this talent?"

"I don't know if he died?"

"Although this person is crazy, he has done a lot of harm to others and himself, but he is still a little too pitiful."

"Poor people, there must be something hateful!"

Everyone whispered, but looked at Fang Chuan, mainly because of Fang Chuan's meaning.

Fang Chuan also understood everyone's thoughts, waved his hand, and said to them: "Come two bold, carry him to the side room. Although he is annoying, but he is not going to die, I will save him!"

"Mr. Fang is very kind!"

"Yes, I am coming!"

"I'm coming too!"

Everyone listened to Fang Chuan's words, but Fang Chuan respected him even more, regardless of his young age, but broad-mindedness.

At this time, a few young, courageous lads carefully carried Ye Hongxuan to a side house more than ten meters away from the Ancestral Hall.

Fang Chuan asked Ye Zhengming to arrange the ancestor worship, and then came to the side house.

He had swept away his spiritual knowledge before, and he knew that although Ye Hongxuan was struck by lightning, the thunder was also measured, giving him a chance to live.

Therefore, he proposed to save people.

Entering the side house, closing the door, and instructing others to guard at the door, he looked at Ye Hongxuan and took out the genealogy from the mustard space.

Suddenly, he discovered that the ray of light on this genealogy was faint, looming, like a magic weapon.

But he knew that the white book on which this genealogy was written was just ordinary paper, and the pen and ink used for writing were just ordinary pen and ink.

Unexpectedly, there can be such a light!

He paid more attention to the blessing of this ancestor.

"Old ancestor, can't I save this person?" Fang Chuan just tried it out. "If I am allowed to save, I will flash twice."


Only when his voice fell, the genealogy flashed two stronger rays.

Seeing this, he couldn't help being surprised.

He had never encountered this kind of situation as an immortal, so it was even more incredible.

"Could it be that there is no secret on this earth?" Fang Chuan thought for a while, but he could only attribute the matter to the earth.

After all, the universe is so big and there are so many laws, and it is normal for the earth to have the laws of the earth.

When Fang Chuan was still in the realm of cultivation, he traveled through many big worlds and encountered many laws, such as the Great World of Holy Light, the World of Swords, and the Great World of Stars...

Every big world has different rules.

Including, he once traveled in a big world of science and technology, where the power is the power of Pinnacle Technology.

That's also incredible!

Now, he suspects that the earth is also a corner of a certain big world.

"Perhaps, the opportunity to break through the Immortal Venerable is in the world where the earth is!" Fang Chuan suddenly moved his mind and realized it.

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