The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1005: something wrong? Then change it!

Chapter 1005 There is a problem? Then change it!

When Fang Chuan heard this, he knew that someone was vying with Ye Zhengming for the position of the priest.

And this person is not someone else, but Ye Kai's father, Ye Zhengcong.

Ye Zhengcong is Fang Chuan's uncle, but he is also a little bit affectionate, similar to Ye Chunhua's family.

This uncle Yao, who used to have no abilities and was idle, went to Fuxing for a few years and became famous.

People of their generation believe in these people more, and naturally fight for their own interests.

Ye Zhengming said loudly: "I am the boss at home, this time the ancestor worship is also arranged by Xiaochuan, so the identity of the chief priest, I have the final say!"

"Huh! You are the boss, but what achievements do you have? If you have been in the countryside, will you be able to shine?"

"Brother, let me tell you that in those places, whoever mixes well will be the chief priest. You have never gone out and don't understand this. I don't blame you!"

"But you still have to listen to me!"

Ye Zhengcong's voice is louder and more angry. He often quarrels with people in business, but it is also scary.

In fact, these words he said are simply nonsense.

Ye Zhengming's argument is certainly not Ye Zhengcong's opponent.

However, he still said: "That is the rules of other people's houses, and what I want is the rules of ours."


Ye Zhengcong said loudly, and asked other people: "All of you here are from our own Ye family. What do you think?"

"I think Zhengcong is right. Zhengming, we are only in the countryside, so we still have to receive more information from the outside!"

"The outside is always good, listen to Zhengcong's."

"Zhengcong is among the best in our generation. Guangzong Yaozu is definitely not a problem."

Most of these people who talked were mixed up outside, so they didn't know Fang Chuan's identity and status.

They also knew Ye Zhengcong's identity, they admired Ye Zhengcong a little, and hope that Ye Zhengcong can help them if they have difficulties in the future.

Therefore, they are almost the same.

"You guys!" Ye Zhengming was a little anxious, unable to speak.

"Are you bullying my uncle?" At this time, Fang Chuan strode in from the door, looking at these people present, his eyes a little indifferent.

"Who are you?" Ye Zhengcong frowned.


Fang Chuan laughed: "Uncle Yao, you have a good mix. The real six relatives don't recognize me, even my nephew?"

"Are you Fang Chuan?" Ye Zhengcong couldn't help but laugh. "You have changed a lot from when you were a child, and you didn't recognize it for a while. It's normal. Don't blame Uncle Yao."

He said again: "However, Xiaochuan, here is our adults talking about things, you should go out first."

"Yes, we adults are discussing things, you, a junior, are not up to the rules here."

"Ogawa, right? Go out first."

The other people also followed suit, and they also saw that Ye Zhengming was not good at words. They said a few more words, and Ye Zhengcong's position as the chief priest was reached.

Fang Chuan sneered: "Which rule stipulates that juniors cannot discuss the issue of ancestor worship? If so, starting from today, then change it!"

"You--" Ye Zhengcong heard this, his face sinking, "Xiaochuan, you are arrogant when you say this!"

"This junior, really has no education!"

"Yeah, go out quickly, don't be ashamed!"

Those distant elders said loudly one by one, Fang Chuan was also very impatient.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "This ancestor worship was organized by my uncle and I, but I just notify you so that you can come back if you want, and forget it if you don't."

He said again: "This priest, what he said is my uncle's, and it cannot be changed. If you disagree, you can go!"

"What qualifications do you have to say?"

Ye Zhengcong was also angry. He was originally impersonal. Fang Chuan was polite just now, and he was just acting.

He looked at Fang Chuan and said with a sneer: "Since the sacrifice to the ancestor is to sacrifice to our common ancestor, then it is whoever is high in generation, who mixes well, and who speaks counts."

He waved his hand: "From now on, you will no longer organize this ancestor worship, but I will organize, you go out!"

"Haha." Fang Chuan sneered.

"Get out!" Ye Zhengcong shouted loudly, violently.

"Who are you bluffing?" Fang Chuan smiled faintly. If these people are not related to him, he will slap and fan him.

Since there was a blood relationship and the uncle was present, he would endure it.

He smiled and said, "Did you just say that it is better than achievement?"

"Yes, compare achievements!" Ye Zhengcong smiled faintly, "What can you compare to me? If you can, this priest, I will let you!"

He was self-confident and didn't think Fang Chuan could achieve anything. After all, Fang Chuan was just a young man.

In this world, most successful people are in their 30s and 20s, and most of them work for people.

Moreover, this is still a father or mother. What can you accomplish for this kid?

"Compared with Zhengcong, what's the point?"

"It's overwhelming!"

"Zhengcong has a family property of tens of millions, and there is a big auto parts company, can you compare it?"

Before Ye Zhengcong could speak, other people had already said Ye Zhengcong's wealth.

Such a net worth, in the countryside, can be said to be unattainable, how many people can compare with him?

Ye Zhengcong listened, raised his chin and looked at Fang Chuan with a provocative look.

"Hundreds of millions of property?" Fang Chuan's mouth twitched.

"Yes, a mere tens of millions, which is nothing in Foshan and Yizhou provinces." Ye Zhengcong smiled faintly, speaking modestly, but he was more proud than anyone else.

He was confident that with such a family property, this rural kid couldn't compare with him.

"Yes, it's only tens of millions, what's to say?"

Fang Chuan shook his head, "To be honest, tens of millions is too little, I am embarrassed to come out and say it."

"What are you talking about?" Ye Zhengcong frowned, looked at Fang Chuan, and then laughed aloud: "What about bragging?"

He thought it was funny, but Fang Chuan couldn't say it.

He said again: "Why do you say such a thing?"

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Since you want to compare, then I will compare with you. I have a lot of companies under it, just say one, Yunchuan Pharmaceutical, the company that went out of Chishui County, have you heard of it? That is my company! "

"What?" Ye Zhengcong laughed, "A company with a hundred billion yuan level, you said it is your company, it laughs me to death!"

"This kid is joking!"

"I've heard that Yunchuan Pharmaceutical, we really went out from Chishui County, but I heard that it is a partnership of several big bosses. What does it have to do with you, a small farmer?

"Are you crazy?"

This man couldn't help laughing, it was too funny.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Luo Tianxia, ​​the vice chairman of the Chishui County Elite Association, is outside. You can go and verify."

"Luo Tianxia?" Ye Zhengcong was startled, and then sneered: "Do you think Luo Tianxia came to you? I have a good relationship with him, so I just ask and see how you lie!"

As he said, he strode out!

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