The Strongest Medical Immortal in the City

Chapter 1003: Are you insulting me?

Chapter 1003 Are You Insulting Me?

"What are you doing?" Kong Xiuxiu was a little angry.

Ye Kai smiled faintly, put his hands in his pockets, raised his head, and looked at Kong Xiuxiu: "What not to do, I am not familiar with Chishui County. I want to go shopping and lack a companion!"

"Why are you looking for me for lack of companions, boring!" Kong Xiuxiu snorted coldly and took Fang Chuan another step.

Ye Kai took a step forward, looking molested, and looked at Kong Xiuxiu: "I'm looking for you! What are you doing with this poor man, driving me with you, asking for a car, buying a car, and buying a house!"

He said again: "You are so beautiful, it's a pity to stay in the countryside."

Ye Kai said with a greedy smile.

In his opinion, an inexperienced woman like Kong Xiuxiu can easily get hooked if she shows a little trick.

Isn't Fang Chuan very proud?

Just a little boss!

Ye Kai just wanted to tell this cousin that he had money, so that he could restrain his arrogance.

Robbing other people's women is his favorite thing to do.

"You are really boring!" Kong Xiuxiu was a little upset.

Ye Kai looked at Kong Xiuxiu with a tone of domineering president: "What do you like, tell me, I'll buy it for you right away!"

"I don't need it, please let me go!" Kong Xiuxiu raised her voice.

Ye Kai sneered and said, "Look at this. It is the bracelet that Luo Tianxia, ​​the vice president of the Elite Club of your Chishui County, gave me. It was bought at the auction and is worth five million."

He took off the bracelet and sent it forward: "As long as you follow me to Chishui County and leave Fangchuan, this bracelet will be given to you."

"Wow, Brother Kai is so generous!"

"Brother Kai, this bracelet is worth five million, really rich!"

"Even Luo Tianxia always knows Luo, brother Kai is really amazing!"

The people beside Ye Kai praised Ye Kai one by one, they had also heard Luo Tianxia's name, and they all respected Ye Kai in awe.

In their opinion, Kong Xiuxiu has made a profit!

Someone said: "Little beauty, five million, you may not be able to earn so much money in your life, accept it!"

"Are you being reserved, or are you embarrassed? What's the future with a small boss?"

"Little beauty, don't waste the opportunity!"

They hurriedly helped Ye Kai to persuade Kong Xiuxiu, each of them knew that Ye Kai just wanted to play with this woman, and they immediately fanned the flames.

"You really have enough!" Kong Xiuxiu was angry.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly when he saw it, but took the bracelet in Ye Kai's hand and looked at it.

It can only be said that this jade bracelet is exquisite in workmanship and has a little nourishing function, nothing more.

He shook his head: "You dig my corner and get some broken things out. Are you embarrassed?"


With that said, when everyone hadn't reacted, he threw the chain on the ground, breaking it to pieces, and finally stepped on it.

Then, he looked at Ye Kai, who was dumbfounded and hadn't recovered: "You are insulting me."

"You, you broke my five million bracelet... all of a sudden?" Ye Kai said word by word, with an incredible expression on his face.

Fang Chuan nodded: "Well, that is, what are you going to do?"

Ye Kai was furious, and reached out his hand to grab Fang Chuan's collar, and shouted: "You kid pay me five million!"


Fang Chuan patted Ye Kai's hand away lightly, causing Ye Kai to stagger and almost fell to the ground.

"Ouch!" Ye Kai held his hands, his expression ugly.

"It's only five million, what are you excited about?" Fang Chuan smiled faintly, "Didn't you give it to Xiuxiu? Xiuxiu is my girlfriend. I smashed it. What does it matter to you?"

"I didn't intend to give her at all. I made a girl and spent five million. Am I crazy?" Ye Kai said excitedly.

After he finished speaking, his face was stunned, and then he realized that he seemed to have missed it.

Everyone's complexion changed slightly, but there were also, not too careless, after all, it was normal to think about it.

"Shameless!" Kong Xiuxiu scolded.

Fang Chuan laughed and said, "It turned out to be like this. It's only five million. Aren't you rich? Why do you feel distressed?"

"Your family's money came from a strong wind. It's a mere five million, but you took a few five million out!" Ye Kai cursed.

Fang Chuan smiled faintly: "Five million, I have more, how much I want, and how much."


Ye Kai seemed to have heard the funniest joke, "Aren't you afraid to flash your tongue when you brag, what are you acting like in front of me?"

Fang Chuan smiled lightly: "What are you betting on?"

"If you can take out five million at will, I will kneel and kowtow to you, and I won't even need the bracelet."

Ye Kai laughed and said, "If you can't, you can knock your head a few times and give me your woman. I can consider letting you pay back a little less."

After he finished speaking, Fang Chuan pretended to go back to the house, then took a box from the mustard space, and walked out.


The box was very heavy, and it was thrown at Ye Kai's feet, and Ye Kai was also startled.

This is the suitcase that is often used to carry money, it's not small!

"This..." Ye Kai was taken aback for a moment.

"This countryman, wouldn't he be able to give out five million casually, right?"

"Is he bluffing?"

"I don't believe it."

Everyone shook their heads quickly, obviously a little unbelievable.

"Open it by yourself." Fang Chuan smiled. Since the last time he was asked for cash, he had prepared 100 million cash in his mustard space at any time.

Fortunately, he has a lot of space, otherwise, the 100 million in cash would not be released.

"Pretend, I see when you can pretend!"

There was something wrong with Ye Xinxing, but he still gritted his teeth, opened the box, and quickly looked over.


He was startled first, then his face suddenly sank, and looked at Fang Chuan: "You, you...Where did you get so much money?"

Everyone followed his gaze and looked at it, and it turned out to be a stack of red tickets, which was dazzling.

Fang Chuan and his distant relatives may have some money in the family, but they can only be regarded as well-off or rich, even Ye Kai's family can't compare with them.

When they saw so much money, their eyes widened.

"Oh my God, it's really five million!"

"I served it!"

"Why is there so much cash at home?"

One by one, you look at me, I look at you, and they don’t know why.

Fang Chuan looked at Ye Kai with an ugly expression: "Okay, have you conceded? I have put out so much money, what are you going to do?"

He smiled but looked at Ye Kai.

"We have more money than Brother Xiaochuan, huh." Kong Xiuxiu was also very happy. She was so happy to see this guy in front of her slumped!

"You, your money must come from wrong!" Ye Kai was furious, and quickly roared: "I want to call the police, I want to get you arrested!"

As he said, he took out the phone and wanted to dial 110.

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help but nod. After all, a farmer's family suddenly took out five million cash, which is a bit strange.

"Ye Kai, what's the matter?" At this moment, a calm voice came from behind Ye Kai.

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