Chapter 97 : The incredible garden of Bulbasaur!

Chapter 97 The incredible garden of Bulbasaur!

“Are we lost? Why haven’t we walked out of this forest? It’s been almost a day, so tired!” Sabrina stopped and said.

“There is no lost, it’s just that this forest is a bit big, Sabrina, if you are tired, let’s take a rest and then go on our way!”

Wu You walked to Sabrina’s side and pulled Sabrina to find a place to sit down.

“Be thirsty! Give you water.” Wu You took out the water bottle from his backpack and handed it to Sabrina.

“Yeah! Thank you Wu You.” A smile appeared on Sabrina’s face.

“Sabrina actually laughed, it’s not easy! I haven’t seen Sabrina smile a few times, the smile just now is really good.” Xiaoxue said.


“Cousin, I’m so tired too.”

Sundae rushed directly into Wu You’s arms, but when he was about to pounce on Wu You’s gorgeousness, Lorelei suddenly grabbed his clothes “six-five-seven”.

“Sister Lorelei, what are you doing?” Sundae asked dissatisfiedly.

“If the sundae is really tired, you can lie on the grass. The grass here is clean and soft. If you lie in Wu You’s arms, Wu You will feel tired.”

“Aerodactyl come out! Eat some Pokéblocks! Replenish your energy and try to recover your strength soon.” Wu You patted Aerodactyl and said.

“In fact, the life source liquid can quickly restore Aerodactyl’s strength.” Hina said.

“Life Source Liquid?” Wu You took out a small vial with an emerald green liquid in it.

“I really don’t want to use this.” Wu You shook his head and said.

This life source liquid is something that can increase lifespan. Wu You is really reluctant to use it. Anyway, Aerodactyl can regain full strength in more than ten days.

“In fact, the trees in the forest can also extract the life source liquid.” Hina said.

Wu You was a little excited when he heard the words, but then calmed down and asked: “Then how many trees are needed to extract a drop?”

Life source liquid, a precious thing that can increase life span by ten years, is definitely hard to come by.

“According to estimates, this forest should be able to extract about a hundred drops.” Kina said with a bit of his hand.

“I know, don’t do this kind of thing.” Wu You smiled bitterly and shook his head.

This forest is huge, and I don’t know how many Pokémon live in it. Although Wu You is not a good person, he will not do anything to destroy Pokémon’s home.

Then Wu You’s eyes lit up slightly, the system space, it’s okay in the system space!

The system space is divided into inner space and outer space. The inner space is the core place. The place that only Wu You can enter is also not very big.

But the outer space is different. It can allow other creatures to enter, and the space is so vast that it should be called the world.

Even Wu You doesn’t know how big it is, it’s probably bigger than Pokémon’s world.

Wu You has planted a lot of fruit in it, but now there are too few, maybe more can be planted, then he will not have endless life source liquid.

In the system space, the growth rate of plants is very fast, more than ten times faster than the outside world.

“Just do it, and when you arrive in the next city, you will buy seeds and embark on the road of planting and making a fortune.” Wu You said secretly.

“Wu You, there is Bulbasaur.” Sabrina said suddenly.

“Huh?” Wu You looked at the Bulbasaur.

“Seeds?” Bulbasaur was also looking at Wu You and the others, and after a few glances, he quickly dived into the grass and left.

“I was lucky to meet Bulbasaur!” Wu You stood up.

“There seems to be a legend of Bulbasaur’s incredible garden here, but I don’t know if it’s true or not, but seeing this Bulbasaur, maybe there is a group of them here.” Lorelei helped his glasses and said.

“Let’s follow up and have a look. I just want Bulbasaur. It would be great to be able to subdue one.”

Wu You and the others followed the Bulbasaur to the depths of the jungle.

“Sure enough, there are many Bulbasaurs here, as well as Ivysaur and Venusaur.” Wu You looked at the many Bulbasaurs in front of him and said softly.

There is only one Venusaur, but it has the strength of the peak of Elite and should be the patron saint of the race.

“That Venusaur is very powerful, Wu You, do you want to subdue that Venusaur?” Lorelei asked Wu You.

“Forget it, Venusaur is the patron saint of the race. If I subdue Venusaur, these Bulbasaurs don’t know what to do.”

Wu You is going to take one Ivysaur or Bulbasaur, but not the Venusaur.

And that Venusaur may not be willing to be subdued by him.

“Let’s go over and say hello!” Wu You walked out from the dark.

Ye Gao people are bold, and he is not afraid of being attacked by Venusaur…

Venusaur first saw Wu You and the others, with precaution in his eyes, watching Wu You and them vigilantly.

“This Venusaur seems to be very defensive to us! We are not bad guys.” Sundae said with a frown.

“Wild Pokémon is very resistant when facing us humans, and it is normal to be alert to us, after all, there are poachers.” Lorelei said.

“Poachers are the most hateful,” Xiaoxue said.

For poachers, most people do not have a good impression.

“There seems to be a hunter J in Sinnoh Region who is very arrogant. He claims to be a Pokémon that he can’t get.” Lorelei looked at Wu You.

“Yeah! I was chased by my sister, and was almost killed by my sister’s Garchomp. That time she was rescued by someone from the Galaxy regiment.”

“Bana~!” Venusaur yelled, then used the vine whip to attack Wu You and the others.

“Although we are wrong to break into your place, you don’t have to start a fight as soon as you come up! Can’t you just have a good chat.”

“Stop Wu You, let’s release your Pokémon to resist! If you don’t make a move, I will make a move.” Lorelei interrupted Wu You.

“Come out, Charizard, use Flamethrower to burn these vine whips!”

After Charizard came out, he first roared, as if proclaiming his own existence, and then ejected a blue flame.

After the vine whip hits the flame, it instantly turns to ashes.

“Seeds~!” Bulbasaur looked at the flames, very scared. The blue flames carried the super high temperature of 5.1, which made them evade.

As a grass-based Pokémon, he was naturally restrained by a fire-based Pokémon.


Venusaur released the Hyper Beam to disperse Charizard’s Flamethrower, and the Hyper Beam still hit Charizard.

Charizard fanned his wings and avoided Venusaur’s Hyper Beam flexibly.

“This Venusaur is very powerful! Preliminary estimates have the strength of Elite peak.” Sabrina looked at Venusaur and said.

“Sabrina has great eyesight! This Venusaur does have the strength of Elite Peak.” Wu You saw Charizard look over and shook his head at it.

Wu You didn’t come here to fight with Venusaur, he wanted to subdue a Bulbasaur or Ivysaur, so I still told Charizard not to attack when Venusaur used Hyper Beam, which caused his body to stiffen, and be friendly.

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