Chapter 90 :One v six! Gary is defeated!

Chapter 90 One V Six! Gary is defeated!

“Gary, are you okay?” asked the cheerleaders following Gary.

They have followed Gary for so long, and it is the first time they have seen Gary so miserable. The two strongest aces have been defeated.

The key is that you haven’t been able to meet the opponent, anyone who fails so miserably will have a mental breakdown!

Gary adjusted his mood, and then took out the third Pokémon, no matter what, he had to finish the six-on-six battle.

He can allow himself to fail, but he can never allow himself to surrender without a fight.

“Go, Blastoise, it’s all up to you next.”

“Blastoise? Your Squirtle Evolution is so fast, it has become Blastoise now.” Wu You said while looking at Blastoise.

Wu You’s Charmander and Gary’s Squirtle are Pokémon of the same period, and now Gary’s Squirtle has evolved into Blastoise.

But in terms of strength, Wu You’s Charmeleon is better than Gary’s Blastoise.

And Wu You’s Charmeleon is about to evolve into Charizard.

“Pidgeot, Blastoise should be handed to you, is it okay?” Wu You asked Pidgeot.

Pidgeot screamed confidently, exuding self-confidence.

“Very well, Pidgeot uses Air Slash!” Wu You has a smile on his face.

“Blastoise, Withdraw.”

Gary is very clear. Blastoise has a relatively bulky body, and it is difficult to avoid Pidgeot’s attack, so he focuses on defense.

Wu You’s Pidgeot has already used many big tricks, such as the magic bird and Hyper Beam, but they are very physically demanding.

So now Gary decides to consume Pidgeot.

Pidgeot’s Air Slash hit Blastoise’s shell, and the extremely hard shell blocked Pidgeot’s attack. Blastoise was not hurt at all, but there was a white mark on the turtle shell.

“Retract in the shell, what a rascal! Isn’t it just that?” Sundae couldn’t help but watched Blastoise staying in the shell.

“This is also Blastoise’s advantage. The hard tortoise shell is like armor and can withstand many attacks, but it’s not a rogue.” Lorelei said with a smile.

“Pidgeot, use Toxic towards Blastoise!”

Blastoise shuddered in the shell, apparently poisoned.

Seeing Blastoise being poisoned, Wu You smiled. It is not him who is anxious now, but Gary.

If it continues to consume, Pidgeot doesn’t need to do anything, just wait for Blastoise to lose combat effectiveness.

“No, Blastoise hastened to attack.” Gary yelled, Blastoise himself has no ability to disarm the bdcd poison.

So if you continue to consume it, Blastoise will lose combat effectiveness sooner or later.

Blastoise’s head came out of his shell, his face was bruised, and he was in very bad condition.

“Use Hydro Pump to attack.”

“Pidgeot, use Agility.”

After Pidgeot used Agility, the speed suddenly became so fast that Blastoise’s Hydro Pump couldn’t beat Pidgeot at all.

However, compared to before, Pidgeot’s speed was a lot slower, and he was almost hit once. Obviously, his physical strength was also consumed a lot before.

“Last shot, Blastoise uses the newly learned high-pressure Hydro Pump.” Gary shouted.

The high-pressure Hydro Pump is a stronger Water Type big move than the Hydro Pump, and the launch speed and power are not comparable to the Hydro Pump.

“Being able to learn high-pressure Hydro Pump, the strength of this Blastoise is not weak.” Lorelei said.

“Pidgeot, absolutely can’t be hit, use Double Team!” Wu You immediately ordered.

If Pidgeot is hit by a high-pressure Hydro Pump, it will definitely lose its combat effectiveness.

Pidgeot moved quickly in the air, creating shadows in the air to confuse Blastoise.

Blastoise’s high-pressure Hydro Pump shot, but unfortunately it only hit a shadow.

“Now, use Air Slash to end the opponent.”

Pidgeot used Air Slash again and hit Blastoise’s body. Blastoise flew out and lost his combat effectiveness.

I was tortured by Toxic, but now I was hit by Air Slash.

After Blastoise’s defeat, Gary knew that he must have lost, and all three ace cards lost their combat effectiveness.

Now Gary doesn’t want to win anymore, but at least he has to beat the opponent’s Pidgeot, otherwise it would be shameful to be beaten by six.

“Nidoking, go on!” Gary released Pokémon, who had not been conquered.

“Pidgeot, keep fighting! Use Hurricane!”

Nidoking put his hands in front of him, resisting Pidgeot’s Hurricane, barely being Whirlwind.

“Nidoking, use Thunderbolt, knock me down Pidgeot.”

“Pidgeot, Quick Attack!”

Pidgeot swooped down quickly, avoiding Nidoking’s Thunderbolt, and Tackle was on Nidoking’s body.

“Nidoking, use protection, then use Hyper Beam!”

“Pidgeot, we also use protection.”

Watching Nidoking’s Hyper Beam blocked, Gary’s face changed slightly, knowing that Nidoking was about to end this time.

The side effect of Hyper Beam is that it makes the body stiff and pauses for a period of time, which is a fatal weakness.

“Pidgeot, use Hyper Beam to fight back.”

Nidoking was killed in a flash under Hyper Beam.

“Damn, I don’t believe you can hold on. Give me Nidoqueen and revenge Nidoking.” Gary threw out his Nidoqueen.

“Nidoqueen, use Thunderbolt.”

This time Pidgeot, who was physically exhausted, failed to escape Thunderbolt, and was hit by Thunderbolt and fell to the ground.

“Pidgeot, can you continue to hold on?” Wu You asked Pidgeot.

“Bi~!” Pidgeot flew up again, looking at Nidoqueen with unparalleled sharp eyes.

“I’m so tenacious, use Thunderbolt again.” Gary ordered to Nidoqueen.

“Pidgeot, use Giga Impact!”

Pidgeot’s momentum was released, and his body was shining with white light, hitting Nidoqueen’s body like a shooting star. This ordinary type of big move made Nidoqueen lose his combat effectiveness.

“Come back, Nidoqueen, Kingler, you can only play.” Gary shook his head and said.

Now Gary has the last Pokémon left, and he must defeat the opponent’s Pidgeot.

“Kingler, use Bubble Beam!”

Pidgeot, who was physically exhausted, was unfortunately hit and lost his balance in the air. Fortunately, he was stabilized in time and did not fall into the sky.

However, Bubble Beam can reduce the speed, the speed of the hit Pidgeot is reduced, and the flying is slower.

“Use Hyper Beam directly to defeat Pidgeot!”

“Pidgeot, don’t dodge, use Hyper Beam to fight hard.” Wu You said.

Pidgeot’s speed is not fast now, the chance of being hit is very high, the best choice is head-to-head.

The Hyper Beam bombarded them together, and in the end Pidgeot was stronger. The Superior Kingler was no opponent at all. Hyper Beam hit Kingler and Kingler lost his combat effectiveness.

After completing one-to-six, Pidgeot swept away his exhaustion, as if his physical strength had recovered, and hovered in the sky.

Gary’s expression was lost and he was picked six by others. This obviously made Gary unacceptable. This fiasco was a big blow to Gary.

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