Chapter 49 : Is there a reward for defeating the Team Rockets trio?

Chapter 49 Is there a reward for defeating the Team Rockets trio?

“I hear you, hurry up and hand over Pokémon, otherwise James will have to do it. I tell you, James is very strong.”

Meowth opened his teeth and claws and threatened Wu You.

Looking at this group of precious Pokémon, if it can be captured back, Meowth has imagined that it will be rewarded by the boss.

“Yes, it’s a piece of cake for me, James, to solve your little white face.” James said proudly.

“This group of guys are not only stupid, but also so arrogant. They are not the opponents of the stupid Ash, let alone Wu You.” Misty said without worrying at all.

Misty knows the strength of the Team Rockets trio very well, and it belongs to the rookie among the rookies.

“Say I’m a little white face? I think you are jealous!” Wu You chuckled lightly.

“Damn boy, I won’t be jealous of your little white face.” James was angry to death.

“Koffing, use poison gas!”

James, angrily, directed Koffing to attack Wu You.

“Pidgeotto, use Hurricane to blow back the poisonous gas!”

“Bi~!” Pidgeotto was hovering in the sky, quickly flapping his wings and raising a gust of wind.

“No, cover your nose.” Meowth yelled quickly.

Inhaling poisoned gas can be poisoned. If they are poisoned to death by the moves released by their own Pokémon, it will be a real laugh.

“Idiot, why let Koffing use poisonous gas!” Jessie exclaimed angrily.

“Stop talking, the gas is about to blow over, so quickly cover your mouth and nose.” After James reminded Jessie, he hurriedly covered his mouth and nose, not daring to speak any more.

Soon, after the gas was blown away and completely disappeared, they dared to take away the hand covering their mouth and nose and breathe in fresh air.

“Wow~! I was finally saved, I thought I was going to die, it scared me to death, meow~!” Meowth patted his little heart and breathed a sigh of relief.

“This kid is a bit tangled, Jessie quickly release your arbor.” James yelled to Jessie.

“But the other party is a handsome boy! We fight together, isn’t it a bit too much?” Jessie said hesitantly.

“What are you hesitating about? It’s impossible for the other party to follow you anyway.” James pierced Jessie’s heart.

“What do you idiot say, watch me take him back to warm the bed for my old lady.” Jessie punched James angrily, and then let out Aber Snake.

These three live treasures are indeed very happy, but it is also time to send them away.

“Pidgeotto, use the storm to send them away.” Wu You commanded to Pidgeotto.

Storm and Hurricane are different moves. Although Hurricane is a bit more powerful than Storm, the power of Storm is even stronger.

A violent storm swept over the trio of Team Rockets, and the land was blown off by the storm.

“What a great Pidgeotto, why isn’t my Pidgeotto so great?” Ash looked at Pidgeotto, who was using super tricks, and said enviously.

“Ash, you haven’t trained Pokémon at all, so your Pokémon is so weak!”

Brock, who had been relieved from the previous blow, said to Ash.

“Oh! It seems that I also have to train Pokémon, and I will never lose against Wu You in the future.” Ash clenched his fist and said firmly.

Although his previous failures had a big blow to his self-confidence, Ash’s recovery ability was relatively strong.

I quickly forgot the failure and prepared to challenge Wu You again in the future.

“What a strong wind~! It’s like this again, what an annoying feeling!”

The Team Rockets trio and their Pokémon, who were swept by the storm, flew up into the sky and turned into stars in the powerful storm.

“They will be fine, will they?” Sundae looked at the invisible Team Rockets trio that had already flown.

“Nothing will happen, they are very tenacious.” Wu You laughed. He knew the ability of the Team Rockets trio to resist.

Maybe they are the protagonists!

“Congratulations to the host for defeating the Team Rockets trio and rewarding a premium draw!”

Hearing the system’s prompt tone, Wu You smiled again on his face, defeating the trio, he was rewarded.

“Cousin, what are you laughing at?” Sundae asked curiously.

“Nothing.” Wu You shook his head. He would definitely not talk nonsense about the system.

Besides, Wu You already knows from the system that no one knows the existence of the system except Wu You, the owner.

In other words, even if Wu You speaks out about the system, other people will instantly lose their memory about the system.

“Wu You, we are leaving. When we meet again next time, I must fight with you again.” Ash said to Wu You.

Although the defeat was complete this time, Ash refused to admit defeat, but he was very persevering.

“Let’s talk after we meet again next time!” Wu You did not agree, but did not directly refuse.

“That’s it.” Ash waved, and then left with Misty and Brock.

“Cousin, when are we going to travel?” Sundae asked.

“Wait a few more days! Finally, there is a suitable venue for Pokémon training. I will let Pokémon train for a few days before talking.” Wu You replied.

“Oh!” Sundae nodded, then watched Wu You train Pokémon.

“By the way, I’m very curious, why are the flame colors of Monferno and Charmeleon different from their counterparts?” Cynthia asked curiously.

“Because the two of them got Ho-Oh feathers, the flame is different from the same kind. As for what happened, I don’t know very well.”

Now Wu You is not very clear about the situation of the two Pokémon, but Wu You knows that they are developing in a good direction.

“Ho-Oh’s feathers?”

Cynthia was stunned. It was not strange to think of Wu You’s Rayquaza and Kina who didn’t know his strength.

If it is someone else, it may not be possible to get Ho-Oh feathers, but if you change to Wu You, Ho-Oh’s feathers are not plucked out, which is already lucky.

“I also know Ho-Oh, the beast of Johto Region, the legendary Pokémon.” Sundae raised his hands and said.

She has seen these in books, the famous Ho-Oh, it is impossible for Sundae to not know.

“Cousin got Ho-Oh’s feathers. Did you meet Ho-Oh? Legend has it that people who see Ho-Oh will always be happy. Cousin, you must be blessed by Ho-Oh.”

Wu You looked at Kina sitting on his shoulders, let alone a blessing, if Ho-Oh knew that Kina pulled its feathers, he would definitely find Wu You and Kina desperately.

Cynthia looked at Wu You and looked at his expression. Cynthia already knew that this feather was definitely not a gift from Ho-Oh.

It must be obtained by other means, but I don’t know if this will offend Ho-Oh.

“Little worry, mythical beasts are very powerful. Although you are powerful, but if you can’t sin against mythical beasts, try your best not to offend them.” Cynthia reminded Wu You.

You may not be afraid to offend one or two, but if you offend too many people, what should you do if you are besieged by a beast?

“Don’t worry, sister, I have a sense of measure.” Wu You said.

Although Kina plucked two of Ho-Oh’s feathers, Ho-Oh didn’t know. It is estimated that Ho-Oh is still struggling, who can pluck its feathers silently.

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