Shiina Mashiro's painting skills, even her sister, who has been out for several years, and Izumi Sagiri, who is an official illustrator, are ashamed of tears, not to mention this golden retriever who jumped out of nowhere in front of her?

"It shouldn't be, er, maybe it's really possible." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu frowned slightly, then remembered Ying Lili's character, and smiled helplessly.

"By the way, why do you think that golden retriever will lose?" Kasuga Ye Qiong looked at Shiyu of Kasumigaoka curiously.

"...Intuition." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu stretched out a forefinger, put it on his lips, and said with a smile.

"Don't talk about it." Kasuga Ye Qiong shook his brows, glanced at Shiyu of Xia Zhiqiu who pretended to be mysterious, turned around, and walked towards the dining table.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at the back of Kasuga Ye Qiong leaving, then turned his eyes to Yingri, and shook his head helplessly.

Before coming here, Ying Riri had told her that the cartoonist of One Punch Man was slightly better than her, and now she is still fighting against people with such a careless mentality.

Just as Kasuga No Dome was eating breakfast silently, Eiri looked at Shiina Mashiro unilaterally.

Holding two black tablets, Yu walked slowly into the living room.

Chapter 140 The most deadly

Looking at Eri Riri and Shiina Mashiro, who were kneeling on the cushioned floor in front of them, holding a tablet in hand and looking at each other.

Yuu, who was sitting on the single-seat sofa, looked at the two of them calmly. On the sofa to his right, Kasumigaoka Shiyu and Kasuga Ye Qiongzheng looked at the two of them curiously.

Even if I guessed the result, in fact, the process is still very attractive to the three people, such as how Ying Lili cried, such as how long she cried, how loud she cried... (Yes, these three people are so bad.)

"Speaking of which, what did you decide?" Leaning on the armrest and dragging his chin with his right hand, the game said curiously.

"Painting." Shiina Mashiro said calmly, without the slightest undulation in his voice, which seemed unusually calm.

"I know it's painting, but I'm asking what the subject matter is?" Yuu, who was already used to Shiina Mashiro's temper, asked with a calm expression.

"Huh?" Shiina Mashiro blinked and tilted her head slightly, as if thinking about what subject to paint.

Eiri looked at Shiina Mashiro with a dignified expression. It had been more than ten minutes after the duel was launched. Unlike what Shiyu of Kasumigaoka imagined, the girl who entered the artist state had already lost her previous frizz, and her eyes and face were full of strong fighting spirit. .

If the girl named Eri Sawamura is allowed to flirt with her hands and feet, the painter named Eri Kashiwagi must maintain an extremely rigorous style.

This is Eiri's own restraint on her 'self' as a creator.

Shiina Mashiro's eyes were fixed on Eiri, and she said to the girl in front of her in a flat tone. "What subject do you paint?"

The voice without the slightest ups and downs brought heavy pressure on Ying Riri. It doesn't matter if you face any subject, you can choose, the words that appear to be calm and gentle make the girl's pupils shrunk, and a drop of cold sweat faintly runs across her forehead. .

The corners of Ying Lili's mouth twitched slightly, and she said with a wicked smile on her face. "Then use me as a model and draw a portrait!"

"Yeah." Shiina Mashiro nodded, picked up the pressure-sensitive pen, glanced at Eiri, and began to draw on the tablet.

'This guy, doesn't he care about winning or losing at all? 'Eriri looked at Shiina Mashiro with an unbelievable expression and a focused expression, staring intently at the tablet.

Taking her as a model, this subject is already a bit difficult. After all, Yingri has seen her appearance for more than ten years. Compared with Shiina Mashiro, who met her for the first time, her familiarity is naturally not at the same level.

However, even so, the girl in front of her had no objection at all, and even accepted the difficulty with a little joy.

Inexplicably, Eiri felt as if she had become a bad guy who bullied the little girl, and her heart was full of guilt.

Eiri gritted her teeth and looked embarrassedly at Shiina Mashiro, who was happily waving a pressure-sensitive pen in front of her.

Doesn't this guy care about winning or losing?Even if there is no bet, shouldn't the competition of such peers be like the art department of the academy, full of gunpowder?What's going on with the style of painting like a child?

Bean-sized beads of sweat ran across Eiri's face. Facing Shiina Mashiro, who didn't care about the outcome, the girl felt as if she was somehow suppressed by the opponent, and the whole person began to feel uncomfortable.

"What's going on with these two people?" Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at the confronting two people with a puzzled expression, especially Yingri's sweaty face. Yu asked.

"Hmm, Yuu, what happened to them?" Kasugano Dome, who was sitting in the middle to isolate the two, asked curiously.

"Probably... Eri Ri felt the pressure, in realm." You straightened up, rubbed her chin, and said uncertainly.

"Feel the pressure?" Kasuga Ye Qiong looked at the two of them suspiciously. No matter how they looked at them, they just looked at each other. What pressure was there?

"The pressure on the realm?" Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu opened her wine-red eyes and looked at the two thoughtfully.

Seeing the puzzled look on Kasuga Ye Qiong's face, Yu thought for a moment and explained.

"The general description is that the Eri-ri level is still using painting as a means of winning and losing, and Mashiro wants to paint, so let's paint."

"So, Shinshiro, who doesn't have the psychological burden of winning or losing at all, has brought invisible pressure to Yingri, making her mentally unbalanced."

"Oh!!!" Kasuga Ye Qiong nodded in realization.

"I always feel that Sawamura has picked an opponent who is not at the same level at all. However, this way of killing herself quite echoes her style." Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu covered her mouth and smiled, her eyes full of teasing.

"Compared to this, do you want to play Landlord?" Yu took out a box of playing cards from his pocket and said in a playful tone.

"Fighting the Landlord?" Xiazhiqiu Shiyu blinked and looked at the playing cards in Yoshou | with a little doubt.

"I don't understand? I'll teach you!" You grinned slightly.

"...Drawing is done." Looking at the tablet in front of her, Eiri took out a tissue from the tissue bag on the tea table, and sighed while wiping away the sweat.

The girl looked at the vivid blond girl with double ponytails on the tablet, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and her face had a rather complacent look. "Today's condition is exceptionally good!!"

Ying Lili's face was full of joy. Although the painting in front of her was not yet at her peak, it was actually infinitely close.

In fact, if it wasn't for herself, she probably wouldn't be able to paint such exquisite paintings.

Thinking of this, Eri Ri raised her head and looked at Shiina Mashiro who was still painting. She narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the tablet in front of the girl with a little curiosity.

The aqua blue eyes full of contentment were sluggish.

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