Even though he didn't know what this little girl was here for, Ye Tian, ​​a small island nation, still didn't take it to heart.

Moreover, the great powers of this demon city are intertwined, and there are all kinds of dirty things, and it is not enough for outsiders.

So fortunately, he was put down, and he didn't pay much attention to it.

The days that followed were unusually peaceful.

Since the Wanjin Chamber of Commerce had accumulated too many things, Anya did not come to harass Ye Tian these days.

As for the problem of wanton demonic energy in the endless sea, the Su family also has excellent means, so it did not cause major confusion.

That is to say, Ye Tian has rarely entered a leisure time.

Every day, Xiao Hei walked around, fell asleep in class, and participated in an innocuous test.

That's what Ye Tian's day is all about.

"Oh... these days can really make people's bones fall apart..."

Lying on the lawn of the campus, Ye Tian patted Xiao Hei's big head a little bored, looked at the bright and clear sunlight in the distance, and said with some emotion.


Xiao Hei shook his head with an impatient look on his face. But before Ye Tian opened his mouth to scold, suddenly Xiao Hei seemed to feel something.

His body ran out like a bow and arrow that was off the string.


Although Xiao Hei already has a certain amount of intelligence and has no lethal power to human beings, it is not good for such a big beast to scare other students on campus.

So Ye Tian quickly got up and patted the grass clippings on his body and chased after him.

It doesn't matter if you get up this time, because Ye Tian's energy is all on Xiao Hei, he collided with a man in front of him all of a sudden.


Although the guy in front of him was extremely small, his eyes were quite fierce, and he yelled loudly when he stood up.

Ye Tian frowned when he saw this scene.

Although he didn't understand the island language, he was familiar with the vocabulary of swearing every day, and his eyes were completely cold at this time.

"You... apologies!"

The other party said in a very lame Continental language.

"Excuse me."

Ye Tian didn't have the heart to have any conflict with such a villain now, just said a word without sincerity and wanted to move forward. However, he was pulled back by the puppy.

"Humph! Crash... bumped into me, and just left!?"

Seeing the other party's energetic appearance, Ye Tian's eyebrows also picked up, revealing a smile that was not a smile.

Yo huh? I also met someone who touched porcelain today.

"What do you want?"

Ye Tian said teasingly.

It's just that the islander on the opposite side didn't seem to notice the change in Ye Tian's tone at all. Seeing Ye Tian asking such a question, he thought he was going to be submissive and put on a smug look.

"Lick my shoes!"

After speaking, he stretched his feet, as if this was Ye Tian's honor.

Slowly seeing that Ye Tian did not move in the slightest, the man's expression also completely cooled down.

With a wave of his hand, about a dozen big men suddenly came out from many hidden places. There was a strong wave of magic all over his body, and he seemed to be a professional bodyguard.

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