As for Spirit Seeds, increasing the power of magic skills by 30% can also be considered for the time being.

Of course, the premise is that there is excess wealth value.

At present, Ye Tian still decided to buy the upgrade scroll first, and increase the cultivation speed of one of the series.

When your magic level is high and your strength is strong, are you afraid that you will not be able to earn wealth value?

Now in my opinion, 10 million wealth is worth a lot, but when the magician level reaches a high-level magician, or a great magician, and above, will you still value this amount of money?

Practice it!

Is to be decisive, hesitant like what?

Thinking of this, Ye Tian made a decision and entered the system mall.

Click on the classification of the cultivation level upgrade volume:

Undead System Upgrade Volume: Upgrade the Undead System to Level 3 and speed up the training. Price: 10 million Wealth Points


"Ding, check the host selected: Undead Element Training Level Upgrade Volume, do you want to buy it?"


Ye Tian didn't talk nonsense and said directly.

Although I feel a little distressed, the 10 million wealth value I finally earned is about to bottom out.

But reluctant to let the child be trapped in the wolf, only by quickly improving the strength, can you earn more wealth value.

"Ding, the purchase is successful!"

"Ding, the undead cultivation level is being upgraded..."

"Ding, the undead cultivation level has been upgraded successfully, the current level: 3!"

Following a series of mechanized sounds, the undead cultivation position was successfully upgraded, becoming one of the current cultivation positions.

The first third-level cultivation position, the appearance of the third-level cultivation position, has undergone some changes compared to the second-level cultivation position.

Generally speaking, it is more domineering and good-looking. At the same time, when absorbing the magic elements, you can clearly see the magic elements turn into colored smoke-like gas, pouring into it, like a treasure box.

Ye Tian's mind withdrew from the system and began to sense the communication speed of the magic star in his body.

After a while, Ye Tian opened his eyes and his face showed a happy expression.

Compared with the second-level training position, the third-level training position has once again increased the training speed by half.

As far as the system training position is concerned, the first-level training position can add about 2 magic stars per day, the second-level training position can increase 4 magic stars per day, and the third-level training position can add 6 magic stars per day.

With Ye Tian cultivating together, this data can be doubled.

However, Ye Tian can only cultivate one line, after all, he is not a machine, so he can't be multitasking.

But it's not bad, even if you don't practice for a day, the undead system can raise six magic stars.

It won't take long for him to break through to the three-star level, and the harvest is not bad, not a big loss.

At this point, Ye Tian's wealth value has also dropped from ten million again, and only 1.95 million is left.


"What do you want to do with the remaining 1.95 million wealth value?"

Ye Tian looked out the window, dragged his chin with one hand, hesitated, and whispered.

Then, his eyes entered the system mall and browsed.

It didn't take long before he focused his attention on an item, an attribute spirit seed.

Originally, Ye Tian wanted to buy the primary Thunder-type Spirit Seed, but he needed 3 million wealth value in terms of selling price.

Ye Tian's current total wealth value is only 1.95 million, which is simply not enough to buy.

But in addition to the Thunder type, Ye Tian can't buy other types of spirit species.

At present, in addition to a Thunder type, there is also an Earth-type magic, and the price of the earth-type spirit seeds is relatively cheap. It only needs 1 million wealth value to buy it.

"Ding, check the selection of the host: the primary spiritual species of the earth system, do you want to buy it?"


Ye Tian said directly.

He wanted to see what effect this spirit seed actually had.

"Ding, the purchase of the primary spiritual seed of the earth system was successful!"

"Ding, the primary spiritual species of the earth system have begun to fuse, and they are merging..."

"Ding, the fusion of the primary spiritual species of the earth system is successful!"

After the voice fell, I saw an earth-brown object like a seed, slowly floating out of the system space.

In the end, he directly crashed into Ye Tian's Yintang. At the same time, the magic element of the earth system in Ye Tian's body was shaking constantly, as if he was cheering and cheering, as if a child met his mother and wanted to throw himself into her arms. middle.

In an instant, Ye Tian seemed to feel that the magic star in his body became a little different, as if it had grown and evolved.

From the childhood stage to the juvenile stage, the magic star of the earth system has also become stronger.

It even made Ye Tian feel that if he used these magic stars to cast magic, it would be much stronger than before.

"Is this the power of the Spirit Seed?"

Ye Tian closed his eyes, and in the middle of his eyebrows, he felt an earth-brown seed, revealing a small bud, which was slowly sprouting and growing, until it finally grew into a towering giant. Tree.

However, what makes Ye Tian a little curious is, what exactly is this spiritual seed, can others have it?

Or only you can have it, it is your own unique ability!

He could feel that as the seed continued to grow and sprout, his magical power would also grow.

How could Ye Tian be overjoyed at this discovery.

"System, can you tell me what this Spirit Seed is?"

Ye Tian communicated the system with his mind and asked.

"Host, you can understand that the spiritual seed is the most original energy among each attribute!"

"The most original energy?"

Ye Tian half-understood and half-understood, and murmured.

"The host will be able to understand when he cultivates to the back in the future. It is difficult to explain now!"

"System, do you mean that everyone can cultivate this so-called spirit seed?"

Ye Tian heard the words, frowned and asked.

It seems that it is not what I think, only I can have the spirit seed.

"Yes, as long as you cultivate to the end, in fact, everyone can condense spiritual seeds, but you, host, also have advantages that others do not have. You can have spiritual seeds in advance, while others cannot!"

"Ok, I see!"

Ye Tian nodded and responded.

It seems that this Spirit Seed is not something that can be cultivated if one wants to cultivate, and there are still some restrictions.

For example, the spirit seed is actually another form of magic power after the magic star.

Or a means to increase the power of magic.

Ye Tian could clearly feel that with the implantation of the Spirit Seed, the power of the magic star in his body increased a lot.


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