Seeing this scene, Ye Tian finally couldn't hold back his breath, he summoned the Scepter of Four Elephants and planned to take action.

"Boy, don't worry!

Let’s take a look at these things first, it’s just the information related to the Demon Emperor Armor that I managed to sort out just now!”

As soon as Qi Ling's voice fell, Ye Tian felt that a memory suddenly rushed out of his mind.


The Demon Emperor Armor, as the name suggests, was made by the Demon Emperor of the past. As the first believer of the magic stone, the power contained in it is really hard to guess by ordinary people.

However, although the energy of this thing is powerful, there is no way to mass-produce it. Even in the entire Demon Race, except for the few king-rank monsters, others are not qualified to own it.

According to the information given by the tool spirit, the Demon Emperor Armor can be said to be the number one protective magic weapon in the world. Even if the Heavenly Asking Sword of that year wanted to completely destroy it, it would take a lot of time.

According to the shape depicted in the data, Ye Tian quickly judged that the things on the current objects were obviously related to the Demon Emperor Armor, and should be some graded items made of fragments.

But even so, the strength of the monsters born with the powerful defensive ability of this material and the surrounding undead breath is not trivial!

Although this thing is difficult to deal with, after Ye Tian finished reading the information, he quickly came up with a way to deal with it.


You must know that although these guys' bodies are hard, they still retain part of their fighting instincts, but in the final analysis, they are just a group of low-level creatures controlled by the breath of the undead.

For that kind of formation that can almost sink Ye Tian into it, there is no resistance at all!

"You all stand back!"

Thinking of this, Ye Tian hurriedly drove the three of them.

"Forest of Thorns!"

The huge branches were indirectly launched from the ground and rushed towards the group of dark figures. Although the branches were suddenly broken by the group of guys, Ye Tian's purpose was clearly achieved.

Looking at the shadows whose attention had been drawn to his side, Ye Tian also quickly used his movements to bring these guys to the area where the other three were.

"It's up to you now!"

Feeling that the surrounding environment should be safe, Ye Tian touched the ring in his hand, and immediately immersed his spiritual power in it.

However, at this moment, Ye Tian, ​​who just wanted to activate one of the illusion formations, felt that his originally majestic spiritual power seemed to be evacuated all of a sudden, and a weak feeling spread from the soles of his feet.

"This thing..."

Fortunately, Ye Tian's mouth originally contained a mouthful of spiritual medicine, and at this time, he felt a lot better after swallowing it all at once.

Although the Ring of Illusion consumes a lot of mental energy, the effect is obvious.

Almost immediately after extracting Ye Tian's spiritual power, a burst of dazzling light erupted.

At this time, it could have been hard engraved in it, and the small illusion formation was formed in an instant, directly covering Ye Tian and the shadows behind it.

With the fluctuation of an invisible force, the expressions of those guys obviously became a little sluggish, and even their movements became slow, like puppets pulling strings._

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