Absolutely can't go on like this!

As it goes deeper and deeper, Ye Tian can also feel that the surrounding aura has become more and more powerful, if it continues like this, it must be death waiting for them!

What should I do? What should I do?!

Even though he knew in his heart that going on like this was a dead end, but now that there are wolves and tigers, Ye Tian couldn't make a decision for a while.


Just when Ye Tian was going to create some confusion to attract that guy's attention, Liu Yun's shouting suddenly caught his attention.

"What's wrong?"

Feeling that something was unusual, Ye Tian hurriedly took a few steps forward and immediately came to Liu Yun's side.

"Something... bit me..."

Liu Yun's complexion is very pale now, and even these words are almost squeezed out of the gap between his teeth, looking very labored.

"Let me see!"

Ye Tian's expression also became serious at this time. Based on his understanding of the physical qualities of the two brothers Liu Yun and Liu Yu, any ordinary monster would definitely not be able to cause such a phenomenon.

It looks like they are clearly in trouble...

While thinking wildly in his mind, Ye Tian also helped Liu Yun up.

At this moment, when he lowered his head a little, he saw a scar about thirty centimeters long on Liu Yunshang.

The scar looked very domineering, and it seemed that it had worn all the magic weapons on Liu Yun's body in an instant.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong, Ye Tian took a closer look and found that the magic energy on the scar was not exhausted by the defensive magic weapon, but continued to corrode the wound!

"What's the situation now..."

Seeing that the three of them didn't speak, Liu Yun seemed a little flustered at this time, and hurriedly asked.

"No big problem, it must have been scratched by something."

Ye Tian hurriedly gave Mo Hai and Liu Yu a look on the side, who seemed a little dazed, and said in a comforting tone, and immediately placed his right hand on the wound, and began to purify the demonic energy with the ability of the compass.

Although the demonic energy was very domineering, it had already left the body after all, so the demonic energy was like rootless water, and was quickly eliminated by Ye Tian.

"Huh... keep going."

After finishing the wound treatment, Ye Tian also felt that there was no abnormality around him, and continued to beckon and said, but although it appeared to be very calm on the surface, Ye Tian at this time had received the highest alertness, and the pound Ling's mental power instantly covered a range of dozens of meters around him, and he was aware of the movements of every grass and tree around him.

As they continued to move forward like this, Ye Tian finally noticed something was wrong.

Around... there seems to be some shadows...

The speed of the shadow was extremely fast, almost on the edge of Ye Tian's mental power perception, so that every time Ye Tian wanted to lock it, it was fleeting, which repeatedly made him wonder if he was wrong.

"Earth Bulwark!"

Finally, as the shadows became more and more, Ye Tian also immediately chose to shoot in an uneasy state of mind.

The khaki-colored wall instantly enveloped this area, and Ye Tian at this time also noticed that in the corner of the wall, several big holes suddenly appeared!

Found you!_

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