Are you sure what you said is correct?"

After listening to Mo Hai's narration, Ye Tian asked suspiciously.

"I was at the forefront of the entire array at the time, and I had a period of communication with him before, so there shouldn't be much of a problem."

"Okay! Then do as you say!"

Although he knew that that guy's actions affected the lives of so many people, Ye Tian also understood that there was no other way out now, so he could only abruptly agree.

"You two stop for a while."

After a few seconds of pause, Ye Tian hurriedly stopped Liu Yun and Liu Yu, who was constantly removing the demonic energy from his body to the Mo family.

" and you all come out to me."

Looking at the Mo family who looked at each other in dismay, Ye Tian said in a tone that couldn't be denied.

"Why us!"

"Yes! Why don't we remove the magic energy from us!"


Before Ye Tian opened his mouth to explain, the few people who had just been called out were instantly unhappy. After all, they were all young and strong young men, and they pointed at Ye Tian and cursed angrily.

"That's all! Is it enough?"

With a wave of Ye Tian's big hand, the Forest of Thorns instantly activated, and the thick vines directly restrained the necks of the few people who had just spoken.

They have no doubt that as long as Ye Tian makes a sound, a few people will immediately become corpses.

The force suppression before and after was obviously more enjoyable than the reasoning. After a series of operations, coupled with Ye Tian who led the way with Mo Hai, they quickly came to the bottom of the table.

Feeling the pair of green eyes in the yellow sand in front of him, Ye Tian's heart also began to beat.

"Let's get started."

After the situation around the inspectors should be normal, Ye Tian said with a sigh.

In fact, his current thinking is also very simple. After all, the previous monster used the weak magic element emanating from the Mo family to mobilize the undead army.

Now that the cover of those demonic qi is still there, the lead role of these people is still effective.

At the same time, however, a key question also surfaced.

That is, if you want to control these people to reach the designated place, there must be one person as the general dispatcher.

This person must also enter the army in front of him. After a period of time, both Mo Hai Ye Tian and Liu Yun and Liu Yu both have the same ability.

But you must know that this is walking on a tightrope after all. Once you are a little careless, any trace of breath will immediately break the balance.

Once triggered, the consequences are unimaginable.

But when Ye Tian was about to make a move in the face of this silent atmosphere, he was suddenly stopped by a thin arm next to him.

"Let me go."

Mo Hai said lightly.

"But you have just come out, your body is not fully recovered, you also understand the danger, once..."

But before Ye Tian finished speaking, Mo Hai interrupted him again.

"This matter started because of me. After all, you are all innocent people. So it's up to me to do this kind of thing.

I see what you mean, and I know the dangers better than any of you.

But you know, if anyone has to die, it must be me!"_

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