At this time, Ye Tian also noticed that, according to common sense, even if such a tragic war broke out in the past, even if the undead creatures were successfully bred, it would definitely not be as neat as it is now!

In other words, the undead army that is so neatly arranged now looks artificial!

So who is it? Who made them what they are.

The answer is clearly on the horizon.

At this time, Ye Tian's eyes also showed light, and he quickly explained to the two brothers Liu Yun and Liu Yu next to him.


"Do you mean that the current phenomenon is caused by the super monster?"

"Then how did he manage to get through this area, and how did he make them like this?"

After listening to Ye Tian's narration, the two brothers Liu Yun and Liu Yu sorted out the thoughts in their minds and hurriedly asked.

It is not surprising to see the expressions of the two of them, Ye Tian, ​​and then said it in a eloquent manner.

"According to my estimation, the key lies in the people of the Mo family!

Remember when the three of us entered the Mo family's old house? There was obviously some ceremony in the last area, and it was because of this ceremony that the monsters had enough ability to re-enter this battlefield. But the problem is appeared here.

It was a very laborious thing to enter this ancient battlefield, why did he bring these irrelevant people?

According to my speculation, it is very likely that the people of the Mo clan he belonged to are equivalent to an introduction!

Those monsters do not have the slightest element of magic, and they can only rely on these humans to mobilize these undead creatures!

In other words, maybe those Mo family are still alive now, and they must know more than us!"

After listening to Ye Tian's speculation, the two brothers also nodded, and immediately began to gather around the periphery according to Ye Tian's instructions.

Ye Tian was not idle at this time. He used his mental power to investigate the area around Zhou, and gradually he also discovered some of the key points of the arrangement of these troops.

The entire army of undead was very neatly arranged, basically forming a semi-enclosed structure, directly protecting the central area behind.

And in this half-encircled structure, Ye Tian was also keenly aware of the sparse differences between these armies.

At this time, Ye Tian picked up a branch and kept playing on the yellow sand in front of him.

Finally, Ye Tian found a dirt bag where the undead army was the most sparse.

"It should be here!"

Ye Tian pointed to the very simple map on the ground and said slowly to the two brothers.

"Anyway, this is our last hope.

You two take a little rest first, let's go and have a look first."

Looking at the two brothers who were already a little tired from surveying the terrain, Ye Tian just said lightly without any other instructions, and went to the place just described.

"It should be fine."

Looking at the abrupt bulge in front of him, Ye Tian also nodded, but now he did not choose to enter recklessly, but went around in circles.

The emperor paid off, and finally saw a very modern piece of clothing on the side of the dirt bag one day.

"It's no different than I thought."

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian's face also showed a knowing smile._

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