After a little rest, the three Ye Tian walked towards a higher place.

What the three of them didn't expect was that there were no signs of any living creatures on the floors they passed by, for example, the aura of the Demon Race became very weak.

This made Ye Tian a little confused, but since things have come to this point, he can only bite the bullet and continue to move forward.

"Hey, it's still nothing. It is estimated that apart from the guy on the top floor, the rest of the monsters should have been exhausted by this formation."

"It shouldn't be like this. Logically speaking, the monsters on the first floor are the weakest, so it seems that the monsters on the bottom layer are relatively rare, and the phenomenon of gaps in the middle is too incredible."

The two brothers were discussing on the side like this, Ye Tian had nothing to do but wandered around in the not ample space on this floor but still didn't find any clues.

"Forget it, let's go straight up, think so much about what to do."

Ye Tian said indifferently, and as soon as he finished speaking, he pushed his right hand towards the building door again.

But it was also at this moment that the door that looked very dilapidated at this moment sent out a huge anti-shock force, and the huge shock wave directly hit Ye Tian's body and sent him flying.

And the dust around it completely blocked everyone's sight.

"Damn, what the hell is going on!?"

Just when Ye Tian was ready to deal with the next crisis, suddenly Liu Yu's scream attracted the attention of the two.


"Liu Yu!"

Liu Yun cried out in a piercing voice.

"What's the matter? Go and see!"

The more he felt that the situation in front of him was strange, Ye Tian's heart became more and more calm, fortunately, the distance between the three of them was not far, and Ye Tian immediately rushed to Liu Yu's side.

At this time, he swayed the smoke and dust around him, and when he saw Liu Yu's pale face, his heart froze even more.

"What the hell is going on? Hurry up and talk!"

Ye Tian hugged Liu Yu's body and asked anxiously.

"Something grabbed my back..."

Hearing this, Ye Tian also hurriedly lifted Liu up and carefully observed the condition of his back.

At this time, the soft armor that originally protected Liu Yu's back had been completely torn to pieces, and three shocking big holes appeared on his back.

The wound was so deep that you could almost see Liu Yu's cervical vertebrae, the flesh was also opened layer by layer, and there were some dark demonic energy constantly surrounding it, hindering the recovery of the injury.

"Compass! Pure Demon!"

Seeing this scene, Ye Tian's reaction was also extremely fast, directly pouring in the magic elements, and the pure white rays of light managed to purify the magic energy, and Liu Yu's complexion also recovered a lot than before, but it seems that it took a short time. There shouldn't be any combat power inside.

Although Liu Yu's injury has been basically dealt with, Ye Tian's face did not show any joy, instead it became more dignified.

What could have hurt him like this in an instant!

"Kid, don't guess, I guess you should encounter a shadow demon this time!"

"What it is?"

"Look closely at your feet, don't you see anything wrong?"


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