It was very calm along the way, if it wasn't for the pressure around him still existed, Ye Tian even thought he was strolling around a certain forest park.

To know that they were able to enter this space just now, the biggest reason is because the space that originally existed has long been fragmented, and they were able to reach it through the power transmitted by the space cracks.

"This mountain has been in our sight since the beginning. Even after walking so far, have you noticed that its size has not changed in the slightest?"

"I didn't expect to use it a bit cleverly, but I can only deceive those magicians!

And just like this, with the passage of time, both the two brothers and Ye Tian began to become a little flustered.

Break it for me!"

Liu Yun didn't seem to notice Ye Tian's expression at all, he walked forward on his own, but was pulled over by Liu Yu.

"It's not that easy..."

Ye Tian said with a smile on his face.

Feeling that there is a powerful power hidden in this little flower in front of him, Ye Tian nodded with satisfaction.

Feeling that this former big guy has a weak aura, Ye Tian is also unceremonious, directly using the undead flower in his hand to absorb all his undead aura, and seal it in it.

It was as if they moved with them.

"You see what that is?"

But at this moment, Ye Tian's eyes flicked, as if he had suddenly discovered something, and the corner of his mouth was slightly raised.

Following Ye Tian's order, the surrounding space began to change drastically._

But slowly, they finally discovered something was wrong, that is, no matter how much they increased their speed, they had already traveled a distance of several thousand meters, but the mountain peak was still the same size.

"Do you want to find a way to create another large energy shock wave and see if it can shatter this space?"


"Alas, it's just a hill. Go on, don't waste it here."

Ye Tian, ​​who knew more about the laws of space, showed a wry smile on his face.

It is worth mentioning that not long after they walked out, they found the undead creature and the shattered death.

After all, this journey was not in vain.

And relying on his own ability to shatter the space in front of him, although Ye Tian is very confident in his own ability, he also understands that this is basically impossible.

And this mountain itself may be the ancient cave dwelling!"

"Hidden formation, isolated formation, and made so many preparations in his own space, this master is really cautious enough."


Seeing that Liu Yun was still full of doubts in front of him, Ye Tian couldn't help but say.

Unlike those two brothers, Ye Tian is also a hairdresser after all. After driving a certain distance, he naturally felt the mystery.

"If I guess correctly, then this formation is probably hidden in this mountain peak.

Liu Yun asked Ye Tian tentatively.

Because along the way, they can clearly feel that the scenery they have experienced is basically the same, and even the terrain is not different. It is like spinning in circles.

Hearing this, the two of them also showed surprise expressions on their faces, and they began to quickly swept towards it.

At this time, Liu Yun also suddenly realized, and nodded heavily.

"Look carefully again!"

At this time, he stopped and used his mental power to slowly fluctuate the surrounding space. Sure enough, he found some traces of the formation around.

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