clap clap clap!

Before Ye Tian opened his mouth, it was possible that the artifact spirit that had just drilled into the compass appeared again.


It turned out that the fat and thin guys came from an ancient organization.

"Yes, I sensed a familiar wave in you, tell me, who are you!"

"Let's find a way to find some clues, as for the rest... I'll talk about it later."_

However, Ye Tian understood that joining any organization in his current status would not be beneficial but would restrict development, so he spoke directly.

"If I'm not mistaken, you should have come for these demonic qi, and the one in your body should be an adult who participated in the ancient battle."

Just as Ye Tian was thinking about finding out what clues, suddenly a man's admiring voice came from the side.

Seeing that the other party felt a little helpless, Ye Tian was also very strange.

After about a quarter of an hour, the two talents finally finished the story, and Ye Tian at this time also understood the ins and outs of the matter.

That Liu Yun was alluring with a smile on his face.

As the voice got closer and closer, Ye Tian finally saw the face of the person who came.

"In this case, it seems that the little brother and we are also the same people, and I can clearly feel that the strength of the little brother has improved by leaps and bounds. I wonder if you are interested in joining our Heaven and Earth Alliance?"

At the beginning of this organization, it was only composed of a few strong men in the world at that time, but with the slow development, a lot of lost treasures were also obtained on the way to search for monsters, and the organization began to become more and more large. got up.

Ye Tian also relaxed after seeing that the visitor was a friend rather than an enemy.

"Yes, Your Excellency really has extraordinary eyesight."

"I won't hide it from you here. I'm sorry for deceiving this little brother before. My real name is Liu Yun. This is my brother Liu Yu. We..."


After listening to this, Ye Tian also told all his origins and the identity of the artifact spirit, except that some key places were hidden, he basically came out.

At this time, the artifact spirit can be said to be full of power and powerful, so that the expressions of the two guys changed into a random salute, and then the fat man said respectfully.

After the war in that chaotic world that year, the demons did stop for a while,

However, because the ancient battlefield is really too attractive, there are always some people who are not open to look for or to find inheritance, so the magic energy began to spread on a small scale, causing a lot of casualties and accidents. It is precisely because of This is where the Heaven and Earth Alliance came into being.

At this time, Ye Tian's hair on his body stood up all of a sudden, and he turned his head and took out the Scepter of Four Elephants.

"Why are you two here?"

And at this moment, the fat man finally broke the silence.

Heaven and Earth Alliance!

It was the two fat and thin men that Mr. Ye met before going to Yun's house!

"Don't be so nervous, we are old friends, aren't we?"

"I should ask you this sentence! How come you are everywhere?"

In this way, with the gradual accumulation of power, they began to have their own right to speak. It was not like a few places in the world where the devilish energy was very chaotic were sealed, so the world was able to develop peacefully and become what it is now.

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