Depression, deathly depression.

At this time, Ye Tian only felt that his internal organs were being squeezed by a huge force, and that feeling made his throat have some fishy sweetness.

When Ye Tian turned around, he realized that Wang Moyu didn't know where he went, and a wry smile appeared on his face.

It seems that everything here is up to you.

At this time, Ye Tian forcibly endured the discomfort in his body, released all the remaining mental power that had been suppressed, and kept perceiving the movements around him.

"Depend on!"

In an instant, a sense of crisis rose in Ye Tian's heart, and his entire body rushed to the side, only when he looked back did he realize that the place where he had just been had turned into a bottomless pit.

Ye Tian hurriedly groped on his body and found that the neat corner of his clothes also had a huge hole at this time.

This thing is really elusive, and it is impossible to prevent it...

"Haha, this level of spatial turbulence made you look like this? If you encounter an opponent of this level in the future, what should you do!?"

"Brother, you really don't have back pain when you stand and talk..."

"Okay, okay, I won't make fun of you. Although this spatial turbulence is terrifying, it's not that you can't catch a clue..."

"What are you catching? This thing completely shatters the surrounding space. When you perceive it, it is already very close, and there is no way to form an effective defense!"

"Bullshit! Of course I know, but where would he come from if you knew?"





At this time, Ye Tian used his body technique to the extreme, and kept running in this space alone, looking like a big rope jumping from a distance.

However, if you observe carefully, you can find that Ye Tian's movements are dodging from side to side, but they still keep moving forward, and every time he passes through a place, a rippling space ripple will appear, which looks very magical.

"Alas! It's finally here."

Ye Tian looked at Hei Zi's fist that had been pinched by himself, and said with a long sigh.

I have to say that although this old guy is sometimes unreliable, he is really reliable at critical moments.

According to the method of artifact spirit, Ye Tian quickly found the doorway. He put the spiritual imprint that seemed to be originally used to build politics and law on the spatial turbulence.

Although the failure rate is very high, it can be said that there is no one in ten, but as long as the weak connection is established, with that slight fluctuation, Ye Tian can perceive their direction in advance, and even if it is reluctant to pass. This trial.

"What about that guy?"

Seeing that the space in front of him is still so calm, Ye Tian said in confusion.

"There's something wrong. According to reason, he is a member of the royal family after all, and has a unique understanding of space. Besides, this is the trial space left by the ancestors for them.

Although it's difficult, it shouldn't be a problem to come out with that little girl's talent."

"Could there be something wrong with it?"

"Should not..."

Before he could utter the words, a whirring sound came from the space in front of him in an instant, followed by a very violent spatial fluctuation.

That kind of feeling made Ye Tian feel heart palpitations even at a certain distance.

"Oops, this girl is probably in serious trouble!"_

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