Da da da...


According to Ye Tian's estimation, they should be at the edge of this formation at this time, and it should not be long before they can touch the body of this formation.

Just when Ye Tian was thinking about it alone, suddenly Wang Moyu seemed to have discovered something and pointed to the front and shouted anxiously.

And just when Wang Moyu was watching quietly here, planning to wait for Ye Tian to make an embarrassment, suddenly a sense of crisis surged in his body.

There is only one Luojiabao person who can enter here.

Hearing Qi Ling's words, Ye Tian's pupils also tightened.


At this time, he could only have some transparent fluctuations in the air that kept shining, but when he stretched out his arm and was touched, it disappeared all of a sudden.

"Huh? This seems to be a residual formation... This style... It's a bit like what Luojiabao people did."

"Big sister, big sister let go! No, no, yes!"

Looking in the direction of the sound, there is a very familiar wave left in the middle of the entire passage. Ye Tian didn't dare to be careless when he saw this scene, and quickly stepped forward.

Wang Moyu's many battle experiences made Wang Moyu react in an instant. With her right hand on the ground, her whole body spun around in the sky and landed firmly on the ground. But when she raised her head, she I found where I was sitting just now, and I don't know when a big hole has appeared.

At this time, Wang Moyu could only watch Ye Tian practise there, knocking on the stones on the ground in a bored way.

The missing place has a very smooth trajectory, as if it was suddenly removed by someone.

And by that time, relying on the power of the tool spirit and the compass, you will definitely find a way to find out where the formation's eye is.

"You bastard!"

"Yoyoyo, our Miss Wang's reaction speed is not bad, I thought it would make you suffer a small loss."

Soon the fight between the two was over, and after a bit of repairing here, and after taking a few bottles of spiritual medicine, they hurriedly continued on their way again.

As soon as he saw Ye Tian's face full of scorn, Wang Moyu's anger didn't come out, he rushed forward and grabbed Tian's neck with both hands.

"I'll strangle you!"

And what I said to Ye Tian before was so easy, just to see how he was hit the hardest after the setbacks.

At that time, with the strength of so many people, it will be easy to crack it.

Wang Moyu snorted, a look of vigilance on his face.

As a member of the Wang family, he is no stranger to the power of space since he was a child, and he is more aware of the hardships involved.

According to Wang Moyu's estimation, this guy should also retreat in spite of difficulties, and he is about to quit.

"What's that thing?"

"Old thing, have you seen this thing?"

Luo Tian!_

Even if he was hailed as the strongest genius of the Wang family's generation, it took him two years to successfully use the power of space.

Ye Tian also hurriedly begged for mercy. In fact, how could he know that Wang Moyu was not angry for the joke before, but because Ye Tian had mastered the space and the like so quickly, he felt a little embarrassed for a while.

Time was lost little by little, and an hour had passed since Ye Tian started to meditate and cultivate.

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